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public class FlatfileDBTableImpl extends AbstractDBTable implements FlatfileDBTable,Cloneable,Comparable(Code)
Reference implementation for interface org.netbeans.modules.etl.model.DBTable
   Jonathan Giron
   Girish Patil
   Ahimanikya Satapathy

Constructor Summary
public  FlatfileDBTableImpl()
public  FlatfileDBTableImpl(DBTable src)
     Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl, cloning the contents of the given DBTable implementation instance.
public  FlatfileDBTableImpl(FlatfileDBTable src)
     Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl, cloning the contents of the given FlatfileDBTable implementation instance.
public  FlatfileDBTableImpl(String aName)
public  FlatfileDBTableImpl(String aName, String aSchema, String aCatalog)
     Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl with the given name.

Method Summary
public  booleanaddColumn(SQLDBColumn theColumn)
     Adds a DBColumn instance to this table.
  theColumn - column to be added.
public  Objectclone()
     Clone a deep copy of DBTable.
public  intcompareTo(Object refObj)
     Compares DBTable with another object for lexicographical ordering.
public  voidcopyFrom(DBTable source)
     Performs deep copy of contents of given DBTable.
public  voidcopyFrom(FlatfileDBTable source)
     Performs deep copy of contents of given FlatfileDBTable.
public  FlatfileDBColumncreateColumn(String columnName, int jdbcType, int scale, int precision, boolean isPK, boolean isFK, boolean isIndexed, boolean nullable)
     Convenience class to create FlatfileDBColumnImpl instance (with the given column name, data source name, JDBC type, scale, precision, and nullable), and add it to this FlatfileDBTableImpl instance.
protected  voiddeepCopyReferences(DBTable source)
     Perform deep copy of columns.
public  booleanequals(Object obj)
     Overrides default implementation to return value based on memberwise comparison.
public  StringgetCatalog()
public  StringgetCreateStatementSQL()
public  StringgetCreateStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table)
     Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile.
public static  StringgetCreateStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table, String generatedName)
     Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile.
public  StringgetCreateStatementSQL(String directory, String theTableName, String runtimeName, boolean isDynamicFilePath, boolean createDataFileIfNotExist)
     Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile.
public  StringgetDropStatementSQL()
public static  StringgetDropStatementSQL(String generatedTableName)
public static  StringgetDropStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table)
     Gets the SQL Drop statement to drop the text table representing this flatfile.
protected  StringgetElementTagName()
public  StringgetEncodingScheme()
     Gets the encoding scheme.
public  StringgetFileName()
     Gets the file name.
public  StringgetFlatfilePropertiesSQL()
public  StringgetLocalFilePath()
     Gets local path to sample file.
public  StringgetParserType()
     Gets parse type, if any, associated with this flatfile.
public  MapgetProperties()
public  StringgetProperty(String key)
     Gets property string associated with the given name.
public  StringgetSchema()
public  StringgetSelectStatementSQL(int rows)
     Gets the SQL select statement to retrieve a result set displaying this file's contents, using the given value as a limit to the number of rows returned.
public  StringgetTableName()
     Gets the table name.
public  inthashCode()
     Overrides default implementation to compute hashCode value for those members used in equals() for comparison.
protected  voidparseChildren(NodeList childNodeList)
protected  voidparseColumns(Element mapNode)
protected  voidparseProperties(Element mapNode)
public  voidparseXML(Element xmlElement)
public  voidsetEncodingScheme(String newEncoding)
     Sets the encoding scheme.
public  voidsetFileName(String newName)
     Sets the file name.
public  voidsetLocalFilePath(File localFile)
     Sets local path to sample file.
  localFile - File representing path to sample file.
public  voidsetOrPutProperty(String key, Object value)
public  voidsetParseType(String type)
     Sets MutableParseConfigurator instance associated with this flatfile.
public  voidsetProperties(Map newProps)
public  booleansetProperty(String key, Object value)
     Sets the property associated with the given String key to the given value.
 voidsetTableDefinition(Map props)
public  StringtoString()
     Overrides default implementation to return fully-qualified name of this DBTable (including name of parent DatabaseModel).
public  StringtoXMLString(String prefix)
     Marshall this object to XML string.
public  StringtoXMLString(String prefix, boolean tableOnly)
public  voidupdateProperties(Map newProps)

Constructor Detail
public FlatfileDBTableImpl()(Code)

public FlatfileDBTableImpl(DBTable src)(Code)
Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl, cloning the contents of the given DBTable implementation instance.
  src - DBTable instance to be cloned

public FlatfileDBTableImpl(FlatfileDBTable src)(Code)
Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl, cloning the contents of the given FlatfileDBTable implementation instance.
  src - FlatfileDBTable instance to be cloned

public FlatfileDBTableImpl(String aName)(Code)

public FlatfileDBTableImpl(String aName, String aSchema, String aCatalog)(Code)
Creates a new instance of FlatfileDBTableImpl with the given name.
  aName - name of new DBTable instance
  aSchema - schema of new DBTable instance; may be null
  aCatalog - catalog of new DBTable instance; may be null

