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All known Subclasses:   org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.SWTKeyLookup,
public interface IKeyLookup (Code)

A facilitiy for converting the formal representation for key strokes (i.e., used in persistence) into real key stroke instances.


Field Summary
final public static  StringALT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Alt' key.
final public static  StringARROW_DOWN_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Arrow Down' key.
final public static  StringARROW_LEFT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Arrow Left' key.
final public static  StringARROW_RIGHT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Arrow Right' key.
final public static  StringARROW_UP_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Arrow Up' key.
final public static  StringBACKSPACE_NAME
     An alternate name for the backspace key.
final public static  StringBREAK_NAME
     The formal name for the 'Break' key.
final public static  StringBS_NAME
     The formal name of the backspace key.
final public static  StringCAPS_LOCK_NAME
     The formal name for the 'Caps Lock' key.
final public static  StringCOMMAND_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Command' key.
final public static  StringCR_NAME
final public static  StringCTRL_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Ctrl' key.
final public static  StringDELETE_NAME
     An alternative name for the delete key.
final public static  StringDEL_NAME
final public static  StringEND_NAME
     The formal name of the 'End' key.
final public static  StringENTER_NAME
     An alternative name for the enter key.
final public static  StringESCAPE_NAME
     An alternative name for the escape key.
final public static  StringESC_NAME
     The formal name of the escape (U+001B) key.
final public static  StringF10_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F10' key.
final public static  StringF11_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F11' key.
final public static  StringF12_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F12' key.
final public static  StringF13_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F13' key.
final public static  StringF14_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F14' key.
final public static  StringF15_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F15' key.
final public static  StringF1_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F1' key.
final public static  StringF2_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F2' key.
final public static  StringF3_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F3' key.
final public static  StringF4_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F4' key.
final public static  StringF5_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F5' key.
final public static  StringF6_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F6' key.
final public static  StringF7_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F7' key.
final public static  StringF8_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F8' key.
final public static  StringF9_NAME
     The formal name of the 'F9' key.
final public static  StringFF_NAME
     The formal name of the form feed (U+000C) key.
final public static  StringHOME_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Home' key.
final public static  StringINSERT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Insert' key.
final public static  StringLF_NAME
     The formal name of the line feed (U+000A) key.
final public static  StringM1_NAME
     The formal name of the 'M1' key.
final public static  StringM2_NAME
     The formal name of the 'M2' key.
final public static  StringM3_NAME
     The formal name of the 'M3' key.
final public static  StringM4_NAME
     The formal name of the 'M4' key.
final public static  StringNUL_NAME
     The formal name of the null (U+0000) key.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_0_NAME
     The formal name of the '0' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_1_NAME
     The formal name of the '1' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_2_NAME
     The formal name of the '2' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_3_NAME
     The formal name of the '3' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_4_NAME
     The formal name of the '4' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_5_NAME
     The formal name of the '5' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_6_NAME
     The formal name of the '6' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_7_NAME
     The formal name of the '7' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_8_NAME
     The formal name of the '8' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_9_NAME
     The formal name of the '9' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_ADD_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Add' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_DECIMAL_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Decimal' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_DIVIDE_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Divide' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_ENTER_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Enter' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_EQUAL_NAME
     The formal name of the '=' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_MULTIPLY_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Multiply' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUMPAD_SUBTRACT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Subtract' key on the numpad.
final public static  StringNUM_LOCK_NAME
     The formal name of the 'NumLock' key.
final public static  StringPAGE_DOWN_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Page Down' key.
final public static  StringPAGE_UP_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Page Up' key.
final public static  StringPAUSE_NAME
     The formal name for the 'Pause' key.
final public static  StringPRINT_SCREEN_NAME
     The formal name for the 'Print Screen' key.
final public static  StringRETURN_NAME
     An alternative name for the enter key.
final public static  StringSCROLL_LOCK_NAME
     The formal name for the 'Scroll Lock' key.
final public static  StringSHIFT_NAME
     The formal name of the 'Shift' key.
final public static  StringSPACE_NAME
     The formal name of the space (U+0020) key.
final public static  StringTAB_NAME
     The formal name of the tab (U+0009) key.
final public static  StringVT_NAME
     The formal name of the vertical tab (U+000B) key.

Method Summary
public  intformalKeyLookup(String name)
     Looks up a single natural key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this natural key
  name - The formal name of the natural key to look-up; must not benull.
public  IntegerformalKeyLookupInteger(String name)
     Looks up a single natural key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this natural key
  name - The formal name of the natural key to look-up; must not benull.
public  intformalModifierLookup(String name)
     Looks up a single modifier key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this modifier key
  name - The formal name of the modifier key to look-up; must not benull.
public  StringformalNameLookup(int key)
     Looks up a key value, and returns the formal string representation for that key
  key - The key to look-up.
public  intgetAlt()
     Returns the integer representation of the ALT key.
public  intgetCommand()
     Returns the integer representation of the COMMAND key.
public  intgetCtrl()
     Returns the integer representation of the CTRL key.
public  intgetShift()
     Returns the integer representation of the SHIFT key.
public  booleanisModifierKey(int key)
     Returns whether the given key is a modifier key.
  key - The integer value of the key to check.

