Serializes an XMP tree to XML or to an XMP packet.
Method Summary
public static void
writeXML(Metadata meta, Result res) Writes the in-memory representation of the XMP metadata to a JAXP Result.
public static void
writeXMPPacket(Metadata meta, OutputStream out, boolean readOnlyXMP) Writes the in-memory representation of the XMP metadata to an OutputStream as an XMP packet.
Writes the in-memory representation of the XMP metadata to a JAXP Result.
Parameters: meta - the metadata Parameters: res - the JAXP Result to write to throws: TransformerConfigurationException - if an error occurs setting up the XML infrastructure. throws: SAXException - if a SAX-related problem occurs while writing the XML
Writes the in-memory representation of the XMP metadata to an OutputStream as an XMP packet.
Parameters: meta - the metadata Parameters: out - the stream to write to Parameters: readOnlyXMP - true if the generated XMP packet should be read-only throws: TransformerConfigurationException - if an error occurs setting up the XML infrastructure. throws: SAXException - if a SAX-related problem occurs while writing the XML