001: /*
002: * Java HTML Tidy - JTidy
003: * HTML parser and pretty printer
004: *
005: * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts
006: * Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en
007: * Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights
008: * Reserved.
009: *
010: * Contributing Author(s):
011: *
012: * Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
013: * Andy Quick <ac.quick@sympatico.ca> (translation to Java)
014: * Gary L Peskin <garyp@firstech.com> (Java development)
015: * Sami Lempinen <sami@lempinen.net> (release management)
016: * Fabrizio Giustina <fgiust at users.sourceforge.net>
017: *
018: * The contributing author(s) would like to thank all those who
019: * helped with testing, bug fixes, and patience. This wouldn't
020: * have been possible without all of you.
021: *
023: *
024: * This software and documentation is provided "as is," and
025: * the copyright holders and contributing author(s) make no
026: * representations or warranties, express or implied, including
027: * but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness
028: * for any particular purpose or that the use of the software or
029: * documentation will not infringe any third party patents,
030: * copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
031: *
032: * The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be
033: * liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages
034: * arising out of any use of the software or documentation, even if
035: * advised of the possibility of such damage.
036: *
037: * Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute
038: * this source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables,
039: * for any purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
040: *
041: * 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
042: * 2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must
043: * not be misrepresented as being the original source.
044: * 3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any
045: * source or altered source distribution.
046: *
047: * The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically
048: * permit, without fee, and encourage the use of this source code
049: * as a component for supporting the Hypertext Markup Language in
050: * commercial products. If you use this source code in a product,
051: * acknowledgment is not required but would be appreciated.
052: *
053: */
054: package org.w3c.tidy;
056: import java.util.Hashtable;
057: import java.util.Map;
059: /**
060: * HTML attribute hash table.
061: * @author Dave Raggett <a href="mailto:dsr@w3.org">dsr@w3.org </a>
062: * @author Andy Quick <a href="mailto:ac.quick@sympatico.ca">ac.quick@sympatico.ca </a> (translation to Java)
063: * @author Fabrizio Giustina
064: * @version $Revision: 1.21 $ ($Author: fgiust $)
065: */
066: public class AttributeTable {
068: /**
069: * href attribute.
070: */
071: protected static Attribute attrHref;
073: /**
074: * src attribute.
075: */
076: protected static Attribute attrSrc;
078: /**
079: * id attribute.
080: */
081: protected static Attribute attrId;
083: /**
084: * name attribute.
085: */
086: protected static Attribute attrName;
088: /**
089: * summary attribute.
090: */
091: protected static Attribute attrSummary;
093: /**
094: * alt attribute.
095: */
096: protected static Attribute attrAlt;
098: /**
099: * logdesc attribute.
100: */
101: protected static Attribute attrLongdesc;
103: /**
104: * usemap attribute.
105: */
106: protected static Attribute attrUsemap;
108: /**
109: * ismap attribute.
110: */
111: protected static Attribute attrIsmap;
113: /**
114: * language attribute.
115: */
116: protected static Attribute attrLanguage;
118: /**
119: * type attribute.
120: */
121: protected static Attribute attrType;
123: /**
124: * title attribute.
125: */
126: protected static Attribute attrTitle;
128: /**
129: * xmlns attribute.
130: */
131: protected static Attribute attrXmlns;
133: /**
134: * value attribute.
135: */
136: protected static Attribute attrValue;
138: /**
139: * content attribute.
140: */
141: protected static Attribute attrContent;
143: /**
144: * datafld attribute.
145: */
146: protected static Attribute attrDatafld;
148: /**
149: * width attribute.
150: */
151: protected static Attribute attrWidth;
153: /**
154: * height attribute.
155: */
156: protected static Attribute attrHeight;
158: /**
159: * attribute table instance.
160: */
161: private static AttributeTable defaultAttributeTable;
163: /**
164: * all the known attributes.
