| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewPane
FastViewPane | public class FastViewPane (Code) | | Handles the presentation of an active fastview. A fast view pane docks to one side of a
parent composite, and is capable of displaying a single view. The view may be resized.
Displaying a new view will hide any view currently being displayed in the pane.
Currently, the fast view pane does not own or contain the view. It only controls the view's
position and visibility.
See Also: org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBar |
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | Disposes of any active widgetry being used for the fast view pane. Does not dispose
of the view itself.
getCurrentPane | public ViewPane getCurrentPane()(Code) | | Returns the currently visible fastview or null if none |
getCurrentRatio | public float getCurrentRatio()(Code) | | Returns the current fastview size ratio. Returns 0.0 if there is no fastview visible.
getState | public int getState()(Code) | | |
hideFastViewSash | public void hideFastViewSash()(Code) | | Hides the sash for the fastview if it is currently visible. This method may not be
required anymore, and might be removed from the public interface.
hideView | public void hideView()(Code) | | Hides the currently visible fastview.
moveSash | public void moveSash()(Code) | | |
setState | public void setState(int newState)(Code) | | |
showPaneMenu | public void showPaneMenu()(Code) | | |
showSystemMenu | public void showSystemMenu()(Code) | | |
showView | public void showView(Composite newClientComposite, ViewPane pane, int newSide, float sizeRatio)(Code) | | Displays the given view as a fastview. The view will be docked to the edge of the
given composite until it is subsequently hidden by a call to hideFastView.
Parameters: newClientComposite - Parameters: pane - Parameters: newSide - |