| javax.swing.JPanel org.jfree.ui.L1R3ButtonPanel
L1R3ButtonPanel | public class L1R3ButtonPanel extends JPanel (Code) | | A 'ready-made' panel that has one button on the left and three buttons on the right - nested
panels and layout managers take care of resizing.
author: David Gilbert |
Method Summary | |
public JButton | getLeftButton() Returns a reference to button 1, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc. | public JButton | getRightButton1() Returns a reference to button 2, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc. | public JButton | getRightButton2() Returns a reference to button 3, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc. | public JButton | getRightButton3() Returns a reference to button 4, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc. |
L1R3ButtonPanel | public L1R3ButtonPanel(String label1, String label2, String label3, String label4)(Code) | | Standard constructor - creates panel with the specified button labels.
Parameters: label1 - the label for button 1. Parameters: label2 - the label for button 2. Parameters: label3 - the label for button 3. Parameters: label4 - the label for button 4. |
getLeftButton | public JButton getLeftButton()(Code) | | Returns a reference to button 1, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc.
the left button. |
getRightButton1 | public JButton getRightButton1()(Code) | | Returns a reference to button 2, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc.
the right button 1. |
getRightButton2 | public JButton getRightButton2()(Code) | | Returns a reference to button 3, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc.
the right button 2. |
getRightButton3 | public JButton getRightButton3()(Code) | | Returns a reference to button 4, allowing the caller to set labels, action-listeners etc.
the right button 3. |