001: // Jericho HTML Parser - Java based library for analysing and manipulating HTML
002: // Version 2.5
003: // Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Jericho
004: // http://jerichohtml.sourceforge.net/
005: //
006: // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007: // modify it under the terms of either one of the following licences:
008: //
009: // 1. The Eclipse Public License (EPL) version 1.0,
010: // included in this distribution in the file licence-epl-1.0.html
011: // or available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
012: //
013: // 2. The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later,
014: // included in this distribution in the file licence-lgpl-2.1.txt
015: // or available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt
016: //
017: // This library is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
018: // WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
019: // See the individual licence texts for more details.
021: package au.id.jericho.lib.html;
023: import au.id.jericho.lib.html.nodoc.*;
024: import java.util.*;
025: import java.io.*;
027: /**
028: * Represents the list of {@link Attribute} objects present within a particular {@link StartTag}.
029: * <p>
030: * This segment starts at the end of the start tag's {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name}
031: * and ends at the end of the last attribute.
032: * <p>
033: * The attributes in this list are a representation of those found in the source document and are not modifiable.
034: * The {@link OutputDocument#replace(Attributes, Map)} and {@link OutputDocument#replace(Attributes, boolean convertNamesToLowerCase)} methods
035: * provide the means to add, delete or modify attributes and their values in an {@link OutputDocument}.
036: * <p>
037: * As of version 2.4, any {@linkplain TagType#isServerTag() server tags} encountered inside the attributes area of a non-server tag
038: * no longer interfere with the parsing of the attributes.
039: * <p>
040: * If too many syntax errors are encountered while parsing a start tag's attributes, the parser rejects the entire start tag
041: * and generates a {@linkplain Source#getLogger() log} entry.
042: * The threshold for the number of errors allowed can be set using the {@link #setDefaultMaxErrorCount(int)} static method.
043: * <p>
044: * Obtained using the {@link StartTag#getAttributes()} method, or explicitly using the {@link Source#parseAttributes(int pos, int maxEnd)} method.
045: * <p>
046: * It is common for instances of this class to contain no attributes.
047: * <p>
048: * See also the XML 1.0 specification for <a target="_blank" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#dt-attr">attributes</a>.
049: * <p>
050: * Note that before version 2.0 the segment ended just before the tag's
051: * {@linkplain StartTagType#getClosingDelimiter() closing delimiter} instead of at the end of the last attribute.
052: *
053: * @see StartTag
054: * @see Attribute
055: */
056: public final class Attributes extends SequentialListSegment {
057: private final LinkedList attributeList; // never null
059: // parsing states:
060: private static final int AFTER_TAG_NAME = 0;
061: private static final int BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES = 1;
062: private static final int IN_NAME = 2;
063: private static final int AFTER_NAME = 3; // this only happens if an attribute name is followed by whitespace
064: private static final int START_VALUE = 4;
065: private static final int IN_VALUE = 5;
066: private static final int AFTER_VALUE_FINAL_QUOTE = 6;
068: private static int defaultMaxErrorCount = 2; // defines maximum number of minor errors that can be encountered in attributes before entire start tag is rejected.
070: private Attributes(final Source source, final int begin,
071: final int end, final LinkedList attributeList) {
072: super (source, begin, end);
073: this .attributeList = attributeList;
074: }
076: /** called from StartTagType.parseAttributes(Source, int startTagBegin, String tagName) */
077: static Attributes construct(final Source source,
078: final int startTagBegin, final StartTagType startTagType,
079: final String tagName) {
080: return construct(source, "StartTag", AFTER_TAG_NAME,
081: startTagBegin, -1, -1, startTagType, tagName,
082: defaultMaxErrorCount);
083: }
085: /** called from StartTag.parseAttributes(int maxErrorCount) */
086: static Attributes construct(final Source source,
087: final int startTagBegin, final int attributesBegin,
088: final int maxEnd, final StartTagType startTagType,
089: final String tagName, final int maxErrorCount) {
090: return construct(source, "Attributes for StartTag",
091: BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES, startTagBegin, attributesBegin,
092: maxEnd, startTagType, tagName, maxErrorCount);
093: }
095: /** called from Source.parseAttributes(int pos, int maxEnd, int maxErrorCount) */
096: static Attributes construct(final Source source, final int begin,
097: final int maxEnd, final int maxErrorCount) {
098: return construct(source, "Attributes", BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES,
099: begin, -1, maxEnd, StartTagType.NORMAL, null,
100: maxErrorCount);
101: }
103: /**
104: * Any < character found within the start tag is treated as though it is part of the attribute
105: * list, which is consistent with the way IE treats it.
