| |
| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPartSash
selectionListener | SelectionListener selectionListener(Code) | | |
createControl | public void createControl(Composite parent)(Code) | | Creates the control. As an optimization, creation of the control is deferred if
the control is invisible.
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | See LayoutPart#dispose
getBounds | public Rectangle getBounds()(Code) | | Gets the presentation bounds.
getControl | public Control getControl()(Code) | | Returns the part control.
isHorizontal | boolean isHorizontal()(Code) | | |
isVertical | boolean isVertical()(Code) | | |
isVisible | public boolean isVisible()(Code) | | |
setBounds | public void setBounds(Rectangle r)(Code) | | |
setEnabled | public void setEnabled(boolean resizable)(Code) | | Parameters: resizable - since: 3.1 |
setRatio | void setRatio(float newRatio)(Code) | | |
setSizes | void setSizes(int left, int right)(Code) | | |
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean visible)(Code) | | Makes the sash visible or invisible. Note: as an optimization, the actual widget is destroyed when the
sash is invisible.