Method Summary |
abstract public AbstractTabItem | add(int index, int flags) |
final public void | addListener(TabFolderListener newListener) |
protected void | attachListeners(Control theControl, boolean recursive) |
abstract public Point | computeSize(int widthHint, int heightHint) |
protected void | detachListeners(Control theControl, boolean recursive) |
abstract public void | enablePaneMenu(boolean enabled) |
public AbstractTabItem | findItem(Object dataToFind) |
final protected void | fireEvent(TabFolderEvent e) |
final protected void | fireEvent(int id) |
final protected void | fireEvent(int id, AbstractTabItem w) |
final protected void | fireEvent(int id, AbstractTabItem w, Point pos) |
public void | flushToolbarSize() |
public int | getActive() |
abstract public Composite | getContentParent() |
abstract public Control | getControl() Returns the main control for this folder. |
public AbstractTabItem | getItem(int idx) |
public AbstractTabItem | getItem(Point toFind) |
public int | getItemCount() |
abstract public AbstractTabItem[] | getItems() |
public Point | getPaneMenuLocation() |
public Point | getPartListLocation() |
abstract public AbstractTabItem | getSelection() |
public int | getState() |
public Point | getSystemMenuLocation() |
abstract public Rectangle | getTabArea() |
public int | getTabPosition() |
final public Control | getToolbar() |
abstract public Composite | getToolbarParent() Returns the parent composite that should be used for creating the toolbar. |
protected void | handleContextMenu(Point displayPos, Event e) |
protected void | handleDoubleClick(Point displayPos, MouseEvent e) |
protected void | handleDragStarted(Point displayPos, Event e) |
protected void | handleMouseDown(Point displayPos, MouseEvent e) |
public int | indexOf(AbstractTabItem item) Returns the index of the given item, or -1 if the given item is
not found in this tab folder. |
public boolean | isOnBorder(Point toTest) Returns true iff the given point is on the border of the folder. |
public void | layout(boolean flushCache) |
final public void | removeListener(TabFolderListener toRemove) |
public void | setActive(int activeState) |
abstract public void | setContent(Control newContent) |
abstract public void | setSelectedInfo(PartInfo info) |
abstract public void | setSelection(AbstractTabItem toSelect) |
public void | setState(int state) |
public void | setTabPosition(int tabPosition) |
public void | setToolbar(Control toolbarControl) |
public void | setVisible(boolean visible) Set the folder to visible. |
public void | shellActive(boolean isActive) Called when the tab folder's shell becomes active or inactive. |
public void | showMinMax(boolean show) Cause the folder to hide or show its
Minimize and Maximize affordances. |