106: * @param logBegin the position of the beginning of the object being searched (for logging)
107: * @param attributesBegin the position of the beginning of the attribute list, or -1 if it should be calculated automatically from logBegin.
108: * @param maxEnd the position at which the attributes must end if a terminating character is not found, or -1 if no maximum.
109: * @param tagName the name of the enclosing StartTag, or null if constucting attributes directly.
110: */
111: private static Attributes construct(final Source source,
112: final String logType, int state, final int logBegin,
113: int attributesBegin, final int maxEnd,
114: final StartTagType startTagType, final String tagName,
115: final int maxErrorCount) {
116: boolean isClosingSlashIgnored = false;
117: if (tagName != null) {
118: // 'logBegin' parameter is the start of the associated start tag
119: if (attributesBegin == -1)
120: attributesBegin = logBegin + 1 + tagName.length();
121: if (startTagType == StartTagType.NORMAL
122: && HTMLElements.isClosingSlashIgnored(tagName))
123: isClosingSlashIgnored = true;
124: } else {
125: attributesBegin = logBegin;
126: }
127: int attributesEnd = attributesBegin;
128: final LinkedList attributeList = new LinkedList();
129: final ParseText parseText = source.getParseText();
130: int i = attributesBegin;
131: char quote = ' ';
132: Segment nameSegment = null;
133: String key = null;
134: int currentBegin = -1;
135: boolean isTerminatingCharacter = false;
136: int errorCount = 0;
137: try {
138: while (!isTerminatingCharacter) {
139: if (i == maxEnd
140: || startTagType.atEndOfAttributes(source, i,
141: isClosingSlashIgnored))
142: isTerminatingCharacter = true;
143: final char ch = parseText.charAt(i);
144: // First check if there is a server tag in this position:
145: if (ch == '<') {
146: final Tag interlopingTag = source.getTagAt(i);
147: if (interlopingTag != null
148: && interlopingTag.getTagType()
149: .isServerTag()) {
150: // There is a server tag in this position. Skip over it:
151: i = interlopingTag.end;
152: if (state == START_VALUE)
153: state = IN_VALUE;
154: continue;
155: }
156: }
157: // There is no server tag in this position. Now we can parse the attributes:
158: switch (state) {
159: case IN_VALUE:
160: if (isTerminatingCharacter || ch == quote
161: || (quote == ' ' && isWhiteSpace(ch))) {
162: Segment valueSegment;
163: Segment valueSegmentIncludingQuotes;
164: if (quote == ' ') {
165: valueSegment = valueSegmentIncludingQuotes = new Segment(
166: source, currentBegin, i);
167: } else {
168: if (isTerminatingCharacter) {
169: if (i == maxEnd) {
170: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
171: log(
172: source,
173: logType,
174: tagName,
175: logBegin,
176: "terminated in the middle of a quoted attribute value",
177: i);
178: if (reachedMaxErrorCount(
179: ++errorCount, source,
180: logType, tagName, logBegin,
181: maxErrorCount))
182: return null;
183: valueSegment = new Segment(source,
184: currentBegin, i);
185: valueSegmentIncludingQuotes = new Segment(
186: source, currentBegin - 1, i); // this is missing the end quote
187: } else {
188: // don't want to terminate, only encountered a terminating character in the middle of a quoted value
189: isTerminatingCharacter = false;
190: break;
191: }
192: } else {
193: valueSegment = new Segment(source,
194: currentBegin, i);
195: valueSegmentIncludingQuotes = new Segment(
196: source, currentBegin - 1, i + 1);
197: }
198: }
199: attributeList.add(new Attribute(source, key,
200: nameSegment, valueSegment,
201: valueSegmentIncludingQuotes));
202: attributesEnd = valueSegmentIncludingQuotes
203: .getEnd();
205: } else if (ch == '<' && quote == ' ') {
206: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
207: log(
208: source,
209: logType,
210: tagName,
211: logBegin,
212: "rejected because of '<' character in unquoted attribute value",
213: i);
214: return null;
215: }
216: break;
217: case IN_NAME:
218: if (isTerminatingCharacter || ch == '='
219: || isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
220: nameSegment = new Segment(source, currentBegin,
221: i);
222: key = nameSegment.toString().toLowerCase();
223: if (isTerminatingCharacter) {
224: attributeList.add(new Attribute(source,
225: key, nameSegment)); // attribute with no value
226: attributesEnd = i;
227: } else {
228: state = (ch == '=' ? START_VALUE
229: : AFTER_NAME);
230: }
231: } else if (!Tag.isXMLNameChar(ch)) {
232: // invalid character detected in attribute name.
