| java.lang.Object com.knowgate.hipermail.RecipientsHelper
RecipientsHelper | public class RecipientsHelper (Code) | | Helper class for working with recipients lists
author: Sergio Montoro Ten version: 3.0 |
RecipientsHelper | public RecipientsHelper()(Code) | | Default Constructor
RecipientsHelper | public RecipientsHelper(String sWorkAreaGUID)(Code) | | Construct and set default workarea for this recipients helper
RecipientsHelper | public RecipientsHelper(MimeMessage oMsg) throws MessagingException(Code) | | Create RecipientsHelper and fill it with MimeMessage recipients
Parameters: oMsg - MimeMessage throws: MessagingException - |
addRecipients | public void addRecipients(Address[] oAddrs, Message.RecipientType oRecTp) throws ClassCastException(Code) | | Add recipients of a given type
Parameters: oAddrs - InternetAddress[] Parameters: oRecTp - RecipientType throws: ClassCastException - |
clearRecipientsForMessage | public static void clearRecipientsForMessage(JDCConnection oConn, String sGuMimeMsg) throws SQLException(Code) | | Delete rows at k_inet_addrs table for given message
Parameters: oConn - JDCConnection Parameters: sGuMimeMsg - String GUID of message which addresses are to be cleared throws: SQLException - |
getAddresses | public String[] getAddresses(Message.RecipientType oRecTp)(Code) | | Get array with recipients of a given type
Parameters: oRecTp - RecipientType InternetAddress[] |
getFromAddress | public static InternetAddress getFromAddress(MimeMessage oMsg) throws MessagingException(Code) | | |
getRecipients | public Address[] getRecipients(Message.RecipientType oRecTp)(Code) | | Get array with recipients of a given type
Parameters: oRecTp - RecipientType InternetAddress[] |
getReplyAddress | public static InternetAddress getReplyAddress(MimeMessage oMsg) throws MessagingException(Code) | | |
hasLists | public boolean hasLists()(Code) | | If called after parseRecipientsList(), this methods returns whether or not
any distribution list was expanded during the parsing process
boolean |
joinAddressList | public static String joinAddressList(Address[] aRecipients)(Code) | | Join mail addresses array on a single String
Parameters: aRecipients - Address[] String Mail addresses delimited by semicolons |
parseRecipientsList | public void parseRecipientsList(JDCConnection oAdCn, String sDelimitedList, Message.RecipientType oRecTp) throws SQLException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException, AddressException, UnsupportedEncodingException(Code) | | Parse a String of comma or semicolon delimited addresses
Addresses may be of any format accepted by DBInetAddr.parseAddress() method.
Distribution lists present at input string are expanded into BCC internal array.
Distribution list names begin with "list@" and end with ".list".
Or, also distribution list names are enclosed by brackets like "{this is a list}"
Thus if "engineers" is the GUID of a list containing members luke@engineers.com,peter@engineers.com
then TO "jhon@code.com,martin@maths.com,list@engineers.list,steve@maths.com"
will be parsed as
TO jhon@code.com,martin@maths.com,steve@maths.com
BCC luke@engineers.com,peter@engineers.com
Parameters: oAdCn - JDCConnection Parameters: sDelimitedList - String with addresses to be parsed Parameters: oRecTp - RecipientType throws: SQLException - throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException - throws: NullPointerException - throws: AddressException - throws: UnsupportedEncodingException - |