| java.lang.Object au.id.jericho.lib.html.SubCache
SubCache | final class SubCache (Code) | | Represents a cached map of character positions to tags for a particular tag type,
or for all tag types if the tagType field is null.
addTagAt | public void addTagAt(int pos, Tag tag)(Code) | | |
bulkLoad_AddToTypeSpecificCache | public void bulkLoad_AddToTypeSpecificCache(Tag tag)(Code) | | |
bulkLoad_FinaliseTypeSpecificCache | public void bulkLoad_FinaliseTypeSpecificCache()(Code) | | |
bulkLoad_Init | public void bulkLoad_Init(int tagCount)(Code) | | |
bulkLoad_Set | public void bulkLoad_Set(int tagsIndex, Tag tag)(Code) | | |
clear | public void clear()(Code) | | |
findPreviousOrNextTag | public Tag findPreviousOrNextTag(int pos, boolean previous)(Code) | | |