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| org.netbeans.lib.profiler.ui.cpu.statistics.drilldown.IDrillDown
IDrillDown | public interface IDrillDown (Code) | | This interface marks a generic drill-down functionality provider
author: Jaroslav Bachorik |
canDrilldown | boolean canDrilldown(Mark mark)(Code) | | Indicates whehter the given mark can be used for drilldown
drilldown | void drilldown(Mark mark)(Code) | | Performs drill-down using the specified category
Parameters: category - The category to use for drill down |
drillup | void drillup()(Code) | | Drills-up one level
drillup | void drillup(Mark mark)(Code) | | Drills-up to the specified category
getCurrentMark | Mark getCurrentMark()(Code) | | Returns the current active category
Returns the current active category |
getCurrentTime | long getCurrentTime(boolean net)(Code) | | Returns the accumulated time for the current category
Returns the accumulated time for the current category |
getDrillDownPath | List getDrillDownPath()(Code) | | Returns the representation of the drill-down filter
Returns the drill-down path |
getMarkTime | long getMarkTime(Mark category, boolean net)(Code) | | Time getter for category
Parameters: category - The category to retrieve the time for Returns the accumulated time per category |
getSubmarks | List getSubmarks()(Code) | | Returns the current list of subcategories
Returns the list of the current category's subcategories |
getTopMark | Mark getTopMark()(Code) | | Returns the top level category
getTopTime | long getTopTime(boolean net)(Code) | | Returns the accumulated time for the top category
Returns the accumulated time for the top category |
isCurrent | public boolean isCurrent(Mark mark)(Code) | | Provides info whether the given mark is the current one
isInSelf | public boolean isInSelf()(Code) | | Indicates that the drilldown is parked in a special "self" category
isValid | public boolean isValid()(Code) | | Returns the information whether the drilldown manager is validly setup