Method Summary |
protected boolean | allowNewContainerName() The WizardExportPage implementation of this
WizardDataTransferPage method returns false . |
public void | createControl(Composite parent) (non-Javadoc)
Method declared on IDialogPage. |
abstract protected void | createDestinationGroup(Composite parent) Creates the export destination specification visual components. |
final protected void | createSourceGroup(Composite parent) Creates the export source resource specification controls. |
protected void | displayErrorDialog(String message) Display an error dialog with the specified message. |
protected void | displayResourcesSelectedCount(int selectedResourceCount) Displays a description message that indicates a selection of resources
of the specified size. |
protected boolean | ensureResourcesLocal(List resources) Obsolete method. |
protected List | extractNonLocalResources(List originalList) Returns a new subcollection containing only those resources which are not
local. |
public boolean | getExportAllTypesValue() Returns the current selection value of the "Export all types" radio,
or its set initial value if it does not exist yet. |
public String | getResourceFieldValue() Returns the current contents of the resource name entry field,
or its set initial value if it does not exist yet (which could
be null ). |
protected IPath | getResourcePath() Return the path for the resource field. |
protected List | getSelectedResources() Returns this page's collection of currently-specified resources to be
exported. |
protected IResource | getSourceResource() Returns the resource object specified in the resource name entry field,
or null if such a resource does not exist in the workbench. |
public String | getTypesFieldValue() Returns the current contents of the types entry field, or its set
initial value if it does not exist yet (which could be null ). |
protected List | getTypesToExport() Returns the resource extensions currently specified to be exported. |
public void | handleEvent(Event event) The WizardExportPage implementation of this
Listener method handles all events and enablements for controls
on this page. |
protected void | handleResourceBrowseButtonPressed() Opens a container selection dialog and displays the user's subsequent
container selection in this page's resource name field. |
protected void | handleResourceDetailsButtonPressed() Opens a resource selection dialog and records the user's subsequent
resource selections. |
protected void | handleTypesEditButtonPressed() Queries the user for the types of resources to be exported and
displays these types in this page's "Types to export" field. |
protected boolean | hasExportableExtension(String resourceName) Returns whether the extension of the given resource name is an extension that
has been specified for export by the user. |
protected void | internalSaveWidgetValues() Persists additional setting that are to be restored in the next instance of
this page.
The WizardImportPage implementation of this method does
nothing. |
protected Object[] | queryIndividualResourcesToExport(IAdaptable rootResource) Queries the user for the individual resources that are to be exported
and returns these resources as a collection. |
protected Object[] | queryResourceTypesToExport() Queries the user for the resource types that are to be exported and returns
these types as a collection. |
protected void | resetSelectedResources() Resets this page's selected resources collection and updates its controls
accordingly. |
protected void | restoreResourceSpecificationWidgetValues() Restores resource specification control settings that were persisted
in the previous instance of this page. |
protected void | saveWidgetValues() Persists resource specification control setting that are to be restored
in the next instance of this page. |
protected void | selectAppropriateFolderContents(IContainer resource) Records a container's recursive file descendents which have an extension
that has been specified for export by the user. |
protected void | selectAppropriateResources(Object resource) Records a resource's recursive descendents which are appropriate
for export based upon this page's current controls contents. |
public void | setExportAllTypesValue(boolean value) Sets the selection value of this page's "Export all types" radio, or stores
it for future use if this visual component does not exist yet. |
public void | setResourceFieldValue(String value) Sets the value of this page's source resource field, or stores
it for future use if this visual component does not exist yet. |
protected void | setResourceToDisplay(IResource resource) Set the resource whos name we will display. |
public void | setTypesFieldValue(String value) Sets the value of this page's "Types to export" field, or stores
it for future use if this visual component does not exist yet. |
protected void | setTypesToExport(List typeStrings) Sets the value of this page's "Types to export" field based upon the
collection of extensions. |
protected void | setupBasedOnInitialSelections() Populates the resource name field based upon the currently selected resources. |
protected void | updateWidgetEnablements() Updates the enablements of this page's controls. |
final protected boolean | validateSourceGroup() |