Method Summary |
public void | test427810() test for Tidy [427810] : Proprietary elements not reported as err. |
public void | test427827() test for Tidy [427827] : Nested anchor elements allowed. |
public void | test427834() test for Tidy [427834] : Warning given for newline in DOCTYPE. |
public void | test427844() test for Tidy [427844] : End tags containing whitespace warning. |
public void | test431719() test for Tidy [431719] : Spec want "HTML 3.2 Final", but everyone in the world, including Tidy, uses "HTML 3.2". |
public void | test431874() test for Tidy [431874] : Nested anchors not detected. |
public void | test431883() test for Tidy [431883] : Given doctype reported incorrectly. |
public void | test431956() test for Tidy [431956] : Well formed XSL xsl:text gives error. |
public void | test431964() test for Tidy [431964] : table height="" not flagged as error. |
public void | test433021() test for Tidy [433021] : Identify attribute whose value is bad. |
public void | test433607() test for Tidy [433607] : No warning for omitted end tag with -xml. |
public void | test433670() test for Tidy [433670] : &apos not recognized as valid XML entity. |
public void | test434047() test for Tidy [434047] : Mixed content in 4.01 Strict not allowed. |
public void | test434100() test for Tidy [434100] : Error actually reported as a warning (-xml). |
public void | test435917() test for Tidy [435917] : <input onfocus=""> reported unknown attr. |
public void | test435917b() test for Tidy [435917] : missing "=" in attribute confuses tidy. |
public void | test435922() test for Tidy [435922] : Missing <form> around <input> no warning. |
public void | test438956() test for Tidy [438956] : Bad head-endtag reported incorrectly. |
public void | test446019() test for Tidy [446019] : <img name="foo"> allowed in XTHML-Strict. |
public void | test450389() test for Tidy [450389] : Color attval check allows only black/#. |
public void | test501230() test for Tidy [501230] : "0" (Zero) has to be lower case. |
public void | test501669() test for Tidy [501669] : width="n*" marked invalid on <COL>. |
public void | test516370() test for Tidy [516370] : Invalid ID value. |
public void | test517528() test for Tidy [517528] : Parser complains about xml:lang. |
public void | test525081() test for Tidy [525081] : frameset rows attr. |
public void | test538536() test for Tidy [538536] : Extra endtags not detected. |
public void | test545067() test for Tidy [545067] : Implicit closing of head broken. |
public void | test552861() test for Tidy [552861] : <td with=""> not recognized. |
public void | test553414() test for Tidy [553414] : XHTML strict accept '_target' attribute. |
public void | test553468() test for Tidy [553468] : Doesn't warn about <u> in XHTML strict. |
public void | test559774() test for Tidy [559774] : tidy version rejects all id values. |
public void | test706260() test for Tidy [706260] : size not accepted for input. |