| |
| java.lang.Object org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane
ViewPane | public class ViewPane extends PartPane (Code) | | Provides a wrapper for the view's widgetry.
TODO: Delete ViewPane and EditorPane, and make PartPane non-abstract.
Inner Class :class PaneMenuManager extends MenuManager | |
hasFocus | boolean hasFocus(Code) | | |
addSizeMenuItem | public void addSizeMenuItem(Menu menu, int index)(Code) | | |
createControl | public void createControl(Composite parent)(Code) | | Create control. Add the title bar.
createTitleBar | protected void createTitleBar()(Code) | | Create a title bar for the pane.
- the view icon and title to the far left
- the view toolbar appears in the middle.
- the view pulldown menu, pin button, and close button to the far right.
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
doAttach | public void doAttach()(Code) | | |
doDetach | public void doDetach()(Code) | | |
doDock | protected void doDock()(Code) | | Pin the view.
doMakeFast | public void doMakeFast()(Code) | | Make this view pane a fast view
doRemoveFast | public void doRemoveFast()(Code) | | |
doZoom | protected void doZoom()(Code) | | |
getDragHandle | public Control getDragHandle()(Code) | | Returns the drag control.
getParentBounds | Rectangle getParentBounds()(Code) | | |
getTabList | public Control[] getTabList()(Code) | | Returns the tab list to use when this part is active.
Includes the view and its tab (if applicable), in the appropriate order.
getToolBar | public Control getToolBar()(Code) | | |
hasViewMenu | public boolean hasViewMenu()(Code) | | Return if there should be a view menu at all.
There is no view menu if there is no menu manager,
no pull down button or if the receiver is an
inactive fast view.
isCloseable | public boolean isCloseable()(Code) | | |
isMoveable | boolean isMoveable()(Code) | | Return true if the view may be moved.
moveAbove | public void moveAbove(Control refControl)(Code) | | |
removeContributions | public void removeContributions()(Code) | | |
reparent | public void reparent(Composite newParent)(Code) | | |
setActive | void setActive(boolean active)(Code) | | Set the active border.
Parameters: active - |
setFast | public void setFast(boolean b)(Code) | | Sets the fast view state. If this view is a fast view then
various controls like pin and minimize are added to the
system bar.
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean makeVisible)(Code) | | |
shellActivated | void shellActivated()(Code) | | |
shellDeactivated | void shellDeactivated()(Code) | | |
showFocus | public void showFocus(boolean inFocus)(Code) | | Indicate focus in part.
showHighlight | public void showHighlight()(Code) | | |
showPaneMenu | public void showPaneMenu()(Code) | | |
showSystemMenu | public void showSystemMenu()(Code) | | |
showViewMenu | public void showViewMenu(Point location)(Code) | | |
toolbarIsVisible | public boolean toolbarIsVisible()(Code) | | |
updateTitles | public void updateTitles()(Code) | | Update the title attributes.