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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Eclipse » jdt » org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions 
Package-level Javadoc Application programming interfaces for Eclipse Java User Interface specific actions.

Package Specification

The package provides actions and action groups to populate tool bars, global menu bars and context menus with JDT specific functionality.

It is recommended that clients use action groups to populate menus and tool bars instead of adding actions directly.

Clients are allowed to instantiate classes from this package. The classes are not intended to be subclassed. All actions and groups require that the selection provided by the site, view part or page passed to the action's or group's constructor is of type org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection .

Java Source File NameTypeComment

Abstract base classed used for the open wizard actions.

Note: This class is for internal use only.

AddDelegateMethodsAction.javaClass Creates delegate methods for a type's fields.
AddGetterSetterAction.javaClass Creates getter and setter methods for a type's fields.
AddJavaDocStubAction.javaClass Create Javadoc comment stubs for the selected members.

Will open the parent compilation unit in a Java editor.

AddToClasspathAction.javaClass Action to add a JAR to the classpath of its parent project.
AddUnimplementedConstructorsAction.javaClass Creates unimplemented constructors for a type.

Will open the parent compilation unit in a Java editor.

BuildActionGroup.javaClass Contributes all build related actions to the context menu and installs handlers for the corresponding global menu actions.
CCPActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the copy, cut, paste actions to a view part's context menu and installs handlers for the corresponding global menu actions.
ChangeTypeAction.javaClass Action to generalize the type of a local or field declaration or the return type of a method declaration.
ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction.javaClass Action to convert an anonymous inner class to a nested class.
ConvertingSelectionProvider.javaClass A converting selection provider is a special selection provider which converts a selection before notifying any listeners.
ConvertLocalToFieldAction.javaClass Action to convert a local variable to a field.
ConvertNestedToTopAction.javaClass Action to convert a nested class to a top level class.
CustomFiltersActionGroup.javaClass Action group to add the filter action to a view part's tool bar menu.
DeclarationsSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the search for declarations actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
ExternalizeStringsAction.javaClass Externalizes the strings of a compilation unit or find all strings in a package or project that are not externalized yet.
ExtractConstantAction.javaClass Extracts an expression into a constant field and replaces all occurrences of the expression with the new constant.
ExtractInterfaceAction.javaClass Extract a new interface from a class and tries to use the interface instead of the concrete class where possible.
ExtractMethodAction.javaClass Extracts the code selected inside a compilation unit editor into a new method.
ExtractTempAction.javaClass Extracts an expression into a new local variable and replaces all occurrences of the expression with the local variable.
FindAction.javaClass Abstract class for Java search actions.

Note: This class is for internal use only.

FindDeclarationsAction.javaClass Finds declarations of the selected element in the workspace.
FindDeclarationsInHierarchyAction.javaClass Finds declarations of the selected element in its hierarchy.
FindDeclarationsInProjectAction.javaClass Finds declarations of the selected element in the enclosing project of the selected element.
FindDeclarationsInWorkingSetAction.javaClass Finds declarations of the selected element in working sets.
FindExceptionOccurrencesAction.javaClass Action to find all originators of a exception (e.g.
FindImplementOccurrencesAction.javaClass Action to find all implement occurrences of an extended class or an implemented interface.
FindImplementorsAction.javaClass Finds implementors of the selected element in the workspace.
FindImplementorsInProjectAction.javaClass Finds implementors of the selected element in the enclosing project.
FindImplementorsInWorkingSetAction.javaClass Finds implementors of the selected element in working sets.
FindOccurrencesInFileAction.javaClass Action to find all occurrences of a compilation unit member (e.g. fields, methods, types, and local variables) in a file.
FindReadReferencesAction.javaClass Finds field read accesses of the selected element in the workspace.
FindReadReferencesInHierarchyAction.javaClass Finds field read accesses of the selected element in its hierarchy.
FindReadReferencesInProjectAction.javaClass Finds field read accesses of the selected element in the enclosing project.
FindReadReferencesInWorkingSetAction.javaClass Finds field read accesses of the selected element in working sets.
FindReferencesAction.javaClass Finds references of the selected element in the workspace.
FindReferencesInHierarchyAction.javaClass Finds references of the selected element in its hierarchy.
FindReferencesInProjectAction.javaClass Finds references to the selected element in the enclosing project of the selected element.
FindReferencesInWorkingSetAction.javaClass Finds references of the selected element in working sets.
FindStringsToExternalizeAction.javaClass Find all strings in a package or project that are not externalized yet.
FindWriteReferencesAction.javaClass Finds field write accesses of the selected element in the workspace.
FindWriteReferencesInHierarchyAction.javaClass Finds field write accesses of the selected element in its hierarchy.
FindWriteReferencesInProjectAction.javaClass Finds field write accesses of the selected element in the enclosing project.
FindWriteReferencesInWorkingSetAction.javaClass Finds field write accesses of the selected element in working sets.
FormatAllAction.javaClass Formats the code of the compilation units contained in the selection.
GenerateActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the source and generate actions to a part's context menu and installs handlers for the corresponding global menu actions.
GenerateHashCodeEqualsAction.javaClass Adds method implementations for java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object) and java.lang.Object.hashCode .
GenerateNewConstructorUsingFieldsAction.javaClass Creates constructors for a type based on existing fields.

