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001:        /*
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011:         *
012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021:         * your own identifying information:
022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023:         *
024:         * Contributor(s):
025:         *
026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029:         *
030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040:         */
042:        package org.netbeans.modules.compapp.projects.common.ui;
044:        import java.awt.BorderLayout;
045:        import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
046:        import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
047:        import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
048:        import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
049:        import;
050:        import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
051:        import java.util.ArrayList;
052:        import java.util.Collection;
053:        import java.util.HashMap;
054:        import java.util.LinkedList;
055:        import java.util.List;
056:        import java.util.Map;
057:        import java.util.Set;
058:        import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
059:        import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
060:        import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
061:        import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
062:        import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
063:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.catalogsupport.DefaultProjectCatalogSupport;
064:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.Component;
065:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.Model;
066:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.ModelCookie;
067:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.AbstractReferenceCustomizer;
068:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.ExternalReferenceDataNode;
069:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.ExternalReferenceDecorator;
070:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.ExternalReferenceNode;
071:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.FolderNode;
072:        import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.ui.customizer.RetrievedFilesChildren;
073:        import org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.LogicalViewProvider;
074:        import org.openide.explorer.ExplorerManager;
075:        import org.openide.explorer.view.TreeTableView;
076:        import org.openide.explorer.view.Visualizer;
077:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
078:        import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
079:        import org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode;
080:        import org.openide.nodes.Children;
081:        import org.openide.nodes.Node;
082:        import org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport;
083:        import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
084:        import org.openide.util.Utilities;
086:        /**
087:         * Base class for external reference creators. 
088:         * 
089:         * Modified from the original xam ui to allow showing both wsdl and xsd files
090:         * and namespaces.
091:         *
092:         * @author  xam ui (orig)
093:         * @author  chikkala
094:         */
095:        public abstract class NamespaceReferenceCreator<T extends Component>
096:                extends AbstractReferenceCustomizer<T> implements 
097:                ExplorerManager.Provider, PropertyChangeListener {
098:            /** silence compiler warnings */
099:            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
100:            /** Map of registered nodes, keyed by their representative DataObject. */
101:            private Map<DataObject, NodeSet> registeredNodes;
102:            /** The file being modified (where the import will be added). */
103:            private transient FileObject sourceFO;
104:            /** Used to deal with project catalogs. */
105:            private transient DefaultProjectCatalogSupport catalogSupport;
107:            /**
108:             * Creates new form ExternalReferenceCreator
109:             *
110:             * @param  component  component in which to create new components.
111:             * @param  model      model in which to create components.
112:             */
113:            public NamespaceReferenceCreator(T component, Model model) {
114:                super (component);
115:                registeredNodes = new HashMap<DataObject, NodeSet>();
116:                initComponents();
117:                sourceFO = (FileObject) component.getModel().getModelSource()
118:                        .getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class);
119:                catalogSupport = DefaultProjectCatalogSupport
120:                        .getInstance(sourceFO);
121:                init(component, model);
122:                // View for selecting an external reference.
123:                TreeTableView locationView = new LocationView();
124:                locationView.setDefaultActionAllowed(false);
125:                locationView.setPopupAllowed(false);
126:                locationView
127:                        .setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION);
128:                locationView.setRootVisible(false);
129:                locationView.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(
130:                        locationLabel.getToolTipText());
131:                locationView.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
132:                        locationLabel.getToolTipText());
133:                Node.Property[] columns = new Node.Property[] {
134:                        new Column(ExternalReferenceDataNode.PROP_NAME,
135:                                String.class, true),
136:                        new ImportColumn(referenceTypeName()),
137:                        new Column(ExternalReferenceDataNode.PROP_PREFIX,
138:                                String.class, false), };
139:                locationView.setProperties(columns);
140:                locationView.setTreePreferredWidth(200);
141:                locationView.setTableColumnPreferredWidth(0, 25);
142:                locationView.setTableColumnPreferredWidth(1, 25);
143:                locationPanel.add(locationView, BorderLayout.CENTER);
144:                explorerManager = new ExplorerManager();
145:                explorerManager.addPropertyChangeListener(this );
146:                explorerManager.setRootContext(createRootNode());
147:            }
149:            public void applyChanges() throws IOException {
150:                // NOOP. This will not update the catalog as 
151:                // ImplicitCatalogSupport will update both catalog.xml and catalog.wsdl.
