getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree theTree, Object value, boolean selected1, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus1) Sets the value of the current tree cell to value.
public boolean
isMouseClickOnCheckBox(Point p) method isMouseClickOnCheckBox is used to determine if the user has clicked the
mouse on the checkbox.
Sets the value of the current tree cell to value. If
selected is true, the cell will be drawn as if selected. If
expanded is true the node is currently expanded and if
leaf is true the node represets a leaf and if hasFocus
is true the node currently has focus. tree is the JTree
the receiver is being configured for. Returns the Component that the
renderer uses to draw the value.
Parameters: theTree - is the tree whose renderer component is requested Parameters: value - is the object that is to be in focus Parameters: selected1 - is true if the object is selected Parameters: expanded - is true if the object is expanded Parameters: leaf - is true if the object is a leaf node Parameters: row - is the row of the object Parameters: hasFocus1 - is true if the object has focus the Component that the renderer uses to draw the value
public boolean isMouseClickOnCheckBox(Point p)(Code)
method isMouseClickOnCheckBox is used to determine if the user has clicked the
mouse on the checkbox.
Parameters: p - is the point to check boolean true if the user has clicked on the checkbox.
public void setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the background color to be used for non selected nodes.
Parameters: newColor - is the new color for background nonselection
public void setBackgroundSelectionColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the color to use for the background if node is selected.
Parameters: newColor - is the new background selection color to use.
public void setBorderSelectionColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the color to use for the border.
Parameters: newColor - is the new color for border selection
public void setTextNonSelectionColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node isn't selected.
Parameters: newColor - is the new color for text nonselection
public void setTextSelectionColor(Color newColor)(Code)
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node is selected.
Parameters: newColor - is the new color for text selection