Will open the parent compilation unit in a Java editor.

IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds.javaInterface Defines the definition IDs for the Java editor actions.
ImplementorsSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the search for implementors actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
ImportActionGroup.javaClass Action group to add the Import and Export action to a view part's context menu.
InferTypeArgumentsAction.javaClass Infers type arguments for raw references to generic types.
InlineAction.javaClass Inlines a method, local variable or a static final field.
InlineTempAction.javaClass Inlines the value of a local variable at all places where a read reference is used.
IntroduceFactoryAction.javaClass Action that encapsulates the a constructor call with a factory method.
IntroduceIndirectionAction.javaClass Action that introduces an indirection for a certain method.
IntroduceParameterAction.javaClass Introduces a new method parameter from a selected expression.
JavaSearchActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the Java search actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
JdtActionConstants.javaClass Action ids for standard actions, for groups in the menu bar, and for actions in context menus of JDT views.
MemberFilterActionGroup.javaClass Action Group that contributes filter buttons for a view parts showing methods and fields.
ModifyParametersAction.javaClass Action to start the modify parameters refactoring.
MoveAction.javaClass This action moves Java elements to a new location.
NavigateActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the open and show actions to a context menu and the action bar's navigate menu.
OccurrencesSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the occurrences in file actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
OpenAction.javaClass This action opens a Java editor on a Java element or file.
OpenEditorActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the actions opening a new editor to the context menu and the action bar's navigate menu.
OpenExternalJavadocAction.javaClass This action opens the selected element's Javadoc in an external browser.
OpenJavaBrowsingPerspectiveAction.javaClass Action to programmatically open a Java perspective.
OpenJavaPerspectiveAction.javaClass Action to programmatically open a Java perspective.

Action that opens the new annotation wizard.The action initialized the wizard with either the selection as configured by OpenNewAnnotationWizardAction.setSelection(IStructuredSelection) or takes a preconfigured new annotation wizard page, see OpenNewAnnotationWizardAction.setConfiguredWizardPage(NewAnnotationWizardPage) .


Action that opens the new class wizard.


Action that opens the new enum wizard.


Action that opens the new interface wizard.


Action that opens the new Java project wizard.


Action that opens the new package wizard.


Action that opens the new source folder wizard.

OpenProjectAction.javaClass Action to open a closed project.
OpenSuperImplementationAction.javaClass The action opens a Java editor on the selected method's super implementation.
OpenTypeHierarchyAction.javaClass This action opens a type hierarchy on the selected type.
OpenViewActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds actions to open a new JDT view part or an external viewer to a context menu and the global menu bar.
OrganizeImportsAction.javaClass Organizes the imports of a compilation unit.
OverrideMethodsAction.javaClass Adds unimplemented methods of a type.
ProjectActionGroup.javaClass Adds actions to open and close a project to the global menu bar.
PullUpAction.javaClass Action to pull up method and fields into a superclass.
PushDownAction.javaClass Action to push down methods and fields into subclasses.
ReadReferencesSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the search for read references actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
RefactorActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds refactor actions (for example 'Rename', 'Move') to a context menu and the global menu bar.
ReferencesSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the search for references actions to a context menu and the global menu bar.
RefreshAction.javaClass Action for refreshing the workspace from the local file system for the selected resources and all of their descendants.
RemoveFromClasspathAction.javaClass Action to remove package fragment roots from the classpath of its parent project.
RenameAction.javaClass Renames a Java element or workbench resource.
ReplaceInvocationsAction.javaClass Action that replaces method invocations.
SelectionDispatchAction.javaClass Action that dispatches the IAction#run() and the ISelectionChangedListener#selectionChanged according to the type of the selection.
SelfEncapsulateFieldAction.javaClass Action to run the self encapsulate field refactoring.
ShowActionGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the show actions to a context menu and the action bar's navigate menu.
ShowInNavigatorViewAction.javaClass Reveals the selected element in the resource navigator view.
ShowInPackageViewAction.javaClass This action reveals the currently selected Java element in the package explorer.
SortMembersAction.javaClass Sorts the members of a compilation unit with the sort order as specified in the Sort Order preference page.

The action will open the parent compilation unit in a Java editor.

SurroundWithTryCatchAction.javaClass Action to surround a set of statements with a try/catch block.
UseSupertypeAction.javaClass Tries to use a super type of a class where possible.
WorkingSetFindAction.javaClass Wraps a JavaElementSearchActions to find its results in the specified working set.

The action is applicable to selections and Search view entries representing a Java element.

Note: This class is for internal use only.

WriteReferencesSearchGroup.javaClass Action group that adds the search for write references actions to a context menu and the global menu bar. | Contact Us
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