| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.examples.propertysheet.EmailAddress
EmailAddress | public class EmailAddress implements IPropertySource(Code) | | Example IPropertySource is editable and whose childern properties are itself not editable.
The values of "userid" and "mailserver" are parsed from setting "email"
EmailAddress | public EmailAddress()(Code) | | EmailAddress Default Constructor
getPropertyValue | public Object getPropertyValue(Object propKey)(Code) | | The EmailAddress implementation of this
IPropertySource method returns the following properties
1) P_USERID returns String, values before "@"
2) P_DOMAIN returns String, values after "@"
Observe the available properties must always equal those listed
in the property descriptors
isPropertySet | public boolean isPropertySet(Object property)(Code) | | |
resetPropertyValue | public void resetPropertyValue(Object property)(Code) | | |
setPropertyValue | public void setPropertyValue(Object name, Object value)(Code) | | The Address implementation of this
IPropertySource method
defines the following Setable properties
1) P_USERID, expects String
2) P_DOMAIN, expects String
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | The value as displayed in the Property Sheet.
java.lang.String |