| org.eclipse.ui.internal.RectangleAnimation
RectangleAnimation | public class RectangleAnimation extends Job (Code) | | This job creates an animated rectangle that moves from a source rectangle to
a target in a fixed amount of time. To begin the animation, instantiate this
object then call schedule().
since: 3.0 |
Constructor Summary | |
public | RectangleAnimation(Shell parentShell, Rectangle start, Rectangle end, int duration) Creates an animation that will morph the start rectangle to the end rectangle in the
given number of milliseconds. | public | RectangleAnimation(Shell parentShell, Rectangle start, Rectangle end) |
FRAME_COUNT | final public static int FRAME_COUNT(Code) | | |
TICK_TIMER | final public static int TICK_TIMER(Code) | | |
RectangleAnimation | public RectangleAnimation(Shell parentShell, Rectangle start, Rectangle end, int duration)(Code) | | Creates an animation that will morph the start rectangle to the end rectangle in the
given number of milliseconds. The animation will take the given number of milliseconds to
Note that this is a Job, so you must invoke schedule() before the animation will begin
Parameters: whereToDraw - specifies the composite where the animation will be drawn. Note thatalthough the start and end rectangles can accept any value in display coordinates, theactual animation will be clipped to the boundaries of this composite. For this reason,it is good to select a composite that encloses both the start and end rectangles. Parameters: start - initial rectangle (display coordinates) Parameters: end - final rectangle (display coordinates) Parameters: duration - number of milliseconds over which the animation will run |
RectangleAnimation | public RectangleAnimation(Shell parentShell, Rectangle start, Rectangle end)(Code) | | |
addEndRect | public void addEndRect(Rectangle rect)(Code) | | |
addEndRect | public void addEndRect(Control ctrl)(Code) | | |
addStartRect | public void addStartRect(Rectangle rect)(Code) | | |
addStartRect | public void addStartRect(Control ctrl)(Code) | | |
clockTick | protected void clockTick()(Code) | | |
interpolate | public static Rectangle interpolate(Rectangle start, Rectangle end, double amount)(Code) | | |
isUpdateStep | protected boolean isUpdateStep()(Code) | | |
run | protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor)(Code) | | |
updateDisplay | protected void updateDisplay()(Code) | | |