| org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionBuilder org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionSetBuilder
PluginActionSetBuilder | public class PluginActionSetBuilder extends PluginActionBuilder (Code) | | This builder reads the actions for an action set from the registry.
Inner Class :public static class Binding | |
PluginActionSetBuilder | public PluginActionSetBuilder()(Code) | | Constructs a new builder.
buildMenuAndToolBarStructure | public void buildMenuAndToolBarStructure(PluginActionSet set, IWorkbenchWindow window)(Code) | | Read the actions within a config element. Called by customize perspective
Parameters: set - the action set Parameters: window - the window to contribute to |
createContribution | protected BasicContribution createContribution()(Code) | | |
findInsertionPoint | public static IContributionItem findInsertionPoint(String startId, String sortId, IContributionManager mgr, boolean startVsEnd)(Code) | | Returns the insertion point for a new contribution item. Clients should
use this item as a reference point for insertAfter.
Parameters: startId - the reference id for insertion Parameters: sortId - the sorting id for the insertion. If null then the itemwill be inserted at the end of all action sets. Parameters: mgr - the target menu manager. Parameters: startVsEnd - if true the items are added at the start ofaction with the same id; else they are added to the end the insertion point, or null if not found. |
processAdjunctContributions | protected void processAdjunctContributions()(Code) | | |
removeActionExtensions | protected void removeActionExtensions(PluginActionSet set, IWorkbenchWindow window)(Code) | | Remove the given action set from the window.
Parameters: set - the set to remove Parameters: window - the window to remove from |