| com.ivata.groupware.GroupwareTestCase
All known Subclasses: com.ivata.groupware.admin.AdminTestCase,
GroupwareTestCase | public class GroupwareTestCase extends TestCase (Code) | | General test case. TODO
author: Colin MacLeod author: colin.macleod@ivata.com since: ivata groupware 0.10 (Jun 2, 2004) version: $Revision: 1.6 $ |
GroupwareTestCase | public GroupwareTestCase(Configuration hibernateConfigurationParam, String arg0)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: hibernateConfigurationParam - Used to initialize a hibernatesession for testing. Parameters: arg0 - . |
getHibernateManager | protected static HibernateManager getHibernateManager()(Code) | | Get the hibernate manager used for test persistence.
hibernate manager used for test persistence. |
getHibernateSession | protected static HibernateSession getHibernateSession()(Code) | | Get a hibernate session to test persistence.
hibernate session to test persistence. |
getSecuritySession | protected static SecuritySession getSecuritySession()(Code) | | Get a security session for testing.
test security session. |