| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.contentassist.ContentAssistHandler
ContentAssistHandler | public class ContentAssistHandler (Code) | | A content assistant handler which handles the key binding and
the cue for a
org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant and its subject adapter.
since: 3.0 |
createHandlerForCombo | public static ContentAssistHandler createHandlerForCombo(Combo combo, SubjectControlContentAssistant contentAssistant)(Code) | | Creates a new
ContentAssistHandler for the given
Combo .
Only a single
ContentAssistHandler may be installed on a
Combo instance.
Content Assist is enabled by default.
Parameters: combo - target combo Parameters: contentAssistant - a configured content assistant a new ContentAssistHandler |
isEnabled | public boolean isEnabled()(Code) | | true iff content assist is enabled |
setEnabled | public void setEnabled(boolean enable)(Code) | | Controls enablement of content assist.
When enabled, a cue is shown next to the focused field
and the affordance hover shows the shortcut.
Parameters: enable - enable content assist iff true |