165: */
166: private static final Attribute[] ATTRS = {
167: new Attribute("abbr", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT),
168: new Attribute("accept-charset", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
169: AttrCheckImpl.CHARSET),
170: new Attribute("accept", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TYPE),
171: new Attribute("accesskey", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
172: AttrCheckImpl.CHARACTER),
173: new Attribute("action", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.URL),
174: new Attribute("add_date", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE,
175: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // A
176: new Attribute("align", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.ALIGN), // set varies with element
177: new Attribute("alink", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.COLOR),
178: new Attribute("alt", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT),
179: new Attribute("archive", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
180: AttrCheckImpl.URLS), // space or comma separated list
181: new Attribute("axis", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT),
182: new Attribute("background", Dict.VERS_LOOSE,
183: AttrCheckImpl.URL),
184: new Attribute("bgcolor", Dict.VERS_LOOSE,
185: AttrCheckImpl.COLOR),
186: new Attribute("bgproperties", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
187: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // BODY "fixed" fixes background
188: new Attribute("border", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // like LENGTH + "border"
189: new Attribute("bordercolor", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
190: AttrCheckImpl.COLOR), // used on TABLE
191: new Attribute("bottommargin", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
192: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // used on BODY
193: new Attribute("cellpadding", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
194: AttrCheckImpl.LENGTH), // % or pixel values
195: new Attribute("cellspacing", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
196: AttrCheckImpl.LENGTH),
197: new Attribute("char", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
198: AttrCheckImpl.CHARACTER),
199: new Attribute("charoff", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
200: AttrCheckImpl.LENGTH),
201: new Attribute("charset", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
202: AttrCheckImpl.CHARSET),
203: new Attribute("checked", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // i.e. "checked" or absent
204: new Attribute("cite", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.URL),
205: new Attribute("class", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT),
206: new Attribute("classid", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
207: AttrCheckImpl.URL),
208: new Attribute("clear", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.CLEAR), // BR: left, right, all
209: new Attribute("code", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // APPLET
210: new Attribute("codebase", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
211: AttrCheckImpl.URL), // OBJECT
212: new Attribute("codetype", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
213: AttrCheckImpl.TYPE), // OBJECT
214: new Attribute("color", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.COLOR), // BASEFONT, FONT
215: new Attribute("cols", Dict.VERS_IFRAME, AttrCheckImpl.COLS), // TABLE & FRAMESET
216: new Attribute("colspan", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
217: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER),
218: new Attribute("compact", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // lists
219: new Attribute("content", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // META
220: new Attribute("coords", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
221: AttrCheckImpl.COORDS), // AREA, A
222: new Attribute("data", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.URL), // OBJECT
223: new Attribute("datafld", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
224: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // used on DIV, IMG
225: new Attribute("dataformatas", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
226: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // used on DIV, IMG
227: new Attribute("datapagesize", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
228: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // used on DIV, IMG
229: new Attribute("datasrc", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
230: AttrCheckImpl.URL), // used on TABLE
231: new Attribute("datetime", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
232: AttrCheckImpl.DATE), // INS, DEL
233: new Attribute("declare", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
234: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // OBJECT
235: new Attribute("defer", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // SCRIPT
236: new Attribute("dir", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
237: AttrCheckImpl.TEXTDIR), // ltr or rtl
238: new Attribute("disabled", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
239: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // form fields
240: new Attribute("enctype", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TYPE), // FORM
241: new Attribute("face", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // BASEFONT, FONT
242: new Attribute("for", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.IDREF), // LABEL
243: new Attribute("frame", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
244: AttrCheckImpl.TFRAME), // TABLE
245: new Attribute("frameborder",
246: (short) (Dict.VERS_FRAMESET | Dict.VERS_IFRAME),
247: AttrCheckImpl.FBORDER), // 0 or 1
248: new Attribute("framespacing", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
249: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // pixel value
250: new Attribute("gridx", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
251: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // TABLE Adobe golive
252: new Attribute("gridy", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
253: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // TABLE Adobe golive
254: new Attribute("headers", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
255: AttrCheckImpl.IDREF), // table cells
256: new Attribute("height", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.LENGTH), // pixels only for TH/TD
257: new Attribute("href", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.URL), // A, AREA, LINK and BASE
258: new Attribute("hreflang", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
259: AttrCheckImpl.LANG), // A, LINK
260: new Attribute("hspace", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // APPLET, IMG, OBJECT
261: new Attribute("http-equiv", Dict.VERS_ALL,
262: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // META
263: new Attribute("id", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.ID),
264: new Attribute("ismap", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // IMG
265: new Attribute("label", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // OPT, OPTGROUP
266: new Attribute("lang", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.LANG),
267: new Attribute("language", Dict.VERS_LOOSE,
268: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // SCRIPT
269: new Attribute("last_modified", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE,
270: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // A
271: new Attribute("last_visit", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE,
272: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // A
273: new Attribute("leftmargin", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
274: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // used on BODY
275: new Attribute("link", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.COLOR), // BODY
276: new Attribute("longdesc", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
277: AttrCheckImpl.URL), // IMG
278: new Attribute("lowsrc", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
279: AttrCheckImpl.URL), // IMG
280: new Attribute("marginheight", Dict.VERS_IFRAME,
281: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // FRAME, IFRAME, BODY
282: new Attribute("marginwidth", Dict.VERS_IFRAME,
283: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // ditto
284: new Attribute("maxlength", Dict.VERS_ALL,
285: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // INPUT
286: new Attribute("media", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
287: AttrCheckImpl.MEDIA), // STYLE, LINK
288: new Attribute("method", Dict.VERS_ALL,
289: AttrCheckImpl.FSUBMIT), // FORM: get or post
290: new Attribute("multiple", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // SELECT
291: new Attribute("name", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.NAME),
292: new Attribute("nohref", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
293: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // AREA
294: new Attribute("noresize", Dict.VERS_FRAMESET,
295: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // FRAME
296: new Attribute("noshade", Dict.VERS_LOOSE,