152:            }
154:            /**
155:             * Return the target namespace of the given model.
156:             *
157:             * @param  model  the model for which to get the namespace.
158:             * @return  target namespace, or null if none.
159:             */
160:            protected abstract String getTargetNamespace(Model model);
162:            /**
163:             * Retrieve the list of nodes that the user selected.
164:             *
165:             * @return  list of selected nodes (empty if none).
166:             */
167:            protected List<Node> getSelectedNodes() {
168:                List<Node> results = new LinkedList<Node>();
169:                Collection<NodeSet> sets = registeredNodes.values();
170:                // System.out.println("getSelectedNodes: Registered Node count : "+registeredNodes.size());
171:                for (NodeSet set : sets) {
172:                    if (set.isSelected()) {
173:                        List<ExternalReferenceDataNode> nodes = set.getNodes();
174:                        if (nodes.size() > 0) {
175:                            // Use just one of the corresponding nodes, as the
176:                            // others are basically duplicates.
177:                            results.add(nodes.get(0));
178:                        }
179:                    }
180:                }
181:                // System.out.println("getSelectedNodes: seletected result: "+results.size());
182:                return results;
183:            }
185:            /**
186:             * Check if prefix is unique on UI.
187:             *
188:             * @return  true if Prefix is not unique on UI, false otherwise.
189:             */
190:            private boolean isValidPrefix(ExternalReferenceDataNode node) {
191:                DataObject dobj = (DataObject) node.getLookup().lookup(
192:                        DataObject.class);
193:                NodeSet nodeSet = registeredNodes.get(dobj);
194:                Collection<NodeSet> sets = registeredNodes.values();
195:                for (NodeSet set : sets) {
196:                    // Ignore the set which contains the given node, and those
197:                    // sets which are not selected.
198:                    if (!set.equals(nodeSet) && set.isSelected()) {
199:                        // Only need to check the first node, as all of them have
200:                        // the same prefix (or at least that is the idea).
201:                        ExternalReferenceDataNode other = set.getNodes().get(0);
202:                        if (node.getPrefix().equals(other.getPrefix())) {
203:                            return false;
204:                        }
205:                    }
206:                }
207:                return true;
208:            }
210:            /**
211:             * Determine the number of nodes that the user selected, useful for
212:             * knowing if any nodes are selected or not.
213:             *
214:             * @return  number of selected nodes.
215:             */
216:            private int countSelectedNodes() {
217:                int results = 0;
218:                Collection<NodeSet> sets = registeredNodes.values();
219:                for (NodeSet set : sets) {
220:                    if (set.isSelected()) {
221:                        List<ExternalReferenceDataNode> nodes = set.getNodes();
222:                        if (nodes.size() > 0) {
223:                            results++;
224:                        }
225:                    }
226:                }
227:                return results;
228:            }
230:            /**
231:             * Return the existing external reference prefixes for the given model.
232:             *
233:             * @param  model  the model for which to get the namespace.
234:             * @return  set of prefixes; empty if none.
235:             */
236:            protected abstract Map<String, String> getPrefixes(Model model);
238:            /**
239:             * Returns the NodeDecorator for this customizer, if any.
240:             *
241:             * @return  node decorator for files nodes, or null if none.
242:             */
243:            protected abstract ExternalReferenceDecorator getNodeDecorator();
245:            /**
246:             * Indicates if the namespace value must be different than that of
247:             * the model containing the component being customized. If false,
248:             * then the opposite must hold - the namespace must be the same.
249:             * The one exception is if the namespace is not defined at all.
250:             *
251:             * @return  true if namespace must differ, false if same.
252:             */
253:            public abstract boolean mustNamespaceDiffer();
255:            /**
256:             * Return the proper name of the type of reference this creator is to
257:             * be used for. This will become the title of the first column in the
258:             * tree-table. Generally this should be something of the form of
259:             * "Import", "Include", "Redefine", etc.