233: if (ch == '<') {
234: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
235: log(
236: source,
237: logType,
238: tagName,
239: logBegin,
240: "rejected because of '<' character in attribute name",
241: i);
242: return null;
243: }
244: if (isInvalidEmptyElementTag(startTagType,
245: source, i, logType, tagName, logBegin))
246: break;
247: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
248: log(
249: source,
250: logType,
251: tagName,
252: logBegin,
253: "contains attribute name with invalid character",
254: i);
255: if (reachedMaxErrorCount(++errorCount, source,
256: logType, tagName, logBegin,
257: maxErrorCount))
258: return null;
259: }
260: break;
261: case AFTER_NAME:
262: // attribute name has been followed by whitespace, but may still be followed by an '=' character.
263: if (isTerminatingCharacter
264: || !(ch == '=' || isWhiteSpace(ch))) {
265: attributeList.add(new Attribute(source, key,
266: nameSegment)); // attribute with no value
267: attributesEnd = nameSegment.getEnd();
268: if (isTerminatingCharacter)
269: break;
270: // The current character is the first character of an attribute name
272: i--; // want to reparse the same character again, so decrement i. Note we could instead just fall into the next case statement without a break, but such code is always discouraged.
273: } else if (ch == '=') {
274: state = START_VALUE;
275: } else if (ch == '<') {
276: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
277: log(
278: source,
279: logType,
280: tagName,
281: logBegin,
282: "rejected because of '<' character after attribute name",
283: i);
284: return null;
285: }
286: break;
288: if (!isTerminatingCharacter) {
289: // the quote variable is used here to make sure whitespace has come after the last quoted attribute value
290: if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
291: quote = ' ';
292: } else {
293: if (quote != ' ') {
294: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
295: log(
296: source,
297: logType,
298: tagName,
299: logBegin,
300: "has missing whitespace after quoted attribute value",
301: i);
302: // log this as an error but don't count it
303: }
304: if (!Tag.isXMLNameStartChar(ch)) {
305: // invalid character detected as first character of attribute name.
306: if (ch == '<') {
307: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
308: log(
309: source,
310: logType,
311: tagName,
312: logBegin,
313: "rejected because of '<' character",
314: i);
315: return null;
316: }
317: if (isInvalidEmptyElementTag(
318: startTagType, source, i,
319: logType, tagName, logBegin))
320: break;
321: if (startTagType == StartTagType.NORMAL
322: && startTagType
323: .atEndOfAttributes(
324: source, i,
325: false)) {
326: // This checks whether we've found the characters "/>" but it wasn't recognised as the closing delimiter because isClosingSlashIgnored is true.
327: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
328: log(
329: source,
330: logType,
331: tagName,
332: logBegin,
333: "contains a '/' character before the closing '>', which is ignored because tags of this name cannot be empty-element tags");
334: break;
335: }
336: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
337: log(
338: source,
339: logType,
340: tagName,
341: logBegin,
342: "contains attribute name with invalid first character",
343: i);
344: if (reachedMaxErrorCount(++errorCount,
345: source, logType, tagName,
346: logBegin, maxErrorCount))
347: return null;
348: }
349: state = IN_NAME;
350: currentBegin = i;
351: }
352: }
353: break;
354: case START_VALUE:
355: currentBegin = i;
356: if (isTerminatingCharacter) {
357: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
358: log(
359: source,
360: logType,
361: tagName,
362: logBegin,
363: "has missing attribute value after '=' sign",
364: i);
365: // log this as an error but don't count it
366: final Segment valueSegment = new Segment(
367: source, i, i);
368: attributeList
369: .add(new Attribute(source, key,
370: nameSegment, valueSegment,
371: valueSegment));
372: attributesEnd = i;
374: break;
375: }
376: if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
377: quote = ch;
378: currentBegin++;
379: } else if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
380: break; // just ignore whitespace after the '=' sign as nearly all browsers do.
