Method Summary |
public double | calculateBottomInset(double height) Returns the bottom margin.
Parameters: height - the height of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateBottomOutset(double height) Returns the bottom margin.
Parameters: height - the height of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateLeftInset(double width) Returns the left margin.
Parameters: width - the width of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateLeftOutset(double width) Returns the left margin.
Parameters: width - the width of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateRightInset(double width) Returns the right margin.
Parameters: width - the width of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateRightOutset(double width) Returns the right margin.
Parameters: width - the width of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateTopInset(double height) Returns the top margin.
Parameters: height - the height of the base rectangle. |
public double | calculateTopOutset(double height) Returns the top margin.
Parameters: height - the height of the base rectangle. |
public Rectangle2D | createAdjustedRectangle(Rectangle2D base, LengthAdjustmentType horizontal, LengthAdjustmentType vertical) Creates an adjusted rectangle using the supplied rectangle, the insets
specified by this instance, and the horizontal and vertical
adjustment types.
Parameters: base - the base rectangle (null not permitted). Parameters: horizontal - the horizontal adjustment type (null notpermitted). Parameters: vertical - the vertical adjustment type (null not permitted). |
public Rectangle2D | createInsetRectangle(Rectangle2D base) Creates an 'inset' rectangle.
Parameters: base - the base rectangle (null not permitted). |
public Rectangle2D | createInsetRectangle(Rectangle2D base, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical) Creates an 'inset' rectangle. |
public Rectangle2D | createOutsetRectangle(Rectangle2D base) Creates an outset rectangle.
Parameters: base - the base rectangle (null not permitted). |
public Rectangle2D | createOutsetRectangle(Rectangle2D base, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical) Creates an outset rectangle. |
public boolean | equals(Object obj) Tests this instance for equality with an arbitrary object.
Parameters: obj - the object (null permitted). |
public double | extendHeight(double height) Extends the given height to allow for the insets.
Parameters: height - the height. |
public double | extendWidth(double width) Extends the given width to allow for the insets.
Parameters: width - the width. |
public double | getBottom() Returns the bottom insets. |
public double | getLeft() Returns the left insets. |
public double | getRight() Returns the right insets. |
public double | getTop() Returns the top insets. |
public UnitType | getUnitType() Returns the unit type (absolute or relative). |
public int | hashCode() Returns a hash code for the object. |
public String | toString() Returns a textual representation of this instance, useful for debugging
purposes. |
public void | trim(Rectangle2D area) Shrinks the given rectangle by the amount of these insets. |
public double | trimHeight(double height) Trims the given height to allow for the insets.
Parameters: height - the height. |
public double | trimWidth(double width) Trims the given width to allow for the insets.
Parameters: width - the width. |