| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartSashContainer
All known Subclasses: org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer, org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewSashContainer,
PartSashContainer | abstract public class PartSashContainer extends LayoutPart implements ILayoutContainer,IDragOverListener(Code) | | Abstract container that groups various layout
parts (possibly other containers) together as
a unit. Manages the placement and size of these
layout part based on the location of sashes within
the container.
Inner Class :protected static class RelationshipInfo | |
Method Summary | |
public void | add(LayoutPart child) Add a part. | public void | add(LayoutPart child, int relationship, float ratio, LayoutPart relative) Add a part relative to another. | void | add(LayoutPart child, int relationship, int left, int right, LayoutPart relative) | protected void | addChild(RelationshipInfo info) | void | addChildForPlaceholder(LayoutPart child, LayoutPart placeholder) Adds the child using ratio and position attributes
from the specified placeholder without replacing
the placeholder
FIXME: I believe there is a bug in computeRelation()
when a part is positioned relative to the editorarea. | void | addEnhanced(LayoutPart child, int swtDirectionConstant, float ratioForNewPart, LayoutPart relative) Add a new part relative to another. | public boolean | allowsAutoFocus() | public boolean | allowsBorder() | protected void | childAdded(LayoutPart child) Notification that a child layout part has been
added to the container. | public boolean | childIsZoomed(LayoutPart toTest) | public boolean | childObscuredByZoom(LayoutPart toTest) | protected void | childRemoved(LayoutPart child) Notification that a child layout part has been
removed from the container. | public void | childRequestZoomIn(LayoutPart toZoom) | public void | childRequestZoomOut() | public int | computePreferredSize(boolean width, int availableParallel, int availablePerpendicular, int preferredParallel) Returns the maximum size that can be utilized by this part if the given width and
height are available. | public RelationshipInfo[] | computeRelation() Returns an array with all the relation ship between the
parts. | public void | createControl(Composite parentWidget) | abstract protected Composite | createParent(Composite parentWidget) Subclasses override this method to specify
the composite to use to parent all children
layout parts it contains. | abstract protected PartStack | createStack() | protected void | derefPart(LayoutPart sourcePart) | public void | describeLayout(StringBuffer buf) Writes a description of the layout to the given string buffer.
This is used for drag-drop test suites to determine if two layouts are the
same. | public void | dispose() | abstract protected void | disposeParent() Subclasses override this method to dispose
of any swt resources created during createParent. | public void | disposeSashes() Dispose all sashs used in this perspective. | public IDropTarget | drag(Control currentControl, Object draggedObject, Point position, Rectangle dragRectangle) | protected void | dropObject(PartPane[] toDrop, LayoutPart visiblePart, LayoutPart targetPart, int side) | public LayoutPart | findBottomRight() Return the most bottom right part or null if none. | public void | findSashes(LayoutPart pane, PartPane.Sashes sashes) Find the sashs around the specified part. | public void | flushLayout() | public Rectangle | getBounds() | public LayoutPart[] | getChildren() | public Control | getControl() | protected float | getDockingRatio(LayoutPart dragged, LayoutPart target) | public LayoutTree | getLayoutTree() | public WorkbenchPage | getPage() For themes. | public Composite | getParent() Returns the composite used to parent all the
layout parts contained within. | public int | getSizeFlags(boolean width) | protected int | getVisibleChildrenCount(ILayoutContainer container) | abstract protected LayoutPart | getVisiblePart(ILayoutContainer container) | public LayoutPart | getZoomedPart() | protected void | handleDeferredEvents() | protected boolean | isChild(LayoutPart part) | abstract public boolean | isPaneType(LayoutPart toTest) | abstract public boolean | isStackType(LayoutPart toTest) Returns true iff this PartSashContainer allows its parts to be stacked onto the given
container. | public boolean | isZoomed() Returns whether this container is zoomed. | static int | measureTree(Rectangle outerBounds, LayoutTree toMeasure, boolean horizontal) | public LayoutPart | pickPartToZoom() | public void | remove(LayoutPart child) Remove a part. | public void | replace(LayoutPart oldChild, LayoutPart newChild) Replace one part with another. | public void | resizeChild(LayoutPart childThatChanged) | public void | setActive(boolean isActive) | public void | setBounds(Rectangle r) | public void | setVisible(boolean makeVisible) | abstract protected void | setVisiblePart(ILayoutContainer container, LayoutPart visiblePart) | public void | setZoomed(boolean isZoomed) | public void | stack(LayoutPart newPart, ILayoutContainer container) | protected void | startDeferringEvents() | public void | testInvariants() |
layoutDirty | boolean layoutDirty(Code) | | |
parent | protected Composite parent(Code) | | |
resizeListener | protected ControlListener resizeListener(Code) | | |
add | public void add(LayoutPart child, int relationship, float ratio, LayoutPart relative)(Code) | | Add a part relative to another. For compatibility only. New code should use
addEnhanced, above.
