Captures information needed to determine the parsing configuration of a file to be
imported into an ETL process.
author: Jonathan Giron author: Ahimanikya Satapathy version: $Revision$
Indicates whether this panel contains valid content.
true if panel is valid and iterator can advance to next panel; falseotherwise See Also: org.netbeans.modules.etl.ui.netbeans.wizards.AbstractWizardPanel$Content.hasValidData
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
Parameters: evt - A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source and theproperty that has changed.
Read temporary configuration and content information from the given context object.
Parameters: settings - Context object containing information to configure this panel'sdisplay.
Write temporary configuration and content information to the given context object.
Parameters: settings - Context object to receive config and content information.
This method gets called when a constrained property is changed.
Parameters: evt - a PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event sourceand the property that has changed. exception: PropertyVetoException - if the recipient wishes the property change to berolled back.