| org.netbeans.lib.profiler.ui.UIConstants
UIConstants | public interface UIConstants (Code) | | Various UI Constants used in the JFluid UI
author: Ian Formanek |
SHOW_TABLE_HORIZONTAL_GRID | final public static boolean SHOW_TABLE_HORIZONTAL_GRID(Code) | | if true, results tables display the horizontal grid lines
SHOW_TABLE_VERTICAL_GRID | final public static boolean SHOW_TABLE_VERTICAL_GRID(Code) | | if true, results tables display the vertical grid lines
TABLE_ROW_MARGIN | final public static int TABLE_ROW_MARGIN(Code) | | |
TABLE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR | final public static Color TABLE_SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR(Code) | | Color used for painting selected cell background in JTables
TABLE_SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR | final public static Color TABLE_SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR(Code) | | Color used for painting selected cell foreground in JTables
TABLE_VERTICAL_GRID_COLOR | final public static Color TABLE_VERTICAL_GRID_COLOR(Code) | | Color used to draw vertical gridlines in JTables