Parameters: child - the new part to add Parameters: relationship - one of PageLayout.TOP, PageLayout.BOTTOM, PageLayout.LEFT, or PageLayout.RIGHT Parameters: ratio - a value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating how much space will be allocated to the UPPER-LEFT pane Parameters: relative - part where the new part will be attached |
add | void add(LayoutPart child, int relationship, int left, int right, LayoutPart relative)(Code) | | Adds a new child to the container relative to some part
Parameters: child - Parameters: relationship - Parameters: left - preferred pixel size of the left/top child Parameters: right - preferred pixel size of the right/bottom child Parameters: relative - relative part |
addChild | protected void addChild(RelationshipInfo info)(Code) | | |
addChildForPlaceholder | void addChildForPlaceholder(LayoutPart child, LayoutPart placeholder)(Code) | | Adds the child using ratio and position attributes
from the specified placeholder without replacing
the placeholder
FIXME: I believe there is a bug in computeRelation()
when a part is positioned relative to the editorarea.
We end up with a null relative and 0.0 for a ratio.
addEnhanced | void addEnhanced(LayoutPart child, int swtDirectionConstant, float ratioForNewPart, LayoutPart relative)(Code) | | Add a new part relative to another. This should be used in place of add .
It differs as follows:
- relationships are specified using SWT direction constants
- the ratio applies to the newly added child -- not the upper-left child
Parameters: child - new part to add to the layout Parameters: swtDirectionConstant - one of SWT.TOP, SWT.BOTTOM, SWT.LEFT, or SWT.RIGHT Parameters: ratioForNewPart - a value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying how much space will be allocated for the newly added part Parameters: relative - existing part indicating where the new child should be attached since: 3.0 |
allowsAutoFocus | public boolean allowsAutoFocus()(Code) | | |
allowsBorder | public boolean allowsBorder()(Code) | | See ILayoutContainer#allowBorder
childAdded | protected void childAdded(LayoutPart child)(Code) | | Notification that a child layout part has been
added to the container. Subclasses may override
this method to perform any container specific
childRemoved | protected void childRemoved(LayoutPart child)(Code) | | Notification that a child layout part has been
removed from the container. Subclasses may override
this method to perform any container specific
childRequestZoomOut | public void childRequestZoomOut()(Code) | | |
computePreferredSize | public int computePreferredSize(boolean width, int availableParallel, int availablePerpendicular, int preferredParallel)(Code) | | Returns the maximum size that can be utilized by this part if the given width and
height are available. Parts can overload this if they have a quantized set of preferred
Parameters: width - available horizontal space (pixels) returns a new point where point.x is <= availableWidth and point.y is <= availableHeight |
computeRelation | public RelationshipInfo[] computeRelation()(Code) | | Returns an array with all the relation ship between the
createParent | abstract protected Composite createParent(Composite parentWidget)(Code) | | Subclasses override this method to specify
the composite to use to parent all children
layout parts it contains.
derefPart | protected void derefPart(LayoutPart sourcePart)(Code) | | Parameters: sourcePart - |
describeLayout | public void describeLayout(StringBuffer buf)(Code) | | Writes a description of the layout to the given string buffer.
This is used for drag-drop test suites to determine if two layouts are the
same. Like a hash code, the description should compare as equal iff the
layouts are the same. However, it should be user-readable in order to
help debug failed tests. Although these are english readable strings,
they should not be translated or equality tests will fail.
Parameters: buf - |
disposeParent | abstract protected void disposeParent()(Code) | | Subclasses override this method to dispose
of any swt resources created during createParent.
disposeSashes | public void disposeSashes()(Code) | | Dispose all sashs used in this perspective.
drag | public IDropTarget drag(Control currentControl, Object draggedObject, Point position, Rectangle dragRectangle)(Code) | | |
findBottomRight | public LayoutPart findBottomRight()(Code) | | Return the most bottom right part or null if none.
flushLayout | public void flushLayout()(Code) | | |
getParent | public Composite getParent()(Code) | | Returns the composite used to parent all the
layout parts contained within.
getSizeFlags | public int getSizeFlags(boolean width)(Code) | | |
getZoomedPart | public LayoutPart getZoomedPart()(Code) | | Returns the currently zoomed part or null if none
the currently zoomed part or null if none since: 3.1 |
handleDeferredEvents | protected void handleDeferredEvents()(Code) | | |
isStackType | abstract public boolean isStackType(LayoutPart toTest)(Code) | | Returns true iff this PartSashContainer allows its parts to be stacked onto the given
Parameters: container - |
isZoomed | public boolean isZoomed()(Code) | | Returns whether this container is zoomed.
measureTree | static int measureTree(Rectangle outerBounds, LayoutTree toMeasure, boolean horizontal)(Code) | | |
setActive | public void setActive(boolean isActive)(Code) | | |
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean makeVisible)(Code) | | |
setZoomed | public void setZoomed(boolean isZoomed)(Code) | | |
startDeferringEvents | protected void startDeferringEvents()(Code) | | |
testInvariants | public void testInvariants()(Code) | | |