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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Eclipse » jface » org.eclipse.jface.viewers 
Package-level Javadoc Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based content adapters for SWT widgets.

Package Specification

A viewer is a model-based adapter on an SWT widget.  Each viewer has four parts:
  • an input - the object that serves as the viewer's model
  • a widget - the SWT control through which the viewer's model is displayed
  • a content provider - mediates between the model and viewer
  • a label provider - maps model objects to displayable labels containing text and/or an image
  • This package contains the viewer framework. The viewer framework is an independent JFace module. Using it requires a knowledge of SWT, but does not require familiarity with any of the other JFace modules. The framework consists of abstract base classes for viewers (Viewer, StructuredViewer, AbstractTreeViewer) together with concrete viewer classes (ListViewer, TreeViewer, TableViewer, TableTreeViewer, CheckboxTreeViewer, and CheckboxTableViewer), and various lesser support classes. The concrete structured viewer classes are ready-to-use and have built-in support for drag-and-drop, filtering (IViewerFilter and ViewerFilter), and sorting (IViewerSorter and ViewerSorter); these classes may also be subclassed further if required.

    In general terms, creating a viewer involves the following steps:

    • instantiating a viewer on some pre-existing SWT widget,
    • setting the viewer's content provider (an object implementing IContentProvider),
    • setting the viewer's label provider (an object implementing ILabelProvider),
    • and, finally, setting the viewer's input.
    Once a viewer's input is set, the viewer becomes active. As the model changes, it is the content provider's responsibility to respond to changes to the model by telling the viewer what to change (done by calling add and remove methods on the viewer). An existing viewer may be retargeted by giving it a different object as input; the viewer is responsible for informing the content provider of these kinds of wholesale changes (IContentProvider.inputChanged). Also, each viewer registers with its label provider for notification of changes that would affect what the viewer displays (see ILabelProviderListener.stateChanged).

    Note: None of the classes in this package maintain global state.

    Java Source File NameTypeComment
    AbstractListViewer.javaClass Abstract base class for viewers that contain lists of items (such as a combo or list).
    AbstractTableViewer.javaClass This is a widget independent class implementors of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table like widgets can use to provide a viewer on top of their widget implementations.
    AbstractTreeViewer.javaClass Abstract base implementation for tree-structure-oriented viewers (trees and table trees).

    Nodes in the tree can be in either an expanded or a collapsed state, depending on whether the children on a node are visible.

    AcceptAllFilter.javaClass Filter that accepts everything.
    ArrayContentProvider.javaClass This implementation of IStructuredContentProvider handles the case where the viewer input is an unchanging array or collection of elements.
    CellEditor.javaClass Abstract base class for cell editors.
    CellLabelProvider.javaClass The CellLabelProvider is an abstract implementation of a label provider for structured viewers.
    CellNavigationStrategy.javaClass This class implementation the strategy how the table is navigated using the keyboard.
    CheckboxCellEditor.javaClass A cell editor that manages a checkbox. The cell editor's value is a boolean.

    This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.

    Note that this implementation simply fakes it and does does not create any new controls.

    CheckboxTableViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based on an SWT Table control with checkboxes on each node.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.

    CheckboxTreeViewer.javaClass A concrete tree-structured viewer based on an SWT Tree control with checkboxes on each node.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.

    CheckStateChangedEvent.javaClass Event object describing a change to the checked state of a viewer element.
    ColorCellEditor.javaClass A cell editor that manages a color field.
    ColumnLayoutData.javaClass An abstract column layout data describing the information needed (by TableLayout) to properly lay out a table.
    ColumnPixelData.javaClass Describes the width of a table column in pixels, and whether the column is resizable.
    ColumnViewer.javaClass The ColumnViewer is the abstract superclass of viewers that have columns (e.g., AbstractTreeViewer and AbstractTableViewer).
    ColumnViewerEditor.javaClass This is the base for all editor implementations of Viewers.
    ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy.javaClass This class is responsible to determine if a cell selection event is triggers an editor activation.
    ColumnViewerToolTipSupport.javaClass The ColumnViewerTooltipSupport is the class that provides tool tips for ColumnViewers.
    ColumnWeightData.javaClass Describes the width of a table column in terms of a weight, a minimum width, and whether the column is resizable.
    ComboBoxCellEditor.javaClass A cell editor that presents a list of items in a combo box.
    ComboViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based either on an SWT Combo control or CCombo control.
    ContentViewer.javaClass A content viewer is a model-based adapter on a widget which accesses its model by means of a content provider and a label provider.

    A viewer's model consists of elements, represented by objects. A viewer defines and implements generic infrastructure for handling model input, updates, and selections in terms of elements. Input is obtained by querying an IContentProvider which returns elements.

