Method Summary |
public void | add(LayoutPart child) |
protected void | add(LayoutPart newChild, Object cookie) |
public void | addListener(IPropertyListener listener) Adds a property listener to this stack. |
abstract protected void | addSystemActions(IMenuManager menuManager) |
public boolean | allowsAdd(LayoutPart toAdd) |
public boolean | allowsAutoFocus() |
abstract protected boolean | allowsDrop(PartPane part) |
protected static void | appendToGroupIfPossible(IMenuManager m, String groupId, ContributionItem item) |
abstract protected boolean | canMoveFolder() |
public boolean | childIsZoomed(LayoutPart toTest) |
public boolean | childObscuredByZoom(LayoutPart toTest) |
public void | childRequestZoomIn(LayoutPart toZoom) |
public void | childRequestZoomOut() |
protected void | close(IPresentablePart[] parts) |
protected void | close(IPresentablePart part) |
public int | computePreferredSize(boolean width, int availableParallel, int availablePerpendicular, int preferredParallel) |
public void | copyAppearanceProperties(PartStack copyTo) Copies all appearance related data from this stack to the given stack. |
public void | createControl(Composite parent) |
public void | createControl(Composite parent, StackPresentation presentation) |
public IDropTarget | createDropTarget(PartPane pane, StackDropResult result) |
abstract protected void | derefPart(LayoutPart toDeref) |
public void | describeLayout(StringBuffer buf) |
public void | dispose() |
public void | findSashes(LayoutPart part, PartPane.Sashes sashes) |
public int | getActive() |
public Rectangle | getBounds() Gets the presentation bounds. |
public LayoutPart[] | getChildren() |
public Control | getControl() |
public IDropTarget | getDropTarget(Object draggedObject, Point position) |
protected AbstractPresentationFactory | getFactory() |
public int | getItemCount() Answer the number of children. |
protected WorkbenchPage | getPage() |
protected LayoutPart | getPaneFor(IPresentablePart part) Returns the LayoutPart for the given IPresentablePart, or null if the given
IPresentablePart is not in this stack. |
public Composite | getParent() Get the parent control. |
public List | getPresentableParts() |
protected StackPresentation | getPresentation() |
protected IStackPresentationSite | getPresentationSite() |
public String | getProperty(String id) |
public IMemento | getSavedPresentationState() |
protected IPresentablePart | getSelectedPart() |
public PartPane | getSelection() Returns the visible child. |
public int | getSizeFlags(boolean horizontal) |
public int | getState() |
public Control[] | getTabList(LayoutPart part) |
protected void | handleDeferredEvents() |
public boolean | isDisposed() |
abstract protected boolean | isMoveable(IPresentablePart part) |
final protected boolean | isStandalone() |
public boolean | isZoomed() |
public void | paneDragStart(LayoutPart pane, Point initialLocation, boolean keyboard) |
protected void | refreshPresentationState() |
public void | remove(LayoutPart child) |
public void | removeListener(IPropertyListener listener) |
public void | reparent(Composite newParent) Reparent a part. |
public void | replace(LayoutPart oldChild, LayoutPart newChild) |
public IStatus | restoreState(IMemento memento) |
protected void | savePresentationState() Saves the current state of the presentation to savedPresentationState, if the
presentation exists. |
public IStatus | saveState(IMemento memento) |
public void | setActive(boolean isActive) |
public void | setActive(int activeState) Set the active appearence on the tab folder. |
public void | setBounds(Rectangle r) Sets the presentation bounds. |
public void | setMinimized(boolean minimized) Sets the minimized state for this stack. |
public void | setPresentationState(int newState) Explicitly sets the presentation state. |
public void | setProperty(String id, String value) |
public void | setSelection(LayoutPart part) |
protected void | setState(int newState) |
public void | setVisible(boolean makeVisible) |
public void | setZoomed(boolean isZoomed) Called by the workbench page to notify this part that it has been zoomed or unzoomed. |
public void | showPaneMenu() |
public void | showPartList() |
public void | showSystemMenu() |
protected void | smartUnzoom() |
abstract protected boolean | supportsState(int newState) |
public void | testInvariants() Tests the integrity of this object. |
abstract protected void | updateActions(PresentablePart current) |