| java.awt.Dialog javax.swing.JDialog org.jfree.ui.tabbedui.TabbedDialog
TabbedDialog | public class TabbedDialog extends JDialog (Code) | | A JDialog implementation that uses a tabbed UI as backend.
author: Thomas Morgner |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog()(Code) | | Default constructor.
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Dialog owner)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Dialog owner, boolean modal)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: modal - modal dialog? |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Dialog owner, String title)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the dialog title. |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Dialog owner, String title, boolean modal)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the dialog title. Parameters: modal - modal dialog? |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Frame owner)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Frame owner, boolean modal)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: modal - modal dialog? |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Frame owner, String title)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the dialog title. |
TabbedDialog | public TabbedDialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal)(Code) | | Creates a new dialog.
Parameters: owner - the owner. Parameters: title - the dialog title. Parameters: modal - modal dialog? |
getTabbedUI | final protected AbstractTabbedUI getTabbedUI()(Code) | | Returns the UI implementation for the dialog.
Returns the tabbedUI. |
init | public void init(AbstractTabbedUI tabbedUI)(Code) | | Initialises the dialog.
Parameters: tabbedUI - the UI that controls the dialog. |
Fields inherited from java.awt.Dialog | final public static ModalityType DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)