381: } else if (ch == '<') {
382: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
383: log(
384: source,
385: logType,
386: tagName,
387: logBegin,
388: "rejected because of '<' character at the start of an attribute value",
389: i);
390: return null;
391: } else {
392: quote = ' ';
393: }
394: state = IN_VALUE;
395: break;
396: case AFTER_TAG_NAME:
397: if (!isTerminatingCharacter) {
398: if (!isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
399: if (isInvalidEmptyElementTag(startTagType,
400: source, i, logType, tagName,
401: logBegin))
402: break;
403: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
404: log(
405: source,
406: logType,
407: tagName,
408: logBegin,
409: "rejected because the name contains an invalid character",
410: i);
411: return null;
412: }
414: }
415: break;
416: }
417: i++;
418: }
419: return new Attributes(source, attributesBegin,
420: attributesEnd, attributeList);
421: } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
422: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
423: log(source, logType, tagName, logBegin,
424: "rejected because it has no closing '>' character");
425: return null;
426: }
427: }
429: private static boolean reachedMaxErrorCount(final int errorCount,
430: final Source source, final String logType,
431: final String tagName, final int logBegin,
432: final int maxErrorCount) {
433: if (errorCount <= maxErrorCount)
434: return false;
435: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
436: log(source, logType, tagName, logBegin,
437: "rejected because it contains too many errors");
438: return true;
439: }
441: private static boolean isInvalidEmptyElementTag(
442: final StartTagType startTagType, final Source source,
443: final int i, final String logType, final String tagName,
444: final int logBegin) {
445: // This checks whether we've found the characters "/>" but it wasn't recognised as the closing delimiter because isClosingSlashIgnored is true.
446: if (startTagType != StartTagType.NORMAL
447: || !startTagType.atEndOfAttributes(source, i, false))
448: return false;
449: if (source.logger.isInfoEnabled())
450: log(
451: source,
452: logType,
453: tagName,
454: logBegin,
455: "contains a '/' character before the closing '>', which is ignored because tags of this name cannot be empty-element tags");
456: return true;
457: }
459: /**
460: * Returns the {@link Attribute} with the specified name (case insensitive).
461: * <p>
462: * If more than one attribute exists with the specified name (which is illegal HTML),
463: * the first is returned.
464: *
465: * @param name the name of the attribute to get.
466: * @return the attribute with the specified name, or <code>null</code> if no attribute with the specified name exists.
467: * @see #getValue(String name)
468: */
469: public Attribute get(final String name) {
470: if (size() == 0)
471: return null;
472: for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
473: final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) get(i);
474: if (attribute.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
475: return attribute;
476: }
477: return null;
478: }
480: /**
481: * Returns the {@linkplain CharacterReference#decode(CharSequence) decoded} value of the attribute with the specified name (case insensitive).
482: * <p>
483: * Returns <code>null</code> if no attribute with the specified name exists or
484: * the attribute {@linkplain Attribute#hasValue() has no value}.
485: * <p>
486: * This is equivalent to {@link #get(String) get(name)}<code>.</code>{@link Attribute#getValue() getValue()},
487: * except that it returns <code>null</code> if no attribute with the specified name exists instead of throwing a
488: * <code>NullPointerException</code>.
489: *
490: * @param name the name of the attribute to get.
491: * @return the {@linkplain CharacterReference#decode(CharSequence) decoded} value of the attribute with the specified name, or <code>null</code> if the attribute does not exist or {@linkplain Attribute#hasValue() has no value}.
492: * @see Attribute#getValue()
493: */
494: public String getValue(final String name) {
495: final Attribute attribute = get(name);
496: return attribute == null ? null : attribute.getValue();
497: }
499: /**
500: * Returns the raw (not {@linkplain CharacterReference#decode(CharSequence) decoded}) value of the attribute, or null if the attribute {@linkplain Attribute#hasValue() has no value}.
501: * <p>
502: * This is an internal convenience method.
503: *
504: * @return the raw (not {@linkplain CharacterReference#decode(CharSequence) decoded}) value of the attribute, or null if the attribute {@linkplain Attribute#hasValue() has no value}.
505: */
506: String getRawValue(final String name) {
507: final Attribute attribute = get(name);
508: return attribute == null || !attribute.hasValue() ? null
509: : attribute.getValueSegment().toString();
510: }
512: /**
513: * Returns the number of attributes.
514: * <p>
515: * This is equivalent to calling the <code>size()</code> method specified in the <code>List</code> interface.
516: *
517: * @return the number of attributes.
518: */
519: public int getCount() {
520: return attributeList.size();
521: }
523: /**
524: * Returns an iterator over the {@link Attribute} objects in this list in order of appearance.
