Method Summary |
public void | execute() |
public void | run() |
public void | setArchivesFormat(String archivesFormat) Set on a configuration basis, the format of the archive being produced. |
public void | setBaseLocation(String baseLocation) Set a location that contains plugins and features required by plugins and features for which build scripts are being generated. |
public void | setBuildDirectory(String buildDirectory) Set the folder in which the build will occur. |
public void | setBuildingOSGi(boolean osgi) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not the plug-ins and features for which scripts are being generated target eclipse 3.0 or greater. |
public void | setChildren(boolean children) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not children scripts should
be generated. |
public void | setConfigInfo(String configInfo) Set the configuration for which the script should be generated. |
public void | setDevEntries(String devEntries) Set the development entries for the compile classpath to be the given value. |
public void | setElements(String elements) Set the source elements for the script to be the given value. |
public void | setFilteredDependencyCheck(boolean value) |
public void | setForceContextQualifier(String value) |
public void | setGenerateFeatureVersionSuffix(boolean value) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not to generate a version suffix
for features based on their content. |
public void | setGenerateJnlp(boolean value) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not to generate JNLP files for
built features. |
public void | setGenerateVersionsLists(boolean value) |
public void | setGeneratedVersionLength(String generatedLength) |
public void | setGroupConfiguration(boolean value) Set the boolean indicating if resulting archive should contain a group of all the configurations being built. |
public void | setInstall(String installLocation) Set the folder in which the build will occur. |
public void | setOutputUpdateJars(boolean value) |
public void | setPlatformProperties(String filename) Set the filename to use for the platform properties that will be passed to the state. |
public void | setPluginPath(String pluginPath) Set the plug-in path to be the given value. |
public void | setProduct(String value) Set the location of the product being built. |
public void | setRecursiveGeneration(boolean recursiveGeneration) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not the build scripts should be
generated for nested features. |
public void | setSignJars(boolean value) Set the boolean value indicating whether or not to sign any constructed JAs. |
public void | setSignificantVersionDigits(String significantDigits) |
public void | setWorkingDirectory(String installLocation) Set the folder in which the build will occur. |