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Java Source File NameTypeComment
BasicCompilationUnit.javaClass A basic implementation of ICompilationUnit for use in the SourceMapper.
BatchOperation.javaClass An operation created as a result of a call to, IProgressMonitor) that encapsulates a user defined IWorkspaceRunnable.
BecomeWorkingCopyOperation.javaClass Switch and ICompilationUnit to working copy mode and signal the working copy addition through a delta.
BinaryMember.javaClass Common functionality for Binary member handles.
BinaryType.javaClass Parent is an IClassFile.
BinaryTypeConverter.javaClass Converter from a binary type to an AST type declaration.
BufferCache.javaClass An LRU cache of IBuffers.
BufferFactoryWrapper.javaClass Wraps an IBufferFactory.
BufferManager.javaClass The buffer manager manages the set of open buffers.
ClassFileInfo.javaClass Element info for ClassFile handles.
ClassFileWorkingCopy.javaClass A working copy on an IClassFile.
CommitWorkingCopyOperation.javaClass Commits the contents of a working copy compilation unit to its original element and resource, bringing the Java Model up-to-date with the current contents of the working copy.

It is possible that the contents of the original resource have changed since the working copy was created, in which case there is an update conflict.

CompilationUnitProblemFinder.javaClass Responsible for resolving types inside a compilation unit being reconciled, reporting the discovered problems to a given IProblemRequestor.
CompilationUnitStructureRequestor.javaClass A requestor for the fuzzy parser, used to compute the children of an ICompilationUnit.
CopyElementsOperation.javaClass This operation copies/moves a collection of elements from their current container to a new container, optionally renaming the elements.


  • If there is already an element with the same name in the new container, the operation either overwrites or aborts, depending on the collision policy setting.
CopyResourceElementsOperation.javaClass This operation copies/moves/renames a collection of resources from their current container to a new container, optionally renaming the elements.


  • If there is already an resource with the same name in the new container, the operation either overwrites or aborts, depending on the collision policy setting.

This operation creates a compilation unit (CU). If the CU doesn't exist yet, a new compilation unit will be created with the content provided. Otherwise the operation will override the contents of an existing CU with the new content.

Note: It is possible to create a CU automatically when creating a class or interface.


This abstract class implements behavior common to CreateElementInCUOperations. To create a compilation unit, or an element contained in a compilation unit, the source code for the entire compilation unit is updated and saved.

The element being created can be positioned relative to an existing element in the compilation unit via the methods #createAfter and #createBefore.


This operation creates a field declaration in a type.

Required Attributes:

  • Containing Type
  • The source code for the declaration.

This operation adds an import declaration to an existing compilation unit. If the compilation unit already includes the specified import declaration, the import is not generated (it does not generate duplicates). Note that it is valid to specify both a single-type import and an on-demand import for the same package, for example "" and "*", in which case both are preserved since the semantics of this are not the same as just importing "*". Importing "java.lang.*", or the package in which the compilation unit is defined, are not treated as special cases.


This operation creates a initializer in a type.

Required Attributes:

  • Containing Type
  • The source code for the initializer.

This operation creates an instance method.


This operation adds/replaces a package declaration in an existing compilation unit.

CreatePackageFragmentOperation.javaClass This operation creates a new package fragment under a given package fragment root.
CreateTypeHierarchyOperation.javaClass This operation creates an ITypeHierarchy for a specific type within a specified region, or for all types within a region.
CreateTypeMemberOperation.javaClass Implements functionality common to operations that create type members.

This operation creates a class or interface.

Required Attributes:

  • Parent element - must be a compilation unit, or type.
  • The source code for the type.
DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.javaClass A working copy owner that creates internal buffers.
DeleteElementsOperation.javaClass This operation deletes a collection of elements (and all of their children). If an element does not exist, it is ignored.

NOTE: This operation only deletes elements contained within leaf resources - that is, elements within compilation units.

DeleteResourceElementsOperation.javaClass This operation deletes a collection of resources and all of their children.
DeltaProcessingState.javaClass Keep the global states used during Java element delta processing.
DeltaProcessor.javaClass This class is used by JavaModelManager to convert IResourceDeltas into IJavaElementDeltas. It also does some processing on the JavaElements involved (e.g.
DiscardWorkingCopyOperation.javaClass Discards a working copy (decrement its use count and remove its working copy info if the use count is 0) and signal its removal through a delta.
ElementCache.javaClass An LRU cache of JavaElements.
IJavaElementRequestor.javaInterface This interface is used by IRequestorNameLookup.
ImportDeclaration.javaClass Handle for an import declaration.
ImportDeclarationElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IImportDeclaration elements.
InitializerElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IInitializer elements.
JarEntryFile.javaClass A jar entry that represents a non-java file found in a JAR.
JarPackageFragment.javaClass A package fragment that represents a package fragment found in a JAR.
JarPackageFragmentInfo.javaClass Element info for JarPackageFragments.
JarPackageFragmentRoot.javaClass A package fragment root that corresponds to a .jar or .zip.
JarPackageFragmentRootInfo.javaClass The element info for JarPackageFragmentRoots.
JavaCorePreferenceInitializer.javaClass JavaCore eclipse preferences initializer.
JavaElement.javaClass Root of Java element handle hierarchy.
JavaElementDeltaBuilder.javaClass A java element delta biulder creates a java element delta on a java element between the version of the java element at the time the comparator was created and the current version of the java element. It performs this operation by locally caching the contents of the java element when it is created.
JavaElementInfo.javaClass Holds cached structure and properties for a Java element.
JavaModel.javaClass Implementation of IJavaModel.
JavaModelCache.javaClass The cache of java elements to their respective info.
JavaModelInfo.javaClass Implementation of IJavaModel.
JavaModelManager.javaClass The JavaModelManager manages instances of IJavaModel.
JavaProject.javaClass Handle for a Java Project.

