| org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.codec.png.PNGEncoderTest
PNGEncoderTest | public class PNGEncoderTest extends TestCase (Code) | | This test validates the PNGEncoder operation. It creates a
BufferedImage, then encodes it with the PNGEncoder, then
decodes it and compares the decoded image with the original one.
author: Vincent Hardy version: $Id: PNGEncoderTest.java 447277 2006-09-18 06:19:34Z jeremias $ |
buildInputStream | public InputStream buildInputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream bos)(Code) | | Template method for building the PNG input stream. This gives a
chance to sub-classes (e.g., Base64PNGEncoderTest) to add an
additional decoding.
buildOutputStream | public OutputStream buildOutputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream bos)(Code) | | Template method for building the PNG output stream. This gives a
chance to sub-classes (e.g., Base64PNGEncoderTest) to add an
additional encoding.