| org.eclipse.ui.examples.presentation.wrappedtabs.WrappedTabsPartPresentation
WrappedTabsPartPresentation | public class WrappedTabsPartPresentation extends StackPresentation (Code) | | since: 3.0 |
Constructor Summary | |
public | WrappedTabsPartPresentation(Composite parent, IStackPresentationSite stackSite, boolean showIconOnTabs) Creates a new bare-bones part presentation, given the parent composite and
an IStackPresentationSite interface that will be used to communicate with
the workbench. |
dragListener | Listener dragListener(Code) | | Drag listener for regions outside the toolbar
tabItemSelectionAdapter | SelectionAdapter tabItemSelectionAdapter(Code) | | This listener responds to selection events in all tool items.
WrappedTabsPartPresentation | public WrappedTabsPartPresentation(Composite parent, IStackPresentationSite stackSite, boolean showIconOnTabs)(Code) | | Creates a new bare-bones part presentation, given the parent composite and
an IStackPresentationSite interface that will be used to communicate with
the workbench.
Parameters: stackSite - interface to the workbench |
addPart | public void addPart(IPresentablePart newPart, Object cookie)(Code) | | |
childPropertyChanged | protected void childPropertyChanged(IPresentablePart part, int property)(Code) | | Called whenever a property changes for one of the parts in this
Parameters: part - Parameters: property - |
close | public void close(IPresentablePart[] parts)(Code) | | Parameters: parts - |
computeMinimumSize | public Point computeMinimumSize()(Code) | | |
currentPartChanged | public void currentPartChanged()(Code) | | |
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
dragOver | public StackDropResult dragOver(Control currentControl, Point location)(Code) | | |
getControl | public Control getControl()(Code) | | |
getCurrent | public IPresentablePart getCurrent()(Code) | | |
getPartForTab | final protected IPresentablePart getPartForTab(ToolItem item)(Code) | | Returns the part associated with the given tab, or null if none.
Parameters: item - the tab to query the part associated with the given tab or null if none |
getParts | public IPresentablePart[] getParts()(Code) | | |
getTab | final protected ToolItem getTab(IPresentablePart part)(Code) | | Returns the tab associated with the given part or null if none
Parameters: part - the part to check for the tab associated with the given part or null if none |
getTabList | public Control[] getTabList(IPresentablePart part)(Code) | | |
getTabText | protected String getTabText(IPresentablePart part)(Code) | | Returns the decorated tab text for the given part. By default, we attach
a star to indicate dirty tabs.
Parameters: part - part whose text is being computed the decorated tab text for the given part |
initTab | protected void initTab(ToolItem item, IPresentablePart part)(Code) | | |
isShowingToolbar | public boolean isShowingToolbar()(Code) | | |
presentationDisposed | protected void presentationDisposed()(Code) | | Perform any cleanup. This method should remove any listeners that were
attached to other objects. This gets called when the presentation
widget is disposed. This is safer than cleaning up in the dispose()
method, since this code will run even if some unusual circumstance
destroys the Shell without first calling dispose().
refreshButtonBarEnablement | public void refreshButtonBarEnablement()(Code) | | |
removePart | public void removePart(IPresentablePart oldPart)(Code) | | Removes the given part from the stack.
Parameters: oldPart - the part to remove (not null) |
restoreState | public void restoreState(IPresentationSerializer serializer, IMemento savedState)(Code) | | |
saveState | public void saveState(IPresentationSerializer context, IMemento memento)(Code) | | |
selectPart | public void selectPart(IPresentablePart toSelect)(Code) | | |
setActive | public void setActive(int newState)(Code) | | |
setBounds | public void setBounds(Rectangle bounds)(Code) | | |
setState | public void setState(int state)(Code) | | |
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean isVisible)(Code) | | |
showPaneMenu | public void showPaneMenu(Point location)(Code) | | |
showPaneMenu | public void showPaneMenu()(Code) | | |
showPartList | public void showPartList()(Code) | | |
showSystemMenu | public void showSystemMenu()(Code) | | |
showSystemMenu | public void showSystemMenu(Point displayPos)(Code) | | |
showToolbar | protected void showToolbar(IPresentablePart part, boolean shouldShow)(Code) | | |
showToolbar | public void showToolbar(boolean selection)(Code) | | Parameters: selection - |