| java.awt.Dialog javax.swing.JDialog org.jfree.ui.StandardDialog
All known Subclasses: org.jfree.ui.FontChooserDialog,
StandardDialog | public class StandardDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener(Code) | | The base class for standard dialogs.
author: David Gilbert |
localizationResources | final protected static ResourceBundle localizationResources(Code) | | The resourceBundle for the localization.
StandardDialog | public StandardDialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal)(Code) | | Standard constructor - builds a dialog...
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the title. Parameters: modal - modal? |
StandardDialog | public StandardDialog(Dialog owner, String title, boolean modal)(Code) | | Standard constructor - builds a dialog...
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the title. Parameters: modal - modal? |
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)(Code) | | Handles clicks on the standard buttons.
Parameters: event - the event. |
createButtonPanel | protected JPanel createButtonPanel()(Code) | | Builds and returns the user interface for the dialog. This method is shared among the
the button panel. |
isCancelled | public boolean isCancelled()(Code) | | Returns a flag that indicates whether or not the dialog has been cancelled.
boolean. |
Fields inherited from java.awt.Dialog | final public static ModalityType DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)