| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.PropertiesContentProvider
PropertiesContentProvider | public class PropertiesContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider,IResourceChangeListener,IResourceDeltaVisitor(Code) | | Provides the properties contained in a *.properties file as children of that
file in a Common Navigator.
since: 3.2 |
PropertiesContentProvider | public PropertiesContentProvider()(Code) | | Create the PropertiesContentProvider instance.
Adds the content provider as a resource change listener to track changes on disk.
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
getChildren | public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement)(Code) | | Return the model elements for a *.properties IFile or
NO_CHILDREN for otherwise.
inputChanged | public void inputChanged(Viewer aViewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput)(Code) | | |
resourceChanged | public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event)(Code) | | |
visit | public boolean visit(IResourceDelta delta)(Code) | | |