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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » j2ee » org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ejbjarproject 
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0001:        /*
0003:         *
0004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005:         *
0006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011:         *
0012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
0017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021:         * your own identifying information:
0022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023:         *
0024:         * Contributor(s):
0025:         *
0026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
0028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029:         *
0030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040:         */
0042:        package org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ejbjarproject;
0044:        import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
0045:        import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
0046:        import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
0047:        import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
0048:        import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
0049:        import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
0050:        import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
0051:        import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
0052:        import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
0053:        import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
0054:        import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
0055:        import java.util.ArrayList;
0056:        import java.util.Arrays;
0057:        import java.util.HashSet;
0058:        import java.util.Iterator;
0059:        import java.util.List;
0060:        import;
0061:        import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
0062:        import java.util.Collections;
0063:        import java.util.logging.Level;
0064:        import java.util.logging.Logger;
0065:        import;
0066:        import;
0067:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.client.WebServicesClientConstants;
0068:        import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0069:        import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0070:        import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0071:        import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0072:        import;
0073:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.spi.webservices.WebServicesSupportImpl;
0074:        import;
0075:        import;
0076:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.DDProvider;
0077:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EjbJar;
0078:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EnterpriseBeans;
0079:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Session;
0080:        import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
0081:        import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager;
0082:        import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
0083:        import org.netbeans.api.project.SourceGroup;
0084:        import org.netbeans.api.project.Sources;
0085:        import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
0086:        import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
0087:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
0088:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
0089:        import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
0090:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.webservices.ServiceImplBean;
0091:        import;
0092:        import;
0093:        import;
0094:        import;
0095:        import;
0096:        import;
0097:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.spi.webservices.WebServicesConstants;
0098:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.webservices.WsCompileEditorSupport;
0099:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.webservices.StubDescriptor;
0100:        import;
0101:        import static org.netbeans.modules.websvc.spi.webservices.WebServicesConstants.*;
0102:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ejbjarproject.classpath.ClassPathProviderImpl;
0103:        import;
0104:        import org.openide.ErrorManager;
0106:        /**
0107:         *
0108:         * @author  rico
0109:         * Implementation of WebServicesSupportImpl
0110:         */
0111:        public class EjbJarWebServicesSupport implements  WebServicesSupportImpl {
0113:            private EjbJarProject project;
0114:            private AntProjectHelper helper;
0115:            private ReferenceHelper referenceHelper;
0116:            private ClassPath projectSourcesClassPath;
0118:            /** Creates a new instance of EjbJarWebServicesSupport */
0119:            public EjbJarWebServicesSupport(EjbJarProject project,
0120:                    AntProjectHelper helper, ReferenceHelper referenceHelper) {
0121:                this .project = project;
0122:                this .helper = helper;
0123:                this .referenceHelper = referenceHelper;
0124:            }
0126:            //implementation of WebServicesSupportImpl
0127:            public String generateImplementationBean(String wsName,
