| org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.ShowJavadocAction
ShowJavadocAction | final class ShowJavadocAction extends NodeAction (Code) | | Action for showing Javadoc. The action looks up
ShowJavadocAction.JavadocProvider in the
activated node's Lookup and delegates to it.
author: Tomas Zezula |
Inner Class :public static interface JavadocProvider | |
asynchronous | final public boolean asynchronous()(Code) | | |
enable | protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes)(Code) | | |
findJavadoc | static URL findJavadoc(String resource, URL urls)(Code) | | Locates a javadoc page by a relative name and an array of javadoc roots
Parameters: resource - the relative name of javadoc page Parameters: urls - the array of javadoc roots the URL of found javadoc page or null if there is no such a page. |
getHelpCtx | final public HelpCtx getHelpCtx()(Code) | | |
performAction | protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes)(Code) | | |
showJavaDoc | static void showJavaDoc(URL javadoc, String displayName)(Code) | | Opens the IDE default browser with given URL
Parameters: javadoc - URL of the javadoc page Parameters: displayName - the name of file to be displayed, typically the package name for classor project name for project. |