260:             *
261:             * @return  human-readable name for the first column title.
262:             */
263:            protected abstract String referenceTypeName();
265:            /**
266:             * Called from constructor, after the interface components have been
267:             * constructed, but before they have been initialized. Gives subclasses
268:             * a chance to perform initialization based on the given component.
269:             *
270:             * @param  component  the reference to be customized.
271:             * @param  model      the model passed to the constructor (may be null).
272:             */
273:            protected void init(T component, Model model) {
274:                // Note, do not place any code here, as there is no guarantee
275:                // that the subclasses will delegate to this method at all.
276:            }
278:            protected void initializeUI() {
279:                if (!mustNamespaceDiffer()) {
280:                    namespaceLabel.setVisible(false);
281:                    namespaceTextField.setVisible(false);
282:                }
283:            }
285:            public ExternalReferenceDataNode createExternalReferenceNode(
286:                    Node original) {
287:                DataObject dobj = (DataObject) original.getLookup().lookup(
288:                        DataObject.class);
289:                NodeSet set = registeredNodes.get(dobj);
290:                if (set == null) {
291:                    set = new NodeSet(this );
292:                    registeredNodes.put(dobj, set);
293:                }
294:                //CHIK
295:                ExternalReferenceDataNode erdn = new ImplicitReferenceDataNode(
296:                        original, getNodeDecorator());
297:                set.add(erdn);
298:                if (set.isSelected() && erdn.canSelect()) {
299:                    erdn.setSelected(true);
300:                }
301:                erdn.addPropertyChangeListener(this );
302:                return erdn;
303:            }
305:            /**
306:             * Indicate if this creator allows the user to select no files at all.
307:             * This is useful from the new file wizard which needs to allow the
308:             * user to deselect what they had previously selected.
309:             *
310:             * @return  true if user may select no files and still be considered
311:             *          as valid input, false to require one or more selections.
312:             */
313:            protected boolean allowEmptySelection() {
314:                // By default we require the user to select at least one file.
315:                return false;
316:            }
318:            /**
319:             * Determine if the user's input is valid or not. This will enable
320:             * or disable the save/reset controls based on the results, as well
321:             * as issue error messages.
322:             *
323:             * @param  node  selected node.
324:             */
325:            private void validateInput(ExternalReferenceNode node) {
326:                String msg = null;
327:                if (mustNamespaceDiffer()
328:                        && node instanceof  ExternalReferenceDataNode) {
329:                    ExternalReferenceDataNode erdn = (ExternalReferenceDataNode) node;
330:                    Map<String, String> prefixMap = getPrefixes(getModelComponent()
331:                            .getModel());
332:                    String ep = erdn.getPrefix();
333:                    // Must be a non-empty prefix, that is not already in use, and
334:                    // is unique among the selected nodes (and be selected itself).
335:                    if (ep.length() == 0 || prefixMap.containsKey(ep)
336:                            || (!isValidPrefix(erdn) && erdn.isSelected())) {
337:                        msg = NbBundle.getMessage(
338:                                NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
339:                                "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_InvalidPrefix");
340:                    }
341:                }
342:                if (node instanceof  RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) {
343:                    RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode rNode = (RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) node;
344:                    if (!rNode.isValid()) {
345:                        msg = NbBundle
346:                                .getMessage(NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
347:                                        "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_InvalidCatalogEntry");
348:                    }
349:                }
350:                if (msg != null) {
351:                    showMessage(msg);
352:                }
353:                int selected = countSelectedNodes();
354:                // Must have selected nodes, and no error messages.
355:                setSaveEnabled((allowEmptySelection() || selected > 0)
356:                        && msg == null);
357:            }
359:            protected void showMessage(String msg) {
360:                if (msg == null) {
361:                    messageLabel.setText(" ");
362:                    messageLabel.setIcon(null);
363:                } else {
364:                    messageLabel.setText(msg);
365:                    messageLabel
366:                            .setIcon(new ImageIcon(
367:                                    Utilities
368:                                            .loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/xml/xam/ui/resources/error.gif"))); // NOI18N
369:                }
370:            }
372:            /**
373:             * A TreeTableView that toggles the selection of the external reference
374:             * data nodes using a single mouse click.