0128:                    FileObject pkg, Project project, String delegateData)
0129:                    throws {
0130:                //TODO: RETOUCHE waiting for ejbcore
0131:                //        SessionGenerator sessionGenerator = new SessionGenerator();
0132:                //        return sessionGenerator.generateWebServiceImplBean(wsName, pkg, project, delegateData);
0133:                return null;
0134:            }
0136:            public void addServiceImpl(String serviceName,
0137:                    FileObject configFile, boolean fromWSDL) {
0138:                this .addServiceImpl(serviceName, configFile, fromWSDL, null);
0139:            }
0141:            public void addServiceImpl(String serviceName,
0142:                    FileObject configFile, boolean fromWSDL,
0143:                    String[] wscompileFeatures) {
0145:                //Add properties to file
0146:                EditableProperties ep = helper
0147:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
0148:                String packageName = getPackageName(configFile);
0149:                ep.put(serviceName + CONFIG_PROP_SUFFIX, packageName
0150:                        + (packageName.equals("") ? "" : "/")
0151:                        + configFile.getNameExt()); //NOI18N
0152:                ep.put(serviceName + MAPPING_PROP_SUFFIX, serviceName
0153:                        + MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX); //NOI18N
0154:                // Add property for wscompile
0155:                String featurePropertyName = "wscompile.service." + serviceName
0156:                        + ".features"; // NOI18N
0157:                JAXRPCStubDescriptor stubDesc = null;
0158:                if (fromWSDL) {
0159:                    if (wscompileFeatures != null) {
0160:                        stubDesc = new JAXRPCStubDescriptor(
0161:                                StubDescriptor.WSDL_SERVICE_STUB, NbBundle
0162:                                        .getMessage(
0163:                                                EjbJarWebServicesSupport.class,
0164:                                                "LBL_WSDLServiceStub"),
0165:                                wscompileFeatures);
0166:                    } else {
0167:                        stubDesc = wsdlServiceStub;
0168:                    }
0169:                } else {
0170:                    stubDesc = seiServiceStub;
0171:                }
0172:                String defaultFeatures = stubDesc
0173:                        .getDefaultFeaturesAsArgument();
0174:                ep.put(featurePropertyName, defaultFeatures);
0175:                helper.putProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH,
0176:                        ep);
0178:                //Add web-services information in project.xml
0179:                Element data = helper.getPrimaryConfigurationData(true);
0180:                Document doc = data.getOwnerDocument();
0181:                NodeList nodes = data.getElementsByTagName(WEB_SERVICES); //NOI18N
0182:                Element webservices = null;
0183:                if (nodes.getLength() == 0) {
0184:                    webservices = doc.createElementNS(
0185:                            EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0186:                            WEB_SERVICES); //NOI18N
0187:                    NodeList insertBefore = data.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0188:                            EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0189:                            WebServicesClientConstants.WEB_SERVICE_CLIENTS);
0190:                    if (insertBefore.getLength() <= 0) {
0191:                        insertBefore = data
0192:                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0193:                                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0194:                                        "source-roots"); // NOI18N
0195:                        assert insertBefore.getLength() == 1 : "Invalid project.xml file."; // NOI18N
0196:                    }
0197:                    data.insertBefore(webservices, insertBefore.item(0));
0198:                } else {
0199:                    webservices = (Element) nodes.item(0);
0200:                }
0201:                Element webservice = doc.createElementNS(
0202:                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0203:                        WEB_SERVICE); //NOI18N
0204:                webservices.appendChild(webservice);
0205:                Element webserviceName = doc.createElementNS(
0206:                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0207:                        WEB_SERVICE_NAME); //NOI18N
0208:                webservice.appendChild(webserviceName);
0209:                webserviceName.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(serviceName));
0210:                if (fromWSDL) {
0211:                    Element fromWSDLElem = doc.createElementNS(
0212:                            EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0213:                            "from-wsdl");
0214:                    webservice.appendChild(fromWSDLElem);
0215:                }
0216:                helper.putPrimaryConfigurationData(data, true);
0218:                // Update wscompile related properties.  boolean return indicates whether
0219:                // any changes were made.
