| javax.swing.JPanel org.jfree.ui.SerialDateChooserPanel
SerialDateChooserPanel | public class SerialDateChooserPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener(Code) | | A panel that allows the user to select a date.
This class is incomplete and untested. You should not use it yet...
author: David Gilbert |
DEFAULT_DATE_BUTTON_COLOR | final public static Color DEFAULT_DATE_BUTTON_COLOR(Code) | | The default background color for the selected date.
DEFAULT_MONTH_BUTTON_COLOR | final public static Color DEFAULT_MONTH_BUTTON_COLOR(Code) | | The default background color for the current month.
SerialDateChooserPanel | public SerialDateChooserPanel()(Code) | | Constructs a new date chooser panel, using today's date as the initial selection.
SerialDateChooserPanel | public SerialDateChooserPanel(SerialDate date, boolean controlPanel)(Code) | | Constructs a new date chooser panel.
Parameters: date - the date. Parameters: controlPanel - a flag that indicates whether or not the 'today' button shouldappear on the panel. |
SerialDateChooserPanel | public SerialDateChooserPanel(SerialDate date, boolean controlPanel, Color dateButtonColor, Color monthButtonColor)(Code) | | Constructs a new date chooser panel.
Parameters: date - the date. Parameters: controlPanel - the control panel. Parameters: dateButtonColor - the date button color. Parameters: monthButtonColor - the month button color. |
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)(Code) | | Handles action-events from the date panel.
Parameters: e - information about the event that occurred. |
getButtonColor | protected Color getButtonColor(SerialDate targetDate)(Code) | | Returns the button color according to the specified date.
Parameters: targetDate - the target date. the button color. |
getDate | public SerialDate getDate()(Code) | | Returns the date selected in the panel.
the selected date. |
getFirstVisibleDate | protected SerialDate getFirstVisibleDate()(Code) | | Returns the first date that is visible in the grid. This should always be in the month
preceding the month of the selected date.
the first visible date. |
refreshButtons | protected void refreshButtons()(Code) | | Update the button labels and colors to reflect date selection.
setDate | public void setDate(SerialDate date)(Code) | | Sets the date chosen in the panel.
Parameters: date - the new date. |