Linked Position Infrastructure
Provides support for linked editing of documents.
The Linked Position Infrastructure lets one set up a mode in an editor
in which regions in a document (or several documents) are linked,
i.e. editions
of one linked position will be reflected in the others.
LinkedPositionGroup : a set of linked positions. Add
positions to a group using the addPosition method. See LinkedPosition and ProposalPosition
for a position type that lets one attach ICompletionProposal s to
be shown when the position is hit.
LinkedModeModel : umbrellas several LinkedPositionGroup s,
e.g. in a template that has several groups of linked positions. Handles
the forwarding of updates received via an IDocumentListener . Add LinkedPositionGroup s
an model using the addGroup method. Existence of a LinkedModeModel can be
tested by one of the static methods.
LinkedModeUI : The UI for linked mode (for one
model, to be precise). Monitors key etc. activity, monitors exit
conditions, creates a painter etc.
- cycling mode (whether to jump to the first position
after the last): either of
and CYCLE_WHEN_NO_PARENT (default).
- exit position: where to jump upon leaving the linked
mode (e.g. using Enter, or Tab from the last position when not
cycling). Set
isTabStop to true if tabbing
should stop over when cycling.
- position listener:
extending classes may register a position listener which will get
notified whenever
the focus position changes. An example is
which will store the edit location in the editor navigation history.
IDocument doc1, doc2;
ITextViewer viewer1, viewer2;
/* create groups - this step is independent of the linked mode */
LinkedPositionGroup group1= new LinkedPositionGroup();
group1.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(doc1, 3, 4));
group1.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(doc1, 7, 8));
LinkedPositionGroup group2= new LinkedPositionGroup();
group2.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(doc1, 15, 25));
group2.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(doc2, 0, 10));
/* set up linked mode */
LinkedModeModel model= new LinkedModeModel();
/* create UI */
LinkedModeUI ui= new LinkedModeUI(model, new ITextViewer[] { viewer1, viewer2 });