375:             */
376:            private class LocationView extends TreeTableView {
377:                /** silence compiler warnings */
378:                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
380:                /**
381:                 * Creates a new instance of LocationView.
382:                 */
383:                public LocationView() {
384:                    super ();
385:                    tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
386:                        @Override
387:                        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
388:                            // Invert the selection of the data node, if such a
389:                            // node was clicked on.
390:                            TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e
391:                                    .getY());
392:                            if (path != null) {
393:                                Object comp = path.getLastPathComponent();
394:                                Node node = Visualizer.findNode(comp);
395:                                if (node instanceof  ExternalReferenceDataNode) {
396:                                    ExternalReferenceDataNode erdn = (ExternalReferenceDataNode) node;
397:                                    if (erdn.canSelect()) {
398:                                        boolean selected = !erdn.isSelected();
399:                                        String ns = null;
400:                                        if (selected) {
401:                                            // Have to collect the namespace value
402:                                            // when the node is selected.
403:                                            Model model = erdn.getModel();
404:                                            if (model != null) {
405:                                                ns = getTargetNamespace(model);
406:                                            }
407:                                        }
408:                                        // This will clear the field if the user has
409:                                        // deselected the file, which is to prevent
410:                                        // the user from being confused as to what
411:                                        // the namespace field represents.
412:                                        namespaceTextField.setText(ns);
413:                                        erdn.setSelected(selected);
414:                                    }
415:                                }
416:                            }
417:                        }
418:                    });
419:                }
420:            }
422:            protected Node createRootNode() {
423:                Set/*<Project>*/refProjects = null;
424:                if (catalogSupport.supportsCrossProject()) {
425:                    refProjects = catalogSupport.getProjectReferences();
426:                }
427:                ExternalReferenceDecorator decorator = getNodeDecorator();
428:                Node[] rootNodes = new Node[1 + (refProjects == null ? 0
429:                        : refProjects.size())];
430:                Project prj = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(sourceFO);
431:                LogicalViewProvider viewProvider = (LogicalViewProvider) prj
432:                        .getLookup().lookup(LogicalViewProvider.class);
433:                rootNodes[0] = decorator
434:                        .createExternalReferenceNode(viewProvider
435:                                .createLogicalView());
436:                int rootIndex = 1;
437:                List<FileObject> projectRoots = new ArrayList<FileObject>();
438:                projectRoots.add(prj.getProjectDirectory());
439:                if (refProjects != null) {
440:                    for (Object o : refProjects) {
441:                        Project refPrj = (Project) o;
442:                        viewProvider = (LogicalViewProvider) refPrj.getLookup()
443:                                .lookup(LogicalViewProvider.class);
444:                        rootNodes[rootIndex++] = decorator
445:                                .createExternalReferenceNode(viewProvider
446:                                        .createLogicalView());
447:                        projectRoots.add(refPrj.getProjectDirectory());
448:                    }
449:                }
450:                FileObject[] roots = projectRoots
451:                        .toArray(new FileObject[projectRoots.size()]);
452:                Children fileChildren = new Children.Array();
453:                fileChildren.add(rootNodes);
454:                Node byFilesNode = new FolderNode(fileChildren);
455:                byFilesNode.setDisplayName(NbBundle.getMessage(
456:                        NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
457:                        "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Category_By_File"));
459:                // Construct the By Namespace node.
460:                Children nsChildren = new ImplicitNamespaceChildren(roots,
461:                        decorator); ////CHIK
462:                Node byNsNode = new FolderNode(nsChildren);
463:                byNsNode.setDisplayName(NbBundle.getMessage(
464:                        NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
465:                        "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Category_By_Namespace"));
466:                // Hide the Retrieved node tree until we are sure the runtime can handle
467:                // URLs with respect to the catalog.
