| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.commands.CommandEvent
CommandEvent | final public class CommandEvent (Code) | | An instance of this class describes changes to an instance of
ICommand .
This class is not intended to be extended by clients.
since: 3.0 See Also: ICommandListener.commandChanged(CommandEvent) See Also: org.eclipse.core.commands.CommandEvent |
Constructor Summary | |
public | CommandEvent(ICommand command, boolean attributeValuesByNameChanged, boolean categoryIdChanged, boolean definedChanged, boolean descriptionChanged, boolean handledChanged, boolean keySequenceBindingsChanged, boolean nameChanged, Map previousAttributeValuesByName) Creates a new instance of this class.
Parameters: command - the instance of the interface that changed. Parameters: attributeValuesByNameChanged - true, iff the attributeValuesByName property changed. Parameters: categoryIdChanged - true, iff the categoryId property changed. Parameters: definedChanged - true, iff the defined property changed. Parameters: descriptionChanged - true, iff the description property changed. Parameters: handledChanged - true, iff the handled property changed. Parameters: keySequenceBindingsChanged - true, iff the keySequenceBindings property changed. Parameters: nameChanged - true, iff the name property changed. Parameters: previousAttributeValuesByName - the map of previous attribute values by name. |
CommandEvent | public CommandEvent(ICommand command, boolean attributeValuesByNameChanged, boolean categoryIdChanged, boolean definedChanged, boolean descriptionChanged, boolean handledChanged, boolean keySequenceBindingsChanged, boolean nameChanged, Map previousAttributeValuesByName)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of this class.
Parameters: command - the instance of the interface that changed. Parameters: attributeValuesByNameChanged - true, iff the attributeValuesByName property changed. Parameters: categoryIdChanged - true, iff the categoryId property changed. Parameters: definedChanged - true, iff the defined property changed. Parameters: descriptionChanged - true, iff the description property changed. Parameters: handledChanged - true, iff the handled property changed. Parameters: keySequenceBindingsChanged - true, iff the keySequenceBindings property changed. Parameters: nameChanged - true, iff the name property changed. Parameters: previousAttributeValuesByName - the map of previous attribute values by name. This map may beempty. If this map is not empty, it's collection of keys mustonly contain instances of String . This mapmust be null if attributeValuesByNameChanged isfalse and must not be null ifattributeValuesByNameChanged is true . |
getCommand | public ICommand getCommand()(Code) | | Returns the instance of the interface that changed.
the instance of the interface that changed. Guaranteed not to benull . |
getPreviousAttributeValuesByName | public Map getPreviousAttributeValuesByName()(Code) | | Returns the map of previous attribute values by name.
the map of previous attribute values by name. This map may beempty. If this map is not empty, it's collection of keys isguaranteed to only contain instances of String .This map is guaranteed to be null ifhaveAttributeValuesByNameChanged() is false and isguaranteed to not be null if haveAttributeValuesByNameChanged()is true . |
hasCategoryIdChanged | public boolean hasCategoryIdChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the categoryId property changed.
true, iff the categoryId property changed. |
hasDefinedChanged | public boolean hasDefinedChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the defined property changed.
true, iff the defined property changed. |
hasDescriptionChanged | public boolean hasDescriptionChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the description property changed.
true, iff the description property changed. |
hasHandledChanged | public boolean hasHandledChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the handled property changed.
true, iff the handled property changed. |
hasNameChanged | public boolean hasNameChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the name property changed.
true, iff the name property changed. |
haveAttributeValuesByNameChanged | public boolean haveAttributeValuesByNameChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the attributeValuesByName property changed.
true, iff the attributeValuesByName property changed. |
haveKeySequenceBindingsChanged | public boolean haveKeySequenceBindingsChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the keySequenceBindings property changed.
true, iff the keySequenceBindings property changed. |