    CustomHashtable.javaClass CustomHashtable associates keys with values.
    DecoratingLabelProvider.javaClass A decorating label provider is a label provider which combines a nested label provider and an optional decorator.
    DecorationContext.javaClass A concrete implementation of the IDecorationContext interface, suitable for instantiating.
    DecorationOverlayIcon.javaClass A DecorationOverlayIcon is an image descriptor that can be used to overlay decoration images on to the 4 corner quadrants of a base image. The four quadrants are IDecoration.TOP_LEFT , IDecoration.TOP_RIGHT , IDecoration.BOTTOM_LEFT and IDecoration.BOTTOM_RIGHT .
    DialogCellEditor.javaClass An abstract cell editor that uses a dialog. Dialog cell editors usually have a label control on the left and a button on the right.
    DoubleClickEvent.javaClass Event object describing a double-click.
    EditingSupport.javaClass EditingSupport is the abstract superclass of the support for cell editing.
    IBaseLabelProvider.javaInterface A label provider maps an element of the viewer's model to an optional image and optional text string used to display the element in the viewer's control.
    IBasicPropertyConstants.javaInterface Predefined property names used for elements displayed in viewers.
    ICellEditorListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified of significant events in the life of a cell editor.
    ICellEditorValidator.javaInterface An interface for validating a cell editor's input.
    ICellModifier.javaInterface A cell modifier is used to access the data model from a cell editor in an abstract way.
    ICheckable.javaInterface Interface for objects that support elements with a checked state.
    ICheckStateListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified of changes to the checked state of items in checkbox viewers.
    IColorDecorator.javaInterface The IColorDecorator is an interface for objects that return a color to decorate either the foreground and background colors for displaying an an object.
    IColorProvider.javaInterface Interface to provide color representation for a given element.
    IContentProvider.javaInterface A content provider mediates between the viewer's model and the viewer itself.
    IDecoration.javaInterface Defines the result of decorating an element.
    IDecorationContext.javaInterface A decoration context provides additional information to a label decorator.
    IDelayedLabelDecorator.javaInterface A delayed label decorator is a label decorator that may not have a decoration available immediately.
    IDoubleClickListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified of double-click events on viewers.
    IElementComparer.javaInterface This interface is used to compare elements in a viewer for equality, and to provide the hash code for an element. This allows the client of the viewer to specify different equality criteria and a different hash code implementation than the equals and hashCode implementations of the elements themselves.
    IFilter.javaInterface Interface for filters.
    IFontDecorator.javaInterface The IFontDecorator is an interface for objects that return a font to decorate an object.
    IFontProvider.javaInterface Interface to provide font representation for a given element.
    IInputProvider.javaInterface Interface common to all objects that provide an input.
    IInputSelectionProvider.javaInterface Interface common to all objects that provide both an input and a selection.
    ILabelDecorator.javaInterface A label decorator decorates the label text and image for some element.
    ILabelProvider.javaInterface Extends IBaseLabelProvider with the methods to provide the text and/or image for the label of a given element.
    ILabelProviderListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified when a label provider's state changes.
    ILazyContentProvider.javaInterface The ILazyContentProvider is the content provider for table viewers created using the SWT.VIRTUAL flag that only wish to return their contents as they are queried.
    ILazyTreeContentProvider.javaInterface The ILazyTreeContentProvider is the content provider for tree viewers created using the SWT.VIRTUAL flag that only wish to return their contents as they are queried.
    ILazyTreePathContentProvider.javaInterface The ILazyTreePathContentProvider is a tree path-based content provider for tree viewers created using the SWT.VIRTUAL flag that only wish to return their contents as they are queried.
    ILightweightLabelDecorator.javaInterface The ILightweightLabelDecorator is a decorator that decorates using a prefix, suffix and overlay image rather than doing all of the image and text management itself like an ILabelDecorator.
    IOpenListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified of open events on viewers.
    IPostSelectionProvider.javaInterface Selection provider extension interface to allow providers to notify about post selection changed events.
    ISelection.javaInterface Interface for a selection.
    ISelectionChangedListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified when a viewer's selection changes.
    ISelectionProvider.javaInterface Interface common to all objects that provide a selection.
    IStructuredContentProvider.javaInterface An interface to content providers for structured viewers.
    IStructuredSelection.javaInterface A selection containing elements.
    ITableColorProvider.javaInterface Interface to provide color representation for a given cell within the row for an element in a table.
    ITableFontProvider.javaInterface The ITableFontProvider is a font provider that provides fonts to individual cells within tables.
    ITableLabelProvider.javaInterface Extends IBaseLabelProvider with the methods to provide the text and/or image for each column of a given element.
    ITreeContentProvider.javaInterface An interface to content providers for tree-structure-oriented viewers.
    ITreePathContentProvider.javaInterface An interface to content providers for tree-structure-oriented viewers that provides content based on the path of elements in the tree viewer..
    ITreePathLabelProvider.javaInterface An extension to ILabelProvider that is given the path of the element being decorated, when it is available.
    ITreeSelection.javaInterface A selection containing tree paths.