468:                //        Node retrievedNode;
469:                //        CatalogWriteModel cwm = getCatalogWriteModel();
470:                //        if (cwm != null) {
471:                //            Children rChildren = new RetrievedFilesChildren(cwm , decorator);
472:                //            retrievedNode = new ExternalReferenceNode(projectNode, rChildren, decorator);
473:                //        } else {
474:                //            retrievedNode = new ExternalReferenceNode(projectNode, Children.LEAF, decorator);
475:                //        }
476:                //        retrievedNode.setDisplayName(NbBundle.getMessage(
477:                //                ExternalReferenceCreator.class,
478:                //                "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Category_By_Retrieved"));
479:                Children categories = new Children.Array();
480:                //        categories.add(new Node[]{ byFilesNode, byNsNode, retrievedNode });
481:                categories.add(new Node[] { byFilesNode, byNsNode });
482:                Node rootNode = new AbstractNode(categories);
483:                // Surprisingly, this becomes the name and description of the first column.
484:                rootNode.setDisplayName(NbBundle.getMessage(
485:                        NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
486:                        "CTL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Column_Name_name"));
487:                rootNode.setShortDescription(NbBundle.getMessage(
488:                        NamespaceReferenceCreator.class,
489:                        "CTL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Column_Desc_name"));
490:                return rootNode;
491:            }
493:            //    private CatalogWriteModel getCatalogWriteModel() {
494:            //        try {
495:            //            FileObject myFobj = (FileObject) getModelComponent().getModel().
496:            //                    getModelSource().getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class);
497:            //            CatalogWriteModel cwm = CatalogWriteModelFactory.getInstance().
498:            //                    getCatalogWriteModelForProject(myFobj);
499:            //            return cwm;
500:            //        } catch (CatalogModelException cme) {
501:            //        }
502:            //        return null;
503:            //    }
505:            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
506:                String pname = event.getPropertyName();
508:                if (ExplorerManager.PROP_SELECTED_NODES.equals(pname)) {
509:                    showMessage(null);
510:                    Node[] nodes = (Node[]) event.getNewValue();
511:                    // Validate the node selection.
512:                    if (nodes != null && nodes.length > 0
513:                            && nodes[0] instanceof  ExternalReferenceNode) {
514:                        ExternalReferenceNode node = (ExternalReferenceNode) nodes[0];
515:                        Model model = node.getModel();
516:                        // Without a model, the selection is completely invalid.
517:                        if (model != null) {
518:                            // Ask decorator if selection is valid or not.
519:                            String msg = getNodeDecorator().validate(node);
520:                            if (msg != null) {
521:                                showMessage(msg);
522:                            } else {
523:                                // If node is okay, validate the rest of the input.
524:                                validateInput(node);
525:                            }
526:                        }
527:                    }
528:                } else if (pname.equals(ExternalReferenceDataNode.PROP_PREFIX)) {
529:                    ExternalReferenceDataNode erdn = (ExternalReferenceDataNode) event
530:                            .getSource();
531:                    // Look up the node in the map of sets, and ensure they all
532:                    // have the same prefix.
533:                    String prefix = (String) event.getNewValue();
534:                    DataObject dobj = (DataObject) erdn.getLookup().lookup(
535:                            DataObject.class);
536:                    NodeSet set = registeredNodes.get(dobj);
537:                    // Ideally the set should already exist, but cope gracefully.
538:                    assert set != null : "node not created by customizer";
539:                    if (set == null) {
540:                        set = new NodeSet(this );
541:                        set.add(erdn);
542:                    }
543:                    set.setPrefix(prefix);
544:                    validateInput(erdn);
545:                } else if (pname
546:                        .equals(ExternalReferenceDataNode.PROP_SELECTED)) {
548:                    ExternalReferenceDataNode erdn = (ExternalReferenceDataNode) event
549:                            .getSource();
550:                    // Look up the node in the map of sets, and ensure they are all
551:                    // selected as a unit.
552:                    boolean selected = ((Boolean) event.getNewValue())
553:                            .booleanValue();
554:                    DataObject dobj = (DataObject) erdn.getLookup().lookup(
555:                            DataObject.class);
556:                    NodeSet set = registeredNodes.get(dobj);
557:                    // Ideally the set should already exist, but cope gracefully.
558:                    assert set != null : "node not created by customizer";
559:                    if (set == null) {
560:                        set = new NodeSet(this );
561:                        set.add(erdn);
562:                    }
563:                    set.setSelected(selected);
564:                    // Check if the current selection is valid.
