Method Summary |
protected static boolean | builtinXmlRef(String name) Returns true if the name is a built-in XML general entity reference. |
public void | cleanup(boolean closeall) Cleans up used resources. |
public void | evaluateInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource) Immediately evaluates an input source and add the new content (e.g. |
public static String | expandSystemId(String systemId, String baseSystemId) Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URI, if
it can be expanded. |
protected static String | fixURI(String str) Fixes a platform dependent filename to standard URI form.
Parameters: str - The string to fix. |
protected int | fixWindowsCharacter(int origChar) Fixes Microsoft Windows® specific characters. |
public String | getBaseSystemId() Returns the base system identifier. |
public int | getCharacterOffset() Returns the character offset. |
public int | getColumnNumber() Returns the current column number. |
public XMLDocumentHandler | getDocumentHandler() Returns the document handler. |
public String | getEncoding() Returns the encoding. |
public String | getExpandedSystemId() Returns the expanded system identifier. |
public Boolean | getFeatureDefault(String featureId) Returns the default state for a feature. |
public int | getLineNumber() Returns the current line number. |
public String | getLiteralSystemId() Returns the literal system identifier. |
final protected static short | getNamesValue(String value) Converts HTML names string value to constant value. |
public Object | getPropertyDefault(String propertyId) Returns the default state for a property. |
public String | getPublicId() Returns the public identifier. |
public String[] | getRecognizedFeatures() Returns recognized features. |
public String[] | getRecognizedProperties() Returns recognized properties. |
protected static String | getValue(XMLAttributes attrs, String aname) Returns the value of the specified attribute, ignoring case. |
public String | getXMLVersion() Returns the XML version. |
boolean | isEncodingCompatible(String encoding1, String encoding2) To detect if 2 encoding are compatible, both must be able to read the meta tag specifying
the new encoding. |
protected int | load(int offset) Loads a new chunk of data into the buffer and returns the number of
characters loaded or -1 if no additional characters were loaded. |
final protected Augmentations | locationAugs() Returns an augmentations object with a location item added. |
final protected static String | modifyName(String name, short mode) Modifies the given name based on the specified mode. |
public void | pushInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource) Pushes an input source onto the current entity stack. |
protected int | read() Reads a single character. |
public void | reset(XMLComponentManager manager) Resets the component. |
final protected XMLResourceIdentifier | resourceId() Returns an empty resource identifier. |
protected void | scanDoctype() Scans a DOCTYPE line. |
public boolean | scanDocument(boolean complete) Scans the document. |
protected int | scanEntityRef(XMLStringBuffer str, boolean content) Scans an entity reference. |
protected String | scanLiteral() Scans a quoted literal. |
protected String | scanName() Scans a name. |
public void | setDocumentHandler(XMLDocumentHandler handler) Sets the document handler. |
public void | setFeature(String featureId, boolean state) Sets a feature. |
public void | setInputSource(XMLInputSource source) Sets the input source. |
public void | setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) Sets a property. |
protected void | setScanner(Scanner scanner) Sets the scanner. |
protected void | setScannerState(short state) Sets the scanner state. |
protected boolean | skip(String s, boolean caseSensitive) Returns true if the specified text is present and is skipped. |
protected boolean | skipMarkup(boolean balance) Skips markup. |
protected int | skipNewlines() Skips newlines and returns the number of newlines skipped. |
protected int | skipNewlines(int maxlines) Skips newlines and returns the number of newlines skipped. |
protected boolean | skipSpaces() Skips whitespace. |
final protected Augmentations | synthesizedAugs() Returns an augmentations object with a synthesized item added. |