525: * @return an iterator over the {@link Attribute} objects in this list in order of appearance.
526: */
527: public Iterator iterator() {
528: return listIterator();
529: }
531: /**
532: * Returns a list iterator of the {@link Attribute} objects in this list in order of appearance,
533: * starting at the specified position in the list.
534: * <p>
535: * The specified index indicates the first item that would be returned by an initial call to the <code>next()</code> method.
536: * An initial call to the <code>previous()</code> method would return the item with the specified index minus one.
537: * <p>
538: * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: For efficiency reasons this method does not return an immutable list iterator.
539: * Calling any of the <code>add(Object)</code>, <code>remove()</code> or <code>set(Object)</code> methods on the returned
540: * <code>ListIterator</code> does not throw an exception but could result in unexpected behaviour.
541: *
542: * @param index the index of the first item to be returned from the list iterator (by a call to the <code>next()</code> method).
543: * @return a list iterator of the items in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in the list.
544: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is out of range (<code>index < 0 || index > size()</code>).
545: */
546: public ListIterator listIterator(final int index) {
547: return attributeList.listIterator(index);
548: }
550: /**
551: * Populates the specified <code>Map</code> with the name/value pairs from these attributes.
552: * <p>
553: * Both names and values are stored as <code>String</code> objects.
554: * <p>
555: * The entries are added in order of apprearance in the source document.
556: * <p>
557: * An attribute with {@linkplain Attribute#hasValue() no value} is represented by a map entry with a <code>null</code> value.
558: * <p>
559: * Attribute values are automatically {@linkplain CharacterReference#decode(CharSequence) decoded}
560: * before storage in the map.
561: *
562: * @param attributesMap the map to populate, must not be <code>null</code>.
563: * @param convertNamesToLowerCase specifies whether all attribute names are converted to lower case in the map.
564: * @return the same map specified as the argument to the <code>attributesMap</code> parameter, populated with the name/value pairs from these attributes.
565: * @see #generateHTML(Map attributesMap)
566: */
567: public Map populateMap(final Map attributesMap,
568: final boolean convertNamesToLowerCase) {
569: for (final Iterator i = listIterator(0); i.hasNext();) {
570: final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) i.next();
571: attributesMap.put(convertNamesToLowerCase ? attribute
572: .getKey() : attribute.getName(), attribute
573: .getValue());
574: }
575: return attributesMap;
576: }
578: /**
579: * Returns a string representation of this object useful for debugging purposes.
580: * @return a string representation of this object useful for debugging purposes.
581: */
582: public String getDebugInfo() {
583: final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
584: sb.append("Attributes ").append(super .getDebugInfo()).append(
585: ": ");
586: if (isEmpty()) {
587: sb.append("EMPTY");
588: } else {
589: sb.append(Config.NewLine);
590: for (final Iterator i = listIterator(0); i.hasNext();) {
591: Attribute attribute = (Attribute) i.next();
592: sb.append(" ").append(attribute.getDebugInfo());
593: }
594: }
595: return sb.toString();
596: }
598: /**
599: * Returns the default maximum error count allowed when parsing attributes.
600: * <p>
601: * The system default value is 2.
602: * <p>
603: * When searching for start tags, the parser can find the end of the start tag only by
604: * {@linkplain StartTagType#parseAttributes(Source,int,String) parsing}
605: * the attributes, as it is valid HTML for attribute values to contain '>' characters
606: * (see the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/charset.html#h-5.3.2">HTML 4.01 specification section 5.3.2</a>).
607: * <p>
608: * If the source text being parsed does not follow the syntax of an attribute list at all, the parser assumes
609: * that the text which was originally identified as the beginning of of a start tag is in fact some other text,
610: * such as an invalid '<' character in the middle of some text, or part of a script element.
611: * In this case the entire start tag is rejected.
612: * <p>
613: * On the other hand, it is quite common for attributes to contain minor syntactical errors,
614: * such as an invalid character in an attribute name, or a couple of special characters in
615: * {@linkplain TagType#isServerTag() server tags} that otherwise contain only attributes.
616: * For this reason the parser allows a certain number of minor errors to occur while parsing an
617: * attribute list before the entire start tag or attribute list is rejected.
618: * This property indicates the number of minor errors allowed.
619: * <p>
620: * Major syntactical errors cause the start tag or attribute list to be rejected immediately, regardless
621: * of the maximum error count setting.