565:                    validateInput(erdn);
566:                }
567:            }
569:            /**
570:             * Get the URI location for the given node.
571:             *
572:             * @param  node  Node from which to retrieve location value.
573:             * @return  location for given Node, or null.
574:             */
575:            protected String getLocation(Node node) {
576:                //NOTE: since cross-project location for the catalog entry is calculated
577:                // during addtion of this namespace to catalog.wsdl, we need not worry 
578:                // about gettting the relative location. 
580:                // just return the default file location uri.
581:                String location = "";
583:                return location;
585:            }
587:            ////    //TODO: if the location needed, it should be calculated using Implicit
588:            ////    // catalog support implementation.        
589:            ////    /**
590:            ////     * Get the URI location for the given node.
591:            ////     *
592:            ////     * @param  node  Node from which to retrieve location value.
593:            ////     * @return  location for given Node, or null.
594:            ////     */
595:            ////    protected String getLocation(Node node) {
596:            ////        String location = null;
597:            ////        if (node instanceof RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) {
598:            ////            RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode rNode =
599:            ////                    (RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) node;
600:            ////            if (rNode.isValid()) {
601:            ////                String ns = rNode.getNamespace();
602:            ////                if (ns == null || mustNamespaceDiffer() !=
603:            ////                        ns.equals(getTargetNamespace())) {
604:            ////                    location = rNode.getLocation();
605:            ////                }
606:            ////            }
607:            ////        } else {
608:            ////            DataObject dobj = (DataObject) node.getLookup().
609:            ////                    lookup(DataObject.class);
610:            ////            if (dobj != null && dobj.isValid()) {
611:            ////                FileObject fileObj = dobj.getPrimaryFile();
612:            ////                ModelCookie cookie = (ModelCookie) dobj.getCookie(
613:            ////                        ModelCookie.class);
614:            ////                Model model;
615:            ////                try {
616:            ////                    if (cookie != null && (model = cookie.getModel()) !=
617:            ////                            getModelComponent().getModel()) {
618:            ////                        String ns = getTargetNamespace(model);
619:            ////                        if (ns == null || mustNamespaceDiffer() !=
620:            ////                                ns.equals(getTargetNamespace())) {
621:            ////                            return catalogSupport.getReferenceURI(
622:            ////                                    sourceFO, fileObj).toString();
623:            ////                        }
624:            ////                    }
625:            ////                } catch (URISyntaxException urise) {
626:            ////                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(urise);
627:            ////                } catch (IOException ioe) {
628:            ////                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe);
629:            ////                }
630:            ////            }
631:            ////        }
632:            ////        if (location != null) {
633:            ////            try {
634:            ////                URI uri = new URI("file", location, null);
635:            ////                uri = uri.normalize();
636:            ////                location = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
637:            ////            } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
638:            ////                showMessage(use.toString());
639:            ////                // Despite this, we can still use the location we have.
640:            ////            }
641:            ////        }
642:            ////        return location;
643:            ////    }
645:            /**
646:             * Get the namespace for the given node.
647:             *
648:             * @param  node  Node from which to retrieve namespace value.
649:             * @return  namespace for given Node, or null.
650:             */
651:            protected String getNamespace(Node node) {
652:                String ns = null;
653:                if (node instanceof  RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) {
654:                    RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode rNode = (RetrievedFilesChildren.RetrievedFileNode) node;
655:                    if (!rNode.isValid()) {
656:                        return null;
657:                    }
658:                    ns = rNode.getNamespace();
659:                } else {
660:                    DataObject dobj = (DataObject) node.getLookup().lookup(
661:                            DataObject.class);
662:                    if (dobj != null && dobj.isValid()) {
663:                        ModelCookie cookie = (ModelCookie) dobj
664:                                .getCookie(ModelCookie.class);
665:                        Model model;
666:                        try {
667:                            if (cookie != null
668:                                    && (model = cookie.getModel()) != getModelComponent()
669:                                            .getModel()) {
670:                                ns = getTargetNamespace(model);
671:                            }
672:                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
673:                            // Fall through and return null.