297: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // HR
298: new Attribute("nowrap", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // table cells
299: new Attribute("object", Dict.VERS_HTML40_LOOSE,
300: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // APPLET
301: new Attribute("onblur", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
302: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
303: new Attribute("onchange", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
304: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
305: new Attribute("onclick", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
306: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
307: new Attribute("ondblclick", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
308: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
309: new Attribute("onkeydown", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
310: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
311: new Attribute("onkeypress", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
312: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
313: new Attribute("onkeyup", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
314: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
315: new Attribute("onload", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
316: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
317: new Attribute("onmousedown", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
318: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
319: new Attribute("onmousemove", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
320: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
321: new Attribute("onmouseout", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
322: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
323: new Attribute("onmouseover", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
324: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
325: new Attribute("onmouseup", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
326: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
327: new Attribute("onsubmit", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
328: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
329: new Attribute("onreset", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
330: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
331: new Attribute("onselect", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
332: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
333: new Attribute("onunload", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
334: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
335: new Attribute("onfocus", Dict.VERS_EVENTS,
336: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // event
337: new Attribute("onafterupdate", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
338: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
339: new Attribute("onbeforeupdate", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
340: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
341: new Attribute("onerrorupdate", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
342: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
343: new Attribute("onrowenter", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
344: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
345: new Attribute("onrowexit", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
346: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
347: new Attribute("onbeforeunload", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
348: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // form fields
349: new Attribute("ondatasetchanged", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
350: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // object, applet
351: new Attribute("ondataavailable", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
352: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // object, applet
353: new Attribute("ondatasetcomplete", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
354: AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT), // object, applet
355: new Attribute("profile", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
356: AttrCheckImpl.URL), // HEAD
357: new Attribute("prompt", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // ISINDEX
358: new Attribute("readonly", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
359: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // form fields
360: new Attribute("rel", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.LINKTYPES), // A, LINK
361: new Attribute("rev", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.LINKTYPES), // A, LINK
362: new Attribute("rightmargin", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
363: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // used on BODY
364: new Attribute("rows", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // TEXTAREA
365: new Attribute("rowspan", Dict.VERS_ALL,
366: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // table cells
367: new Attribute("rules", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
368: AttrCheckImpl.TRULES), // TABLE
369: new Attribute("scheme", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
370: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // META
371: new Attribute("scope", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
372: AttrCheckImpl.SCOPE), // table cells
373: new Attribute("scrolling", Dict.VERS_IFRAME,
374: AttrCheckImpl.SCROLL), // yes, no or auto
375: new Attribute("selected", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // OPTION
376: new Attribute("shape", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
377: AttrCheckImpl.SHAPE), // AREA, A
378: new Attribute("showgrid", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
379: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // TABLE Adobe golive
380: new Attribute("showgridx", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
381: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // TABLE Adobe golive
382: new Attribute("showgridy", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
383: AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // TABLE Adobe golive
384: new Attribute("size", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // HR, FONT, BASEFONT, SELECT
385: new Attribute("span", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
386: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // COL, COLGROUP
387: new Attribute("src", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.URL), // IMG, FRAME, IFRAME
388: new Attribute("standby", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
389: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // OBJECT
390: new Attribute("start", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // OL
391: new Attribute("style", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT),
392: new Attribute("summary", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
393: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // TABLE
394: new Attribute("tabindex", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
395: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // fields, OBJECT and A
396: new Attribute("target", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
397: AttrCheckImpl.TARGET), // names a frame/window
398: new Attribute("text", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.COLOR), // BODY
399: new Attribute("title", Dict.VERS_HTML40, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // text tool tip
400: new Attribute("topmargin", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT,
401: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // used on BODY
402: new Attribute("type", Dict.VERS_FROM32, AttrCheckImpl.TYPE), // also used by SPACER
403: new Attribute("usemap", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.BOOL), // things with images
404: new Attribute("valign", Dict.VERS_FROM32,
405: AttrCheckImpl.VALIGN),
406: new Attribute("value", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // OPTION, PARAM
407: new Attribute("valuetype", Dict.VERS_HTML40,
408: AttrCheckImpl.VTYPE), // PARAM: data, ref, object
409: new Attribute("version", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // HTML
410: new Attribute("vlink", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, AttrCheckImpl.COLOR), // BODY
411: new Attribute("vspace", Dict.VERS_LOOSE,
412: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // IMG, OBJECT, APPLET
413: new Attribute("width", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.LENGTH), // pixels only for TD/TH
414: new Attribute("wrap", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE,
415: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // textarea
416: new Attribute("xml:lang", Dict.VERS_XML, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // XML language
417: new Attribute("xml:space", Dict.VERS_XML,
418: AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // XML language
419: new Attribute("xmlns", Dict.VERS_ALL, AttrCheckImpl.TEXT), // name space
420: new Attribute("rbspan", Dict.VERS_XHTML11,
421: AttrCheckImpl.NUMBER), // ruby markup
422: };
424: /**
425: * Map containing all the installed attributes.