622: * <p>
623: * Some errors are considered too minor to count at all (ignorable), such as missing whitespace between the end
624: * of a quoted attribute value and the start of the next attribute name.
625: * <p>
626: * The classification of particular syntax errors in attribute lists into major, minor, and ignorable is
627: * not part of the specification and may change in future versions.
628: * <p>
629: * Errors are {@linkplain Source#getLogger() logged} as they occur.
630: * <p>
631: * The value of this property is set using the {@link #setDefaultMaxErrorCount(int)} method.
632: *
633: * @return the default maximum error count allowed when parsing attributes.
634: * @see Source#parseAttributes(int pos, int maxEnd, int maxErrorCount)
635: */
636: public static int getDefaultMaxErrorCount() {
637: return defaultMaxErrorCount;
638: }
640: /**
641: * Sets the default maximum error count allowed when parsing attributes.
642: * <p>
643: * See the {@link #getDefaultMaxErrorCount()} method for a full description of this property.
644: *
645: * @param value the default maximum error count allowed when parsing attributes.
646: */
647: public static void setDefaultMaxErrorCount(final int value) {
648: defaultMaxErrorCount = value;
649: }
651: /**
652: * Returns the contents of the specified {@linkplain #populateMap(Map,boolean) attributes map} as HTML attribute name/value pairs.
653: * <p>
654: * Each attribute (including the first) is preceded by a single space, and all values are
655: * {@linkplain CharacterReference#encode(CharSequence) encoded} and enclosed in double quotes.
656: * <p>
657: * The map keys must be of type <code>String</code> and values must be objects that implement the <code>CharSequence</code> interface.
658: * <p>
659: * A <code>null</code> value represents an attribute with no value.
660: *
661: * @param attributesMap a map containing attribute name/value pairs.
662: * @return the contents of the specified {@linkplain #populateMap(Map,boolean) attributes map} as HTML attribute name/value pairs.
663: * @see StartTag#generateHTML(String tagName, Map attributesMap, boolean emptyElementTag)
664: */
665: public static String generateHTML(final Map attributesMap) {
666: final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
667: try {
668: appendHTML(stringWriter, attributesMap);
669: } catch (IOException ex) {
670: } // IOException never occurs in StringWriter
671: return stringWriter.toString();
672: }
674: /**
675: * Outputs the contents of the specified {@linkplain #populateMap(Map,boolean) attributes map} as HTML attribute name/value pairs to the specified <code>Writer</code>.
676: * <p>
677: * Each attribute is preceded by a single space, and all values are
678: * {@linkplain CharacterReference#encode(CharSequence) encoded} and enclosed in double quotes.
679: *
680: * @param out the <code>Writer</code> to which the output is to be sent.
681: * @param attributesMap a map containing attribute name/value pairs.
682: * @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs.
683: * @see #populateMap(Map attributesMap, boolean convertNamesToLowerCase)
684: */
685: static void appendHTML(final Writer writer, final Map attributesMap)
686: throws IOException {
687: for (final Iterator i = attributesMap.entrySet().iterator(); i
688: .hasNext();) {
689: final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
690: Attribute.appendHTML(writer, (String) entry.getKey(),
691: (CharSequence) entry.getValue());
692: }
693: }
695: StringBuffer appendTidy(final StringBuffer sb, Tag nextTag) {
696: for (final Iterator i = listIterator(0); i.hasNext();)
697: nextTag = ((Attribute) i.next()).appendTidy(sb, nextTag);
698: return sb;
699: }
701: Map getMap(final boolean convertNamesToLowerCase) {
702: return populateMap(new LinkedHashMap(getCount() * 2, 1.0F),
703: convertNamesToLowerCase);
704: }
706: private static void log(final Source source, final String part1,
707: final CharSequence part2, final int begin,
708: final String part3, final int pos) {
709: source.logger.info(source.getRowColumnVector(pos).appendTo(
710: source.getRowColumnVector(begin).appendTo(
711: new StringBuffer(200).append(part1).append(' ')
712: .append(part2).append(" at ")).append(
713: ' ').append(part3).append(" at position "))
714: .toString());
715: }
717: private static void log(final Source source, final String part1,
718: final CharSequence part2, final int begin,
719: final String part3) {
720: source.logger.info(source.getRowColumnVector(begin).appendTo(
721: new StringBuffer(200).append(part1).append(' ').append(
722: part2).append(" at ")).append(' ')
723: .append(part3).toString());
724: }
725: }