Method Detail
public boolean addColumn(SQLDBColumn theColumn)(Code)
Adds a DBColumn instance to this table.
  theColumn - column to be added. true if successful. false if failed.

public Object clone()(Code)
Clone a deep copy of DBTable. a copy of DBTable.

public int compareTo(Object refObj)(Code)
Compares DBTable with another object for lexicographical ordering. Null objects and those DBTables with null names are placed at the end of any ordered collection using this method.
  refObj - Object to be compared. -1 if the column name is less than obj to be compared. 0 if the column nameis the same. 1 if the column name is greater than obj to be compared.

public void copyFrom(DBTable source)(Code)
Performs deep copy of contents of given DBTable. We deep copy (that is, the method clones all child objects such as columns) because columns have a parent-child relationship that must be preserved internally.
  source - DBTable providing contents to be copied.

public void copyFrom(FlatfileDBTable source)(Code)
Performs deep copy of contents of given FlatfileDBTable. We deep copy (that is, the method clones all child objects such as columns) because columns have a parent-child relationship that must be preserved internally.
  source - FlatfileDBTable providing contents to be copied.

public FlatfileDBColumn createColumn(String columnName, int jdbcType, int scale, int precision, boolean isPK, boolean isFK, boolean isIndexed, boolean nullable)(Code)
Convenience class to create FlatfileDBColumnImpl instance (with the given column name, data source name, JDBC type, scale, precision, and nullable), and add it to this FlatfileDBTableImpl instance.
  columnName - Column name
  jdbcType - JDBC type defined in SQL.Types
  scale - Scale
  precision - Precision
  isPK - true if part of primary key, false otherwise
  isFK - true if part of foreign key, false otherwise
  isIndexed - true if indexed, false otherwise
  nullable - Nullable new FlatfileDBColumnImpl instance

protected void deepCopyReferences(DBTable source)(Code)
Perform deep copy of columns.
  source - ETLTable whose columns are to be copied.

public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)
Overrides default implementation to return value based on memberwise comparison.
  obj - Object against which we compare this instance true if obj is functionally identical to this ETLTable instance; falseotherwise

public String getCatalog()(Code)

See Also:   org.netbeans.modules.model.database.DBTable.getCatalog

public String getCreateStatementSQL()(Code)
Gets the Create Statement SQL for creating table for a flat file SQL for this Flatfile with getTableName()

public String getCreateStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table)(Code)
Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile.
  table - to use in synthesizing the create statement; if null,the current table name yielded by getName() will be used SQL statement to create a text table representing the contents of thisflatfile

public static String getCreateStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table, String generatedName)(Code)
Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile.
  table - to use in synthesizing the create statement; if null,the current table name yielded by getName() will be used SQL statement to create a text table representing the contents of thisflatfile

public String getCreateStatementSQL(String directory, String theTableName, String runtimeName, boolean isDynamicFilePath, boolean createDataFileIfNotExist)(Code)
Gets the SQL create statement to create a text table representing this flatfile. SQL statement to create a text table representing the contents of thisflatfile

public String getDropStatementSQL()(Code)

public static String getDropStatementSQL(String generatedTableName)(Code)

public static String getDropStatementSQL(SQLDBTable table)(Code)
Gets the SQL Drop statement to drop the text table representing this flatfile.
  table - table to use in synthesizing the drop statement; if null,uses the value yielded by getName() SQLstatement to drop a text table representing the contents of thisflatfile

protected String getElementTagName()(Code)

public String getEncodingScheme()(Code)
Gets the encoding scheme. encoding scheme

public String getFileName()(Code)
Gets the file name. file name

public String getFlatfilePropertiesSQL()(Code)

public String getLocalFilePath()(Code)
Gets local path to sample file. path (in local workstation file system) to file, excluding the filename.

public String getParserType()(Code)
Gets parse type, if any, associated with this flatfile. To set this type, call setParseConfigurator with an appropriate ParseConfigurator instance from the ParseConfiguratorFactory. String representing parse type, or null if none has been defined for thisflatfile.

public Map getProperties()(Code)

public String getProperty(String key)(Code)
Gets property string associated with the given name.
  key - property key property associated with propName, or null if no such property exists.

public String getSchema()(Code)

See Also:   org.netbeans.modules.model.database.DBTable.getSchema

public String getSelectStatementSQL(int rows)(Code)
Gets the SQL select statement to retrieve a result set displaying this file's contents, using the given value as a limit to the number of rows returned.
  rowCount - number of rows to display; 0 returns all available rows SQL statement to select the contents of this file in the column orderspecified by this instance's FlatfileFields.

