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| org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.nodes.SchemaChildren
SchemaChildren | public class SchemaChildren extends Children.Keys (Code) | | Normal implementation of children list for a table element node.
cpl | protected Collection[] cpl(Code) | | Central memory of mankind is used when some elements are changed
element | protected SchemaElement element(Code) | | The table element whose subelements are represented.
propToFilter | protected static HashMap propToFilter(Code) | | Converts property names to filter.
SchemaChildren | public SchemaChildren(SchemaElement element)(Code) | | Create class children with the default factory.
The children are initially unfiltered.
Parameters: element - attached class element (non-null ) |
SchemaChildren | public SchemaChildren(DBElementNodeFactory factory, SchemaElement element)(Code) | | Create class children.
The children are initially unfiltered.
Parameters: factory - the factory to use to create new children Parameters: element - attached class element (non-null ) |
addNotify | protected void addNotify()(Code) | | |
getFilterClass | public Class getFilterClass()(Code) | | Implementation of filter cookie *********
getKeysOfType | protected Collection getKeysOfType(int elementType)(Code) | | Filters and returns the keys of specified type.
getOrder | protected int[] getOrder()(Code) | | Returns order form filter.
refreshAllKeys | protected void refreshAllKeys()(Code) | | Updates all the keys (elements) according to the current filter &
refreshKeys | protected void refreshKeys(int filter)(Code) | | Updates all the keys with given filter.
removeNotify | protected void removeNotify()(Code) | | |