| org.w3c.dom.events.TextEvent
All known Subclasses: org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMTextEvent,
TextEvent | public interface TextEvent extends UIEvent(Code) | | The TextEvent interface provides specific contextual
information associated with Text Events.
To create an instance of the TextEvent interface, use the
DocumentEvent.createEvent("TextEvent") method call.
See also the
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification
since: DOM Level 3 |
Method Summary | |
public String | getData() data holds the value of the characters generated by the
character device. | public void | initTextEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, String dataArg) The initTextEvent method is used to initialize the value
of a TextEvent object and has the same behavior as
UIEvent.initUIEvent() . | public void | initTextEventNS(String namespaceURI, String type, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, String dataArg) The initTextEventNS method is used to initialize the
value of a TextEvent object and has the same behavior as
UIEvent.initUIEventNS() . |
getData | public String getData()(Code) | | data holds the value of the characters generated by the
character device. This may be a single Unicode character or a
non-empty sequence of Unicode characters [Unicode]. Characters should be normalized as defined by the Unicode
normalization form NFC, defined in [UAX #15]. This attribute
cannot be null or contain the empty string.
initTextEvent | public void initTextEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, String dataArg)(Code) | | The initTextEvent method is used to initialize the value
of a TextEvent object and has the same behavior as
UIEvent.initUIEvent() . The value of
UIEvent.detail remains undefined.
Parameters: typeArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: canBubbleArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: cancelableArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: viewArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: dataArg - Specifies TextEvent.data . |
initTextEventNS | public void initTextEventNS(String namespaceURI, String type, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, String dataArg)(Code) | | The initTextEventNS method is used to initialize the
value of a TextEvent object and has the same behavior as
UIEvent.initUIEventNS() . The value of
UIEvent.detail remains undefined.
Parameters: namespaceURI - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: type - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: canBubbleArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: cancelableArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: viewArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEventNS() method for a description of this parameter. Parameters: dataArg - Refer to the TextEvent.initTextEvent() method for a description of this parameter. |