Query to find Java package roots of unit tests for Java package root of
sources and vice versa.
A default implementation is registered by the
org.netbeans.modules.gsfpath.project module which looks up the
project corresponding to the binary file and checks whether that
project has an implementation of this interface in its lookup. If so, it
delegates to that implementation. Therefore it is not generally necessary
for a project type provider to register its own global implementation of
this query, if it depends on the Java Project module and uses this style.
This interface assumes following mapping pattern between source
files and unit tests: *.java -> *Test.java . This mapping
is used for example for unit test generation and for searching test for
source. Usage of any other pattern will break this functionality.
See Also: Project.getLookup() See Also: org.netbeans.modules.gsfpath.api.queries.UnitTestForSourceQuery author: Tomas Zezula since: org.netbeans.modules.gsfpath.api/1 1.7 |