674:                        }
675:                    }
676:                }
677:                return ns;
678:            }
680:            public ExplorerManager getExplorerManager() {
681:                return explorerManager;
682:            }
684:            /**
685:             * A column for the reference customizer table.
686:             *
687:             * @author  Nathan Fiedler
688:             */
689:            protected class Column extends PropertySupport.ReadOnly {
690:                /** The keyword for this column. */
691:                private String key;
693:                /**
694:                 * Constructs a new instance of Column.
695:                 *
696:                 * @param  key   keyword for this column.
697:                 * @param  type  type of the property (e.g. String.class).
698:                 * @param  tree  true if this is the 'tree' column.
699:                 */
700:                public Column(String key, Class type, boolean tree) {
701:                    super (key, type, NbBundle.getMessage(Column.class,
702:                            "CTL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Column_Name_" + key),
703:                            NbBundle.getMessage(Column.class,
704:                                    "CTL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Column_Desc_"
705:                                            + key));
706:                    this .key = key;
707:                    setValue("TreeColumnTTV", Boolean.valueOf(tree));
708:                }
710:                public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException,
711:                        InvocationTargetException {
712:                    return key;
713:                }
714:            }
716:            /**
717:             * Special column for the reference customizer table's import column.
718:             *
719:             * @author  Nathan Fiedler
720:             */
721:            protected class ImportColumn extends PropertySupport.ReadOnly {
722:                /** The keyword for this column. */
723:                private String key;
725:                /**
726:                 * Creates a new instance of ImportColumn.
727:                 *
728:                 * @param  name  the column's name.
729:                 */
730:                public ImportColumn(String name) {
731:                    super (
732:                            "selected",
733:                            Boolean.TYPE,
734:                            name,
735:                            NbBundle
736:                                    .getMessage(Column.class,
737:                                            "CTL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Column_Desc_selected"));
738:                    this .key = "selected";
739:                    setValue("TreeColumnTTV", Boolean.FALSE);
740:                }
742:                public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException,
743:                        InvocationTargetException {
744:                    return key;
745:                }
746:            }
748:            /**
749:             * Manages the state of a set of nodes.
750:             */
751:            private static class NodeSet {
752:                /** The property change listener for each node. */
753:                private PropertyChangeListener listener;
754:                /** Nodes in this set. */
755:                private List<ExternalReferenceDataNode> nodes;
756:                /** True if this set is selected, false otherwise. */
757:                private boolean selected;
759:                /**
760:                 * Creates a new instance of NodeSet.
761:                 *
762:                 * @param  listener  listens to the Node.
763:                 */
764:                public NodeSet(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
765:                    this .listener = listener;
766:                }
768:                /**
769:                 * Add the given node to this set.
770:                 *
771:                 * @param  node  node to be added to set.
772:                 */
773:                public void add(ExternalReferenceDataNode node) {
774:                    if (nodes == null) {
775:                        nodes = new LinkedList<ExternalReferenceDataNode>();
776:                    }
777:                    nodes.add(node);
778:                }
780:                /**
781:                 * Returns the list of nodes in this set.
782:                 *
783:                 * @return  list of nodes.
784:                 */
785:                public List<ExternalReferenceDataNode> getNodes() {
786:                    return nodes;
787:                }
789:                /**
790:                 * Indicates if this set is selected or not.
791:                 *
792:                 * @return  true if selected, false otherwise.
793:                 */
794:                public boolean isSelected() {
795:                    return selected;
796:                }
798:                /**
799:                 * Set the prefix for Nodes in this group.
800:                 *
801:                 * @param  prefix  new namespace prefix.
802:                 */
803:                public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
804:                    for (ExternalReferenceDataNode node : nodes) {
805:                        if (!node.getPrefix().equals(prefix)) {
806:                            node.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
807:                            node.setPrefix(prefix);
808:                            node.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
809:                        }
810:                    }
811:                }
813:                /**
814:                 * Set this group of Nodes as being selected.
815:                 *
816:                 * @param  select  true to select, false to de-select.