Field Detail
final public static String ALT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Alt' key.

final public static String ARROW_DOWN_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Arrow Down' key.

final public static String ARROW_LEFT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Arrow Left' key.

final public static String ARROW_RIGHT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Arrow Right' key.

final public static String ARROW_UP_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Arrow Up' key.

final public static String BACKSPACE_NAME(Code)
An alternate name for the backspace key.

final public static String BREAK_NAME(Code)
The formal name for the 'Break' key.

final public static String BS_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the backspace key.

final public static String CAPS_LOCK_NAME(Code)
The formal name for the 'Caps Lock' key.

final public static String COMMAND_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Command' key.

final public static String CR_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the carriage return (U+000D)

final public static String CTRL_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Ctrl' key.

final public static String DELETE_NAME(Code)
An alternative name for the delete key.

final public static String DEL_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the delete (U+007F) key

final public static String END_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'End' key.

final public static String ENTER_NAME(Code)
An alternative name for the enter key.

final public static String ESCAPE_NAME(Code)
An alternative name for the escape key.

final public static String ESC_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the escape (U+001B) key.

final public static String F10_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F10' key.

final public static String F11_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F11' key.

final public static String F12_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F12' key.

final public static String F13_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F13' key.

final public static String F14_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F14' key.

final public static String F15_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F15' key.

final public static String F1_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F1' key.

final public static String F2_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F2' key.

final public static String F3_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F3' key.

final public static String F4_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F4' key.

final public static String F5_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F5' key.

final public static String F6_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F6' key.

final public static String F7_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F7' key.

final public static String F8_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F8' key.

final public static String F9_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'F9' key.

final public static String FF_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the form feed (U+000C) key.

final public static String HOME_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Home' key.

final public static String INSERT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Insert' key.

final public static String LF_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the line feed (U+000A) key.

final public static String M1_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'M1' key.

final public static String M2_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'M2' key.

final public static String M3_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'M3' key.

final public static String M4_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'M4' key.

final public static String NUL_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the null (U+0000) key.

final public static String NUMPAD_0_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '0' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_1_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '1' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_2_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '2' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_3_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '3' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_4_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '4' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_5_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '5' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_6_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '6' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_7_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '7' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_8_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '8' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_9_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '9' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_ADD_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Add' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_DECIMAL_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Decimal' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_DIVIDE_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Divide' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_ENTER_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Enter' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_EQUAL_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the '=' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_MULTIPLY_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Multiply' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUMPAD_SUBTRACT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Subtract' key on the numpad.

final public static String NUM_LOCK_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'NumLock' key.

final public static String PAGE_DOWN_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Page Down' key.

final public static String PAGE_UP_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Page Up' key.

final public static String PAUSE_NAME(Code)
The formal name for the 'Pause' key.

final public static String PRINT_SCREEN_NAME(Code)
The formal name for the 'Print Screen' key.

final public static String RETURN_NAME(Code)
An alternative name for the enter key.

final public static String SCROLL_LOCK_NAME(Code)
The formal name for the 'Scroll Lock' key.

final public static String SHIFT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the 'Shift' key.

final public static String SPACE_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the space (U+0020) key.

final public static String TAB_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the tab (U+0009) key.

final public static String VT_NAME(Code)
The formal name of the vertical tab (U+000B) key.

Method Detail
public int formalKeyLookup(String name)(Code)
Looks up a single natural key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this natural key
  name - The formal name of the natural key to look-up; must not benull. The integer representation of this key. If the natural key cannotbe found, then this method returns 0.

public Integer formalKeyLookupInteger(String name)(Code)
Looks up a single natural key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this natural key
  name - The formal name of the natural key to look-up; must not benull. The integer representation of this key. If the natural key cannotbe found, then this method returns 0.

public int formalModifierLookup(String name)(Code)
Looks up a single modifier key by its formal name, and returns the integer representation for this modifier key
  name - The formal name of the modifier key to look-up; must not benull. The integer representation of this key. If the modifier keycannot be found, then this method returns 0.

public String formalNameLookup(int key)(Code)
Looks up a key value, and returns the formal string representation for that key
  key - The key to look-up. The formal string representation of this key. If this key cannotbe found, then it is simply the character corresponding to thatinteger value.

public int getAlt()(Code)
Returns the integer representation of the ALT key. The ALT key

public int getCommand()(Code)
Returns the integer representation of the COMMAND key. The COMMAND key

public int getCtrl()(Code)
Returns the integer representation of the CTRL key. The CTRL key

public int getShift()(Code)
Returns the integer representation of the SHIFT key. The SHIFT key

public boolean isModifierKey(int key)(Code)
Returns whether the given key is a modifier key.
  key - The integer value of the key to check. true if the key is one of the modifier keys;false otherwise. | Contact Us
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