public String getTableName()(Code)
Gets the table name. Table name

public int hashCode()(Code)
Overrides default implementation to compute hashCode value for those members used in equals() for comparison. hash code for this object
See Also:   java.lang.Object.hashCode

protected void parseChildren(NodeList childNodeList) throws BaseException(Code)

protected void parseColumns(Element mapNode) throws BaseException(Code)

protected void parseProperties(Element mapNode)(Code)

public void parseXML(Element xmlElement) throws BaseException(Code)

public void setEncodingScheme(String newEncoding)(Code)
Sets the encoding scheme.
  newEncoding - encoding scheme

public void setFileName(String newName)(Code)
Sets the file name.
  newName - new file name

public void setLocalFilePath(File localFile)(Code)
Sets local path to sample file.
  localFile - File representing path to sample file. If localFile represents thefile itself, only the directory path will be stored.

public void setOrPutProperty(String key, Object value)(Code)

public void setParseType(String type)(Code)
Sets MutableParseConfigurator instance associated with this flatfile.
  newConfig - new MutableParseConfigurator to associate

public void setProperties(Map newProps)(Code)

public boolean setProperty(String key, Object value)(Code)
Sets the property associated with the given String key to the given value.
  key - key whose associated value is sought
  value - to associate with key

void setTableDefinition(Map props)(Code)

public String toString()(Code)
Overrides default implementation to return fully-qualified name of this DBTable (including name of parent DatabaseModel). table name.

public String toXMLString(String prefix) throws BaseException(Code)
Marshall this object to XML string.
  prefix - XML string

public String toXMLString(String prefix, boolean tableOnly) throws BaseException(Code)

public void updateProperties(Map newProps)(Code)

Fields inherited from org.netbeans.modules.sql.framework.model.impl.AbstractDBTable
final protected static String ATTR_COMMIT_BATCH_SIZE(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String CATALOG_NAME_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String DB_TABLE_REF(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String ID_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String INDENT(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static int INIT_XMLBUF_SIZE(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String MODEL_NAME_TAG(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String SCHEMA_NAME_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String TABLE_NAME_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean aliasUsed(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String catalog(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Map<String, DBColumn> columns(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String description(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean editable(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Map<String, ForeignKey> foreignKeys(Code)(Java Doc)
protected GUIInfo guiInfo(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Map<String, Index> indexes(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String name(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean overrideCatalogName(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean overrideSchemaName(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String overridenCatalogName(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String overridenSchemaName(Code)(Java Doc)
protected DatabaseModel parentDBModel(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PrimaryKeyImpl primaryKey(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String schema(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean selected(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.netbeans.modules.sql.framework.model.impl.AbstractDBTable
public boolean addColumn(SQLDBColumn theColumn)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean addForeignKey(ForeignKeyImpl newFk)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean addIndex(IndexImpl newIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clearForeignKeys()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clearIndexes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void clearOverride(boolean clearCatalogOverride, boolean clearSchemaOverride)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int compareTo(Object refObj)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void copyFrom(DBTable source)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void deepCopyReferences(DBTable source)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean deleteAllColumns()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean deleteColumn(String columnName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getAliasName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getBatchSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getCatalog()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List<DBColumn> getChildSQLObjects()(Code)(Java Doc)
public DBColumn getColumn(String columnName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public List<DBColumn> getColumnList()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Map<String, DBColumn> getColumns()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getDescription()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getDisplayName()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getElementTagName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getFlatFileLocationRuntimeInputName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ForeignKey getForeignKey(String fkName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public List<ForeignKey> getForeignKeys()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getFullyQualifiedName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public GUIInfo getGUIInfo()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Index getIndex(String indexName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public List<Index> getIndexes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public SQLObject getObject(String objectId)(Code)(Java Doc)
public DatabaseModel getParent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public PrimaryKey getPrimaryKey()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getQualifiedName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ForeignKey getReferenceFor(DBTable target)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Set getReferencedTables()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getRuntimeArgumentName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getSchema()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getStagingTableName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getTablePrefix()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUniqueTableName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUserDefinedCatalogName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUserDefinedSchemaName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUserDefinedTableName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isAliasUsed()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isEditable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isInputStatic(String inputName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isSelected()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isUsingFullyQualifiedName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void overrideCatalogName(String nName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void overrideSchemaName(String nName)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void parseChildren(NodeList childNodeList) throws BaseException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void parseXML(Element tableElement) throws BaseException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean references(DBTable pkTarget)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean removeForeignKey(ForeignKeyImpl oldKey)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAliasName(String aName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setAliasUsed(boolean aliasUsed)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean setAllColumns(Map<String, DBColumn> theColumns)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBatchSize(int newSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCatalog(String newCatalog)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setDefaultAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDescription(String newDesc)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEditable(boolean edit)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFlatFileLocationRuntimeInputName(String runtimeArgName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setForeignKeyMap(Map<String, ForeignKey> fkMap)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setName(String newName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParent(SQLDBModel newParent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean setPrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyImpl newPk)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSchema(String newSchema)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSelected(boolean sel)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setStagingTableName(String stName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTablePrefix(String tPrefix)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUserDefinedCatalogName(String newName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUserDefinedSchemaName(String newName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUserDefinedTableName(String newName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUsingFullyQualifiedName(boolean usesFullName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toXMLString(String prefix) throws BaseException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toXMLString(String prefix, boolean tableOnly) throws BaseException(Code)(Java Doc)

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