Field Summary |
protected ColorModel | colorModel The image's ColorModel. |
protected int | height The image's height in pixels. |
protected int | minX The X coordinate of the image's upper-left pixel. |
protected int | minY The Y coordinate of the image's upper-left pixel. |
protected Hashtable | properties A Hashtable containing the image properties. |
protected SampleModel | sampleModel The image's SampleModel. |
protected List | sources The image's sources, stored in a Vector. |
protected int | tileGridXOffset The X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). |
protected int | tileGridYOffset The Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). |
protected int | tileHeight The height of a tile. |
protected int | tileWidth The width of a tile. |
protected int | width The image's width in pixels. |
Method Summary |
public static int | XToTileX(int x, int tileGridXOffset, int tileWidth) Converts a pixel's X coordinate into a horizontal tile index
relative to a given tile grid layout specified by its X offset
and tile width. |
public int | XToTileX(int x) Converts a pixel's X coordinate into a horizontal tile index.
This is a convenience method. |
public static int | YToTileY(int y, int tileGridYOffset, int tileHeight) Converts a pixel's Y coordinate into a vertical tile index
relative to a given tile grid layout specified by its Y offset
and tile height. |
public int | YToTileY(int y) Converts a pixel's Y coordinate into a vertical tile index.
This is a convenience method. |
public WritableRaster | copyData(WritableRaster dest) Copies an arbitrary rectangular region of the RenderedImage
into a caller-supplied WritableRaster. |
public Rectangle | getBounds() Returns a Rectangle indicating the image bounds. |
public ColorModel | getColorModel() Returns the ColorModel of the image. |
public Raster | getData() Returns the entire image in a single Raster. |
public Raster | getData(Rectangle bounds) Returns an arbitrary rectangular region of the RenderedImage
in a Raster. |
public int | getHeight() Returns the height of the image. |
public int | getMaxTileX() Returns the horizontal index of the rightmost column of tiles. |
public int | getMaxTileY() Returns the vertical index of the bottom row of tiles. |
final public int | getMaxX() Returns the X coordinate of the column immediatetely to the
right of the rightmost column of the image. |
final public int | getMaxY() Returns the Y coordinate of the row immediately below the
bottom row of the image. |
public int | getMinTileX() Returns the horizontal index of the leftmost column of tiles. |
public int | getMinTileY() Returns the vertical index of the uppermost row of tiles. |
public int | getMinX() Returns the X coordinate of the leftmost column of the image. |
public int | getMinY() Returns the X coordinate of the uppermost row of the image. |
public int | getNumXTiles() Returns the number of tiles along the tile grid in the
horizontal direction. |
public int | getNumYTiles() Returns the number of tiles along the tile grid in the vertical
direction. |
public Object | getProperty(String name) Gets a property from the property set of this image. |
public String[] | getPropertyNames() Returns a list of the properties recognized by this image. |
public String[] | getPropertyNames(String prefix) Returns an array of String s recognized as names by
this property source that begin with the supplied prefix. |
public SampleModel | getSampleModel() Returns the SampleModel of the image. |
public Vector | getSources() |
public int | getTileGridXOffset() Returns the X coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). |
public int | getTileGridYOffset() Returns the Y coordinate of the upper-left pixel of tile (0, 0). |
public int | getTileHeight() Returns the height of a tile. |
public int | getTileWidth() Returns the width of a tile. |
public int | getWidth() Returns the width of the image. |
public static int | tileXToX(int tx, int tileGridXOffset, int tileWidth) Converts a horizontal tile index into the X coordinate of its
upper left pixel relative to a given tile grid layout specified
by its X offset and tile width. |
public int | tileXToX(int tx) Converts a horizontal tile index into the X coordinate of its
upper left pixel. |
public static int | tileYToY(int ty, int tileGridYOffset, int tileHeight) Converts a vertical tile index into the Y coordinate of
its upper left pixel relative to a given tile grid layout
specified by its Y offset and tile height. |
public int | tileYToY(int ty) Converts a vertical tile index into the Y coordinate of its
upper left pixel. |