001: /*******************************************************************************
002: * Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
003: * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
004: * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
005: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
006: * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
007: *
008: * Contributors:
009: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
010: *******************************************************************************/package org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.program;
012: import java.io.OutputStream;
013: import java.io.PrintWriter;
014: import java.util.Date;
016: import org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.ClassTypeTest;
018: /**
019: * Main class for target VM tests.
020: * This class is intended to be run by the target VM.
021: * It will use other classes in this package, and it will create and terminate
022: * threads as a regular program would do.
023: *
025: * Tests in org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests assume the content of this class,
026: * as well as its behavior. So if this class or one of the types in this
027: * package is changed, the corresponding tests must also be changed.
028: */
029: public class MainClass extends Date implements Runnable, Printable {
031: private static byte[] byteArray = new byte[0];
032: private static byte[][] byteDoubleArray = new byte[0][0];
033: private static short[] shortArray = new short[0];
034: private static short[][] shortDoubleArray = new short[0][0];
035: private static int[] intArray = new int[0];
036: private static int[][] intDoubleArray = new int[0][0];
037: private static long[] longArray = new long[0];
038: private static long[][] longDoubleArray = new long[0][0];
039: private static double[] doubleArray = new double[0];
040: private static double[][] doubleDoubleArray = new double[0][0];
041: private static float[] floatArray = new float[0];
042: private static float[][] floatDoubleArray = new float[0][0];
043: private static char[] charArray = new char[0];
044: private static char[][] charDoubleArray = new char[0][0];
045: private static boolean[] booleanArray = new boolean[0];
046: private static boolean[][] booleanDoubleArray = new boolean[0][0];
048: private String string = "";
049: private String[] stringArray = new String[0];
050: private String[][] stringDoubleArray = new String[0][0];
052: /**
053: * An integer value
054: */
055: public static int fInt = 0;
057: /**
058: * The instance of the <code>MainClass</code>
059: */
060: public static MainClass fObject = new MainClass();
062: /**
063: * A string initialized to 'hello world'
064: */
065: public static String fString = "Hello World";
067: /**
068: * A <code>Thread</code> object
069: */
070: public static Thread fThread;
072: /**
073: * A <code>Thread</code> object representing the main thread
074: */
075: public static Thread fMainThread;
077: /**
078: */
079: public static String[] fArray = new String[] { "foo", "bar", "hop" };
081: /**
082: * A pre-initialized array of doubles
083: */
084: public static double[] fDoubleArray = new double[] { 1, 2.2, 3.33 };
086: /**
087: * The name of an event type
088: */
089: public static String fEventType = "";
091: /**
092: * A boolean value initialized to <code>false</code>
093: */
094: public boolean fBool = false;
096: private char fChar = 'a';
098: private String fString2 = "Hello";
100: protected final String fString3 = "HEY";
102: /**
103: * Constructor
104: */
105: public MainClass() {
106: }
108: /**
109: * Constructor
110: * Used to test ClassType.newInstance
111: * @see ClassTypeTest
112: * @param i
113: * @param o1
114: * @param o2
115: */
116: public MainClass(int i, Object o1, Object o2) {
117: }
119: /**
120: * For invocation tests
121: * @param x the integer
122: * @param o
123: * @return a string object representing the specified interger value
124: */
125: private static String invoke1(int x, Object o) {
126: if (o == null)
127: return (new Integer(x)).toString();
128: else
129: return "";
130: }
132: /**
133: * For invocation tests
134: */
135: private static void invoke2() {
136: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
137: }
139: /**
140: * For invocation tests
141: * @param str
142: * @param o
143: * @return an the integer value of the specified string
144: */
145: private int invoke3(String str, Object o) {
146: return Integer.parseInt(str);
147: }
149: /**
150: * For invocation tests
151: * @return nothing, only throws an exception
152: * @throws java.io.EOFException
153: */
154: private long invoke4() throws java.io.EOFException {
155: throw new java.io.EOFException();
156: }
158: /**
159: * For variables test
160: * @param l
161: */
162: private void variablesTest(long l) {
163: }
165: /**
166: * Runs the test program
167: * @param args
168: */
169: public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
170: // Start the test program
171: ThreadGroup group = new ThreadGroup("Test ThreadGroup");
172: fThread = new Thread(group, fObject, "Test Thread");
173: fThread.start();
175: fMainThread = Thread.currentThread();
177: // Prevent this thread from dying
178: while (true)
179: try {
180: Thread.sleep(1000);
181: } catch (InterruptedException e) {
182: }
183: }
185: /**
186: * @see org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.program.Printable#print(java.io.OutputStream)
187: */
188: public void print(OutputStream out) {
189: String string = fInt++ + ". " + fString;
190: PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
191: writer.println(string);
192: writer.flush();
193: }
195: /**
196: * Prints out a specified integer. This method is used in the force early return tests to ensure we
197: * can specify a different, type compatible return value
198: * @param out a stream to print out to
199: * @param num the number we want to print and return
200: * @return the specified number parameter, just pass it through
201: * @since 3.3
202: */
203: public int printNumber(OutputStream out, int num) {
204: String blah = "foo" + foo();
205: PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);
206: writer.println("The specified number is: " + num);
207: writer.flush();
208: return num;
209: }
211: /**
212: * Returns 20
213: *
214: * @return 20
215: */
216: public int getInt() {
217: int x = Math.max(20, 10);
218: return x;
219: }
221: /**
222: * Returns true.
