The codebase of the output. This shoudl be a URL that will be used as the
root of all relative URLs in the output. Typically this is the root of the application
deployment website.
Parameters: value - the URL root of for the application content.
The location the output jnlp file. The value may be null (or simply not set). If it is
null then the output file will be placed beside the feature dir or jar (as appropriate)
and its name will be derived from the feature id and version. If this is set
it must be a file path. If it ends in a "/" or "\" then the output file is places in this
directory with the file name derived as described. Finally, if the value is a file name,
the output is placed in that file.
Parameters: value - the location to write the output or null if the defaultcomputed location is to be used.
The locale in which the jnlp file generated should be translated into.
The translation values are read from the file.
Parameters: the - locale in which to generate the jnlp files.