A Java Project internally maintains a devpath that corresponds to the project's classpath.

JavaProjectElementInfo.javaClass Info for IJavaProject.

Note: getChildren() returns all of the IPackageFragmentRoots specified on the classpath for the project.

LRUCacheEnumerator.javaClass The LRUCacheEnumerator returns its elements in the order they are found in the LRUCache, with the most recent elements first. Once the enumerator is created, elements which are later added to the cache are not returned by the enumerator.
MemberElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IMember elements.
ModelUpdater.javaClass This class is used by JavaModelManager to update the JavaModel based on some IJavaElementDeltas.
MoveElementsOperation.javaClass This operation moves elements from their current container to a specified destination container, optionally renaming the elements.
MoveResourceElementsOperation.javaClass This operation moves resources (package fragments and compilation units) from their current container to a specified destination container, optionally renaming the elements.
MultiOperation.javaClass This class is used to perform operations on multiple IJavaElement. It is responible for running each operation in turn, collecting the errors and merging the corresponding JavaElementDeltas.

If several errors occured, they are collected in a multi-status JavaModelStatus.

NameLookup.javaClass A NameLookup provides name resolution within a Java project. The name lookup facility uses the project's classpath to prioritize the order in which package fragments are searched when resolving a name.

Name lookup only returns a handle when the named element actually exists in the model; otherwise null is returned.

There are two logical sets of methods within this interface.

NullBuffer.javaClass This class represents a null buffer.
Openable.javaClass Abstract class for implementations of java elements which are IOpenable.
OpenableElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IOpenable elements.
OverflowingLRUCache.javaClass The OverflowingLRUCache is an LRUCache which attempts to maintain a size equal or less than its fSpaceLimit by removing the least recently used elements.

The cache will remove elements which successfully close and all elements which are explicitly removed.

If the cache cannot remove enough old elements to add new elements it will grow beyond fSpaceLimit.

PackageFragmentInfo.javaClass Element info for PackageFragments.
PackageFragmentRootInfo.javaClass The element info for PackageFragmentRoots.
ReconcileWorkingCopyOperation.javaClass Reconcile a working copy and signal the changes through a delta.
RenameElementsOperation.javaClass This operation renames elements.
RenameResourceElementsOperation.javaClass This operation renames resources (Package fragments and compilation units).
ResolvedBinaryField.javaClass Handle representing a binary field that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericSignature of the resolved field.
ResolvedBinaryMethod.javaClass Handle representing a binary method that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericSignature of the resolved method.
ResolvedBinaryType.javaClass Handle representing a binary type that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericTypeSignature of the resolved type.
ResolvedSourceField.javaClass Handle representing a source field that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericSignature of the resolved field.
ResolvedSourceMethod.javaClass Handle representing a source method that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericSignature of the resolved method.
ResolvedSourceType.javaClass Handle representing a source type that is resolved. The uniqueKey contains the genericTypeSignature of the resolved type.
SearchableEnvironment.javaClass This class provides a SearchableBuilderEnvironment for code assist which uses the Java model as a search tool.
SearchableEnvironmentRequestor.javaClass Implements IJavaElementRequestor, wrappering and forwarding results onto a org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.api.ISearchRequestor.
SelectionRequestor.javaClass Implementation of ISelectionRequestor to assist with code resolve in a compilation unit.
SetClasspathOperation.javaClass This operation sets an IJavaProject's classpath.
SimpleDelta.javaClass A simple Java element delta that remembers the kind of changes only.
SingleTypeRequestor.javaClass The SingleTypeRequestor is an IJavaElementRequestor that only accepts one result element and then cancels.
SortElementsOperation.javaClass This operation is used to sort elements in a compilation unit according to certain criteria.
SourceFieldElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IField elements.
SourceMapper.javaClass A SourceMapper maps source code in a ZIP file to binary types in a JAR.
SourceMethodElementInfo.javaClass Element info for IMethod elements.
SourceRefElement.javaClass Abstract class for Java elements which implement ISourceReference.
SourceRefElementInfo.javaClass Element info for ISourceReference elements.
SourceType.javaClass Handle for a source type.
SourceTypeElementInfo.javaClass Element info for an IType element that originated from source.
UserLibrary.javaClass Internal model element to represent a user library and code to serialize / deserialize.
XMLWriter.javaClass | Contact Us
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