223: *
224: * @return true
225: */
226: public boolean getBoolean() {
227: boolean bool = Boolean.valueOf("true").booleanValue();
228: return bool;
229: }
231: /**
232: * Returns 123L.
233: *
234: * @return 123
235: */
236: public long getLong() {
237: long l = Long.valueOf("123").longValue();
238: return l;
239: }
241: /**
242: * dump out a string
243: * @return a String
244: * @since 3.3
245: */
246: public String foo() {
247: System.out.println("foobar");
248: return "man";
249: }
251: /**
252: * make a sync'd method so we can stop in it to gather monitor information
253: * @since 3.3
254: */
255: synchronized public void sync() {
256: System.out.println("sync'd to the moon");
257: }
259: /**
260: * suspend on the first line of the method to get the argument values from the stackframe.
261: * used in testing the new 1.6VM capability to get argument values when no debugging info is available.
262: * @param str a string
263: * @param num a number
264: * @param obj an object
265: * @since 3.3
266: */
267: public void argValues(String str, int num, Object obj) {
268: System.out.println("get the arg values");
269: }
271: /**
272: * Prints to System.out and throws an exception to indicate readiness
273: */
274: synchronized public void printAndSignal() {
275: print(System.out);
276: // Signal readiness by throwing an exception
277: try {
278: throw new NegativeArraySizeException();
279: } catch (NegativeArraySizeException exc) {
280: }
281: }
283: /**
284: * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
285: */
286: public void run() {
287: try {
288: Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
289: MainClass o = new OtherClass();
290: // The front-end tests use the class load event to determine that the program has started
292: if (CONSTANT == 2)
293: System.out.println("CONSTANT=2");
295: while (true) {
296: printAndSignal();
297: triggerEvent();
298: useLocalVars(t, o);
299: try {
300: Thread.sleep(1000);
301: } catch (InterruptedException e) {
302: }
303: }
304: } finally {
305: System.out
306: .println("Running finally block in MainClass.run()");
307: }
308: }
310: /**
311: * Trigger an access watchpoint event for the front-end.
312: */
313: private void triggerAccessWatchpointEvent() {
314: if (fBool)
315: System.out.println("fBool is true");
316: }
318: /**
319: * Trigger a breakpoint event for the front-end.
320: */
321: private void triggerBreakpointEvent() {
322: System.out.println("Breakpoint");
323: }
325: /**
326: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
327: */
328: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent() {
329: new TestClass();
330: }
332: /**
333: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
334: */
335: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent1() {
336: new TestClass1();
337: }
339: /**
340: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
341: */
342: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent2() {
343: new TestClass2();
344: }
346: /**
347: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
348: */
349: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent3() {
350: new TestClass3();
351: }
353: /**
354: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
355: */
356: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent4() {
357: new TestClass4();
358: }
360: /**
361: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
362: */
363: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent5() {
364: new TestClass5();
365: }
367: /**
368: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
369: */
370: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent6() {
371: new TestClass6();
372: }
374: /**
375: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
376: */
377: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent7() {
378: new TestClass7();
379: new TestClazz8();
380: }
382: /**
383: * Trigger a class prepare event for the front-end.