    It is recommended that clients do not implement this interface but instead use the standard implementation of this interface, TreeSelection . TreeSelection adds API for getting the IElementComparer of a selection (if available).

    ITreeViewerListener.javaInterface A listener which is notified when a tree viewer expands or collapses a node.
    IViewerLabelProvider.javaInterface Extends IBaseLabelProvider with the methods to update the label for a given element.
    LabelDecorator.javaClass The LabelDecorator is an abstract superclass of ILabelDecorators that support IDecorationContext.
    LabelProvider.javaClass A label provider implementation which, by default, uses an element's toString value for its text and null for its image.
    LabelProviderChangedEvent.javaClass Event object describing a label provider state change.
    ListViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based on an SWT List control.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed.

    NamedHandleObjectLabelProvider.javaClass A label provider for instances of NamedHandlerObject, which exposes the name as the label.
    OpenEvent.javaClass Event object describing an open which may be generated from a selection or default selection event.
    OwnerDrawLabelProvider.javaClass OwnerDrawLabelProvider is an abstract implementation of a label provider that handles custom draw.
    SelectionChangedEvent.javaClass Event object describing a selection change.
    StructuredSelection.javaClass A concrete implementation of the IStructuredSelection interface, suitable for instantiating.
    StructuredViewer.javaClass Abstract base implementation for structure-oriented viewers (trees, lists, tables).
    SWTFocusCellManager.javaClass This class is responsible to provide cell management base features for the SWT-Controls org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table and org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree .
    TableColumnViewerLabelProvider.javaClass TableColumnViewerLabelProvider is the mapping from the table based providers to the ViewerLabelProvider.
    TableLayout.javaClass A layout for a table.
    TableTreeViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based on a SWT TableTree control.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.

    TableViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based on a SWT Table control.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.

    TableViewerColumn.javaClass ViewerColumn implementation for TableViewer to enable column-specific label providers and editing support.
    TableViewerFocusCellManager.javaClass This class is responsible to provide the concept of cells for Table .
    TextCellEditor.javaClass A cell editor that manages a text entry field.
    TreeColumnViewerLabelProvider.javaClass TreeViewerLabelProvider is the ViewerLabelProvider that handles TreePaths.
    TreeExpansionEvent.javaClass Event object describing a tree node being expanded or collapsed.
    TreeNode.javaClass A simple data structure that is useful for implemented tree models.

    A content provider that expects every element to be a TreeNode. Most methods delegate to TreeNode.

    TreePath.javaClass A tree path denotes a model element in a tree viewer.
    TreePathViewerSorter.javaClass A viewer sorter that is provided extra context in the form of the path of the parent element of the elements being sorted.
    TreeSelection.javaClass A concrete implementation of the ITreeSelection interface, suitable for instantiating.
    TreeViewer.javaClass A concrete viewer based on an SWT Tree control.

    This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.

    TreeViewerColumn.javaClass ViewerColumn implementation for TreeViewer to enable column-specific label providers and editing support.
    TreeViewerFocusCellManager.javaClass This class is responsible to provide the concept of cells for Tree .
    TreeViewerRow.javaClass TreeViewerRow is the Tree implementation of ViewerRow.
    Viewer.javaClass A viewer is a model-based adapter on a widget.
    ViewerCell.javaClass The ViewerCell is the JFace representation of a cell entry in a ViewerRow.
    ViewerColumn.javaClass Instances of this class represent a column of a ColumnViewer .
    ViewerComparator.javaClass A viewer comparator is used by a StructuredViewer to reorder the elements provided by its content provider.

    The default compare method compares elements using two steps.

    ViewerDropAdapter.javaClass This adapter class provides generic drag-and-drop support for a viewer.
    ViewerFilter.javaClass A viewer filter is used by a structured viewer to extract a subset of elements provided by its content provider.
    ViewerLabel.javaClass The ViewerLabel is the class that is passed to a viewer to handle updates of labels.
    ViewerRow.javaClass ViewerRow is the abstract superclass of the part that represents items in a Table or Tree.
    ViewerSorter.javaClass A viewer sorter is used by a StructuredViewer to reorder the elements provided by its content provider.

    The default compare method compares elements using two steps.

    WrappedViewerLabelProvider.javaClass The WrappedViewerLabelProvider is a label provider that allows ILabelProvider , IColorProvider and IFontProvider to be mapped to a ColumnLabelProvider. | Contact Us
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