| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.jdbcimpl.DBElementImpl org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.jdbcimpl.TableElementImpl
Method Summary | |
public void | changeColumnPairs(ColumnPairElement[] pairs, int action) | public void | changeColumns(ColumnElement[] elems, int action) Change the set of columns. | public void | changeIndexes(IndexElement[] elems, int action) Change the set of indexes. | public void | changeKeys(KeyElement[] elems, int action) Change the set of keys. | public ColumnElement | getColumn(DBIdentifier name) Find a column by name. | public DBElementsCollection | getColumnCollection() Returns the column collection of this table element. | public ColumnPairElement | getColumnPair(DBIdentifier name) | public ColumnPairElement[] | getColumnPairs() | public ColumnElement[] | getColumns() Get all columns. | public IndexElement | getIndex(DBIdentifier name) Find an index by name. | public DBElementsCollection | getIndexCollection() Returns the index collection of this table element. | public IndexElement[] | getIndexes() Get all indexes. | public KeyElement | getKey(DBIdentifier name) Find a key by name. | public DBElementsCollection | getKeyCollection() Returns the key collection of this table element. | public KeyElement[] | getKeys() Get all keys. | public DBIdentifier | getName() Get the name of this element. | protected void | initColumns(ConnectionProvider cp) | protected void | initIndexes(ConnectionProvider cp) | protected void | initIndexes(ConnectionProvider cp, String tbl) | protected void | initKeys(ConnectionProvider cp) | protected void | initKeys(ConnectionProvider cp, int id) | protected void | initKeys(ConnectionProvider cp, int id, String tbl) | public boolean | isTableOrView() Test whether this is really a class, or an interface. | public void | setColumnCollection(DBElementsCollection collection) Set the column collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. | public void | setIndexCollection(DBElementsCollection collection) Set the indwx collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. | public void | setKeyCollection(DBElementsCollection collection) Set the key collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. | public void | setTableOrView(boolean isTable) Set whether this is really a table, or a view. |
TableElementImpl | public TableElementImpl()(Code) | | |
TableElementImpl | public TableElementImpl(String table)(Code) | | Creates new TableElementImpl
getColumn | public ColumnElement getColumn(DBIdentifier name)(Code) | | Find a column by name.
Parameters: name - the name for which to look the column, or null if it does not exist |
getColumnCollection | public DBElementsCollection getColumnCollection()(Code) | | Returns the column collection of this table element. This method
should only be used internally and for cloning and archiving.
the column collection of this table element |
getIndex | public IndexElement getIndex(DBIdentifier name)(Code) | | Find an index by name.
Parameters: name - the name for which to look the index, or null if it does not exist |
getIndexCollection | public DBElementsCollection getIndexCollection()(Code) | | Returns the index collection of this table element. This method
should only be used internally and for cloning and archiving.
the index collection of this table element |
getKey | public KeyElement getKey(DBIdentifier name)(Code) | | Find a key by name.
Parameters: name - the name for which to look the key, or null if it does not exist |
getKeyCollection | public DBElementsCollection getKeyCollection()(Code) | | Returns the key collection of this table element. This method
should only be used internally and for cloning and archiving.
the key collection of this table element |
setColumnCollection | public void setColumnCollection(DBElementsCollection collection)(Code) | | Set the column collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. This method should only be used internally and for
cloning and archiving.
Parameters: collection - the column collection of this table element |
setIndexCollection | public void setIndexCollection(DBElementsCollection collection)(Code) | | Set the indwx collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. This method should only be used internally and for
cloning and archiving.
Parameters: collection - the index collection of this table element |
setKeyCollection | public void setKeyCollection(DBElementsCollection collection)(Code) | | Set the key collection of this table element to the supplied
collection. This method should only be used internally and for
cloning and archiving.
Parameters: collection - the key collection of this table element |