| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextManagerEvent
Constructor Summary | |
public | ContextManagerEvent(IContextManager contextManager, boolean definedContextIdsChanged, boolean enabledContextIdsChanged, Set previouslyDefinedContextIds, Set previouslyEnabledContextIds) Creates a new instance of this class.
Parameters: contextManager - the instance of the interface that changed. Parameters: definedContextIdsChanged - true, iff the definedContextIds property changed. Parameters: enabledContextIdsChanged - true, iff the enabledContextIds property changed. Parameters: previouslyDefinedContextIds - the set of identifiers to previously defined contexts. |
ContextManagerEvent | public ContextManagerEvent(IContextManager contextManager, boolean definedContextIdsChanged, boolean enabledContextIdsChanged, Set previouslyDefinedContextIds, Set previouslyEnabledContextIds)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of this class.
Parameters: contextManager - the instance of the interface that changed. Parameters: definedContextIdsChanged - true, iff the definedContextIds property changed. Parameters: enabledContextIdsChanged - true, iff the enabledContextIds property changed. Parameters: previouslyDefinedContextIds - the set of identifiers to previously defined contexts. Thisset may be empty. If this set is not empty, it must onlycontain instances of String . This set must benull if definedContextIdsChanged isfalse and must not be null ifdefinedContextIdsChanged is true . Parameters: previouslyEnabledContextIds - the set of identifiers to previously enabled contexts. Thisset may be empty. If this set is not empty, it must onlycontain instances of String . This set must benull if enabledContextIdsChanged isfalse and must not be null ifenabledContextIdsChanged is true . |
getContextManager | public IContextManager getContextManager()(Code) | | Returns the instance of the interface that changed.
the instance of the interface that changed. Guaranteed not to benull . |
getPreviouslyDefinedContextIds | public Set getPreviouslyDefinedContextIds()(Code) | | Returns the set of identifiers to previously defined contexts.
the set of identifiers to previously defined contexts. This setmay be empty. If this set is not empty, it is guaranteed to onlycontain instances of String . This set isguaranteed to be null ifhaveDefinedContextIdsChanged() is false and isguaranteed to not be null if haveDefinedContextIdsChanged() istrue . |
getPreviouslyEnabledContextIds | public Set getPreviouslyEnabledContextIds()(Code) | | Returns the set of identifiers to previously enabled contexts.
the set of identifiers to previously enabled contexts. This setmay be empty. If this set is not empty, it is guaranteed to onlycontain instances of String . This set isguaranteed to be null ifhaveEnabledContextIdsChanged() is false and isguaranteed to not be null if haveEnabledContextIdsChanged() istrue . |
haveDefinedContextIdsChanged | public boolean haveDefinedContextIdsChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the definedContextIds property changed.
true, iff the definedContextIds property changed. |
haveEnabledContextIdsChanged | public boolean haveEnabledContextIdsChanged()(Code) | | Returns whether or not the enabledContextIds property changed.
true, iff the enabledContextIds property changed. |