426: */
427: private Map attributeHashtable = new Hashtable();
429: /**
430: * lookup an installed Attribute.
431: * @param name attribute name
432: * @return Attribute or null if the attribute is not found
433: */
434: public Attribute lookup(String name) {
435: return (Attribute) this .attributeHashtable.get(name);
436: }
438: /**
439: * installs a new Attribute.
440: * @param attr Atribute
441: * @return installed Attribute
442: */
443: public Attribute install(Attribute attr) {
444: return (Attribute) this .attributeHashtable.put(attr.getName(),
445: attr);
446: }
448: /**
449: * public method for finding attribute definition by name.
450: * @param attval AttVal instance
451: * @return Attribute with name = attval.name
452: */
453: public Attribute findAttribute(AttVal attval) {
454: Attribute np;
456: if (attval.attribute != null) {
457: np = lookup(attval.attribute);
458: return np;
459: }
461: return null;
462: }
464: /**
465: * Does the given attibute contains an url?
466: * @param attrname attribute name
467: * @return <code>true</code> if the given attribute is expected to contain an URL
468: */
469: public boolean isUrl(String attrname) {
470: Attribute np;
472: np = lookup(attrname);
473: return (np != null && np.getAttrchk() == AttrCheckImpl.URL);
474: }
476: /**
477: * Does the given attibute contains a script?
478: * @param attrname attribute name
479: * @return <code>true</code> if the given attribute is expected to contain a script
480: */
481: public boolean isScript(String attrname) {
482: Attribute np;
484: np = lookup(attrname);
485: return (np != null && np.getAttrchk() == AttrCheckImpl.SCRIPT);
486: }
488: /**
489: * Does the given attibute contains a literal attribute?
490: * @param attrname attribute name
491: * @return <code>true</code> if the given attribute is expected to contain a literal attribute
492: */
493: public boolean isLiteralAttribute(String attrname) {
494: Attribute np;
496: np = lookup(attrname);
497: return (np != null && np.isLiteral());
498: }
500: /**
501: * Declare a new literal attribute.
502: * @param name atribute name
503: */
504: public void declareLiteralAttrib(String name) {
505: // Henry Zrepa reports that some folk are using embed with script attributes where newlines are signficant.
506: // These
507: // need to be declared and handled specially!
508: Attribute attrib = lookup(name);
510: if (attrib == null) {
511: attrib = install(new Attribute(name, Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY,
512: null));
513: }
515: attrib.setLiteral(true);
516: }
518: /**
519: * Returns the default attribute table instance.
520: * @return AttributeTable instance
521: */
522: public static AttributeTable getDefaultAttributeTable() {
523: if (defaultAttributeTable == null) {
524: defaultAttributeTable = new AttributeTable();
525: for (int i = 0; i < ATTRS.length; i++) {
526: defaultAttributeTable.install(ATTRS[i]);
527: }
528: attrHref = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("href");
529: attrSrc = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("src");
530: attrId = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("id");
531: attrName = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("name");
532: attrSummary = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("summary");
533: attrAlt = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("alt");
534: attrLongdesc = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("longdesc");
535: attrUsemap = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("usemap");
536: attrIsmap = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("ismap");
537: attrLanguage = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("language");
538: attrType = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("type");
539: attrTitle = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("title");
540: attrXmlns = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("xmlns");
541: attrValue = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("value");
542: attrContent = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("content");
543: attrDatafld = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("datafld");
544: attrWidth = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("width");
545: attrHeight = defaultAttributeTable.lookup("height");
547: attrAlt.setNowrap(true);
548: attrValue.setNowrap(true);
549: attrContent.setNowrap(true);
550: }
551: return defaultAttributeTable;
552: }
554: }