817:                 */
818:                public void setSelected(boolean select) {
819:                    selected = select;
820:                    for (ExternalReferenceDataNode node : nodes) {
821:                        if (node.canSelect()) {
822:                            node.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
823:                            node.setSelected(select);
824:                            node.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
825:                        }
826:                    }
827:                }
828:            }
830:            /**
831:             * This method is called from within the constructor to
832:             * initializeTypeView the form.
833:             * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
834:             * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
835:             */
836:            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
837:            private void initComponents() {
839:                locationLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
840:                locationPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
841:                namespaceLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
842:                namespaceTextField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
843:                messageLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
845:                locationLabel.setLabelFor(locationPanel);
846:                org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(locationLabel,
847:                        org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(
848:                                NamespaceReferenceCreator.class).getString(
849:                                "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Location")); // NOI18N
850:                locationLabel.setToolTipText(org.openide.util.NbBundle
851:                        .getBundle(NamespaceReferenceCreator.class).getString(
852:                                "TIP_ExternalReferenceCreator_Location")); // NOI18N
854:                locationPanel.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory
855:                        .createEtchedBorder());
856:                locationPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
858:                namespaceLabel.setLabelFor(namespaceTextField);
859:                org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(namespaceLabel,
860:                        org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(
861:                                NamespaceReferenceCreator.class).getString(
862:                                "LBL_ExternalReferenceCreator_Namespace")); // NOI18N
863:                namespaceLabel.setToolTipText(org.openide.util.NbBundle
864:                        .getBundle(NamespaceReferenceCreator.class).getString(
865:                                "TIP_ExternalReferenceCreator_Namespace")); // NOI18N
867:                namespaceTextField.setEditable(false);
869:                messageLabel.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(255, 0, 0));
870:                org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(messageLabel, " ");
872:                org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(
873:                        this );
874:                this .setLayout(layout);
875:                layout
876:                        .setHorizontalGroup(layout
877:                                .createParallelGroup(
878:                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
879:                                .add(
880:                                        layout
881:                                                .createSequentialGroup()
882:                                                .addContainerGap()
883:                                                .add(
884:                                                        layout
885:                                                                .createParallelGroup(
886:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
887:                                                                .add(
888:                                                                        locationPanel,
889:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
890:                                                                        382,
891:                                                                        Short.MAX_VALUE)
892:                                                                .add(
893:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING,
894:                                                                        layout
895:                                                                                .createSequentialGroup()
896:                                                                                .add(
897:                                                                                        namespaceLabel)
898:                                                                                .addPreferredGap(
899:                                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
900:                                                                                .add(
901:                                                                                        namespaceTextField,
902:                                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
903:                                                                                        319,
904:                                                                                        Short.MAX_VALUE))
905:                                                                .add(
906:                                                                        locationLabel)
907:                                                                .add(
908:                                                                        messageLabel,
909:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
910:                                                                        382,
911:                                                                        Short.MAX_VALUE))
912:                                                .addContainerGap()));
913:                layout
914:                        .setVerticalGroup(layout
915:                                .createParallelGroup(
916:                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
917:                                .add(
918:                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING,
919:                                        layout
920:                                                .createSequentialGroup()
921:                                                .addContainerGap()
922:                                                .add(locationLabel)
923:                                                .addPreferredGap(
924:                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
925:                                                .add(
926:                                                        locationPanel,
927:                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
928:                                                        329, Short.MAX_VALUE)
929:                                                .addPreferredGap(
930:                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
931:                                                .add(
932:                                                        layout
933:                                                                .createParallelGroup(
934:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING)
935:                                                                .add(
936:                                                                        namespaceLabel)
937:                                                                .add(
938:                                                                        namespaceTextField,
939:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
940:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
941:                                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
942:                                                .addPreferredGap(
943:                                                        org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
944:                                                .add(messageLabel)
945:                                                .addContainerGap()));
946:            }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
948:            // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
949:            public javax.swing.JLabel locationLabel;
950:            public javax.swing.JPanel locationPanel;
951:            public javax.swing.JLabel messageLabel;
952:            public javax.swing.JLabel namespaceLabel;
953:            public javax.swing.JTextField namespaceTextField;
954:            // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
956:        }
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