384: */
385: private void triggerClassPrepareEvent8() {
386: new TestClazz9();
387: new TestClazz10();
388: }
390: /**
391: * Trigger an event for the front-end.
392: */
393: private void triggerEvent() {
394: /* Ensure we do it only once */
395: String eventType = fEventType;
396: fEventType = "";
398: /* Trigger event according to the field fEventType */
399: if (eventType.equals(""))
400: return;
401: else if (eventType.equals("refclassload")) {
402: new RefClass();
403: } else if (eventType.equals("fooreturn")) {
404: foo();
405: } else if (eventType.equals("argvalues")) {
406: argValues("teststr", 5, new Double(1.33));
407: } else if (eventType.equals("forcereturn2")) {
408: printNumber(System.out, 1);
409: } else if (eventType.equals("forcereturn")) {
410: print(System.out);
411: } else if (eventType.equals("monitorinfo")) {
412: sync();
413: } else if (eventType.equals("refclass1load")) {
414: new RefClass1();
415: } else if (eventType.equals("refclass2load")) {
416: new RefClass2();
417: } else if (eventType.equals("refclass3load")) {
418: new RefClass3();
419: } else if (eventType.equals("refclass4load")) {
420: new RefClass4();
421: } else if (eventType.equals("getInt")) {
422: getInt();
423: } else if (eventType.equals("getBoolean")) {
424: getBoolean();
425: } else if (eventType.equals("getLong")) {
426: getLong();
427: } else if (eventType.equals("AccessWatchpointEvent"))
428: triggerAccessWatchpointEvent();
429: else if (eventType.equals("StaticAccessWatchpointEvent"))
430: triggerStaticAccessWatchpointEvent();
431: else if (eventType.equals("BreakpointEvent"))
432: triggerBreakpointEvent();
433: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent"))
434: triggerClassPrepareEvent();
435: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent1"))
436: triggerClassPrepareEvent1();
437: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent2"))
438: triggerClassPrepareEvent2();
439: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent3"))
440: triggerClassPrepareEvent3();
441: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent4"))
442: triggerClassPrepareEvent4();
443: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent5"))
444: triggerClassPrepareEvent5();
445: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent6"))
446: triggerClassPrepareEvent6();
447: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent7"))
448: triggerClassPrepareEvent7();
449: else if (eventType.equals("ClassPrepareEvent8"))
450: triggerClassPrepareEvent8();
451: else if (eventType.equals("ExceptionEvent"))
452: triggerExceptionEvent();
453: else if (eventType.equals("ModificationWatchpointEvent"))
454: triggerModificationWatchpointEvent();
455: else if (eventType.equals("StaticModificationWatchpointEvent"))
456: triggerStaticModificationWatchpointEvent();
457: else if (eventType.equals("ThreadStartEvent"))
458: triggerThreadStartEvent();
459: else if (eventType.equals("ThreadDeathEvent"))
460: triggerThreadDeathEvent();
461: else
462: System.out.println("Unknown event type: " + eventType);
463: }
465: /**
466: * Trigger an exception event for the front-end.
467: */
468: private void triggerExceptionEvent() {
469: Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
470: public void run() {
471: throw new Error();
472: }
473: }, "Test Exception Event");
474: t.start();
475: }
477: /**
478: * Trigger a modification watchpoint event for the front-end.
479: */
480: private void triggerModificationWatchpointEvent() {
481: fBool = true;
482: }
484: /**
485: * Trigger an access watchpoint event to a static field
486: * for the front-end.
487: */
488: private void triggerStaticAccessWatchpointEvent() {
489: if (fObject == null)
490: System.out.println("fObject is null");
491: }
493: /**
494: * Trigger a modification watchpoint event of a static field
495: * for the front-end.
496: */
497: private void triggerStaticModificationWatchpointEvent() {
498: fString = "Hello Universe";
499: }
501: /**
502: * Trigger a thread end event for the front-end.
503: */
504: private void triggerThreadDeathEvent() {
505: new Thread("Test Thread Death Event").start();
506: }
508: /**
509: * Trigger a thread start event for the front-end.
510: */
511: private void triggerThreadStartEvent() {
512: new Thread("Test Thread Start Event").start();
513: }
515: private void useLocalVars(Thread t, MainClass o) {
516: if (t == null)
517: System.out.println("t is null");
518: if (o == null)
519: System.out.println("o is null");
521: }
522: }