0220:                updateWsCompileProperties(serviceName);
0222:                try {
0223:                    ProjectManager.getDefault().saveProject(project);
0224:                } catch ( ioe) {
0225:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe);
0226:                }
0227:            }
0229:            public void addServiceEntriesToDD(String serviceName,
0230:                    String serviceEndpointInterface, String servantClassName) {
0231:                //add service endpoint entry to ejb-jar.xml
0232:                DDProvider provider = DDProvider.getDefault();
0233:                org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar ejbJarModule = org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar
0234:                        .getEjbJars(project)[0];
0235:                org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EjbJar ejbJar = null;
0236:                try {
0237:                    ejbJar = provider.getDDRoot(ejbJarModule
0238:                            .getDeploymentDescriptor());
0239:                } catch ( e) {
0240:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
0241:                }
0243:                if (ejbJar == null) {
0244:                    Logger.getLogger("global").log(
0245:                            Level.SEVERE,
0246:                            NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarWebServicesSupport.class,
0247:                                    "MSG_MissingMetadata"));
0248:                    return;
0249:                }
0251:                EjbJarProvider pwm = project.getLookup().lookup(
0252:                        EjbJarProvider.class);
0253:                pwm.getConfigSupport().ensureConfigurationReady();
0254:                EnterpriseBeans beans = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans();
0255:                Session s = null;
0256:                if (beans == null) {
0257:                    beans = ejbJar.newEnterpriseBeans();
0258:                    ejbJar.setEnterpriseBeans(beans);
0259:                }
0260:                s = beans.newSession();
0261:                s.setEjbName(serviceName);
0262:                s.setDisplayName(serviceName + "SB"); // NOI18N
0263:                s.setEjbClass(servantClassName);
0264:                try {
0265:                    s.setServiceEndpoint(serviceEndpointInterface);
0266:                } catch (org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.VersionNotSupportedException e) {
0267:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
0268:                }
0269:                s.setSessionType("Stateless"); // NOI18N
0270:                s.setTransactionType("Container"); // NOI18N
0271:                beans.addSession(s);
0272:                try {
0273:                    // This also saves server specific configuration, if necessary.
0274:                    ejbJar.write(ejbJarModule.getDeploymentDescriptor());
0275:                } catch ( e) {
0276:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
0277:                }
0278:            }
0280:            public void addServiceImplLinkEntry(
0281:                    ServiceImplBean serviceImplBean, String wsName) {
0282:                serviceImplBean.setEjbLink(wsName);
0283:            }
0285:            /**
0286:             * Get the webservices.xml file object
0287:             */
0288:            public FileObject getWebservicesDD() {
0289:                FileObject metaInfFo = getMetaInf();
0290:                if (metaInfFo == null) {
0291:                    return null;
0292:                }
0293:                return getMetaInf().getFileObject(WEBSERVICES_DD, "xml");
0294:            }
0296:            /**
0297:             *  Returns the directory that contains webservices.xml in the project
0298:             */
0299:            public FileObject getWsDDFolder() {
0300:                return getMetaInf();
0301:            }
0303:            /**
0304:             * Returns the name of the directory that contains the webservices.xml in
0305:             * the archive
0306:             */
0307:            public String getArchiveDDFolderName() {
0308:                return "META-INF"; // NOI18N
0309:            }
0311:            /**
0312:             * Returns the name of the implementation bean class
0313:             * given the ejb-link name
0314:             */
0315:            public String getImplementationBean(String linkName) {
0316:                EjbJar ejbJar = getEjbJar();
0317:                EnterpriseBeans beans = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans();
0318:                Session[] sessionBeans = beans.getSession();
0319:                for (int i = 0; i < sessionBeans.length; i++) {
0320:                    Session sessionBean = sessionBeans[i];
0321:                    if (sessionBean.getEjbName().equals(linkName)) {
0322:                        return sessionBean.getEjbClass();
0323:                    }
0325:                }
0326:                return null;
0327:            }
0329:            public boolean isFromWSDL(String serviceName) {
0330:                Element data = helper.getPrimaryConfigurationData(true);
0331:                NodeList nodes = data.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0332:                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0333:                        WEB_SERVICES); //NOI18N
0334:                Element webservices = null;
0335:                Element wsNameNode = null;
0336:                if (nodes.getLength() == 1) {
0337:                    webservices = (Element) nodes.item(0);
0338:                    NodeList wsNodes = webservices.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0339:                            EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0340:                            WEB_SERVICE); //NOI18N
0341:                    for (int j = 0; j < wsNodes.getLength(); j++) {
0342:                        Element wsNode = (Element) wsNodes.item(j);
0343:                        NodeList wsNameNodes = wsNode
0344:                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0345:                                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0346:                                        WEB_SERVICE_NAME); //NOI18N
0347:                        if (wsNameNodes.getLength() == 1) {
0348:                            wsNameNode = (Element) wsNameNodes.item(0);
0349:                            NodeList nl = wsNameNode.getChildNodes();
0350:                            if (nl.getLength() == 1) {
0351:                                Node n = nl.item(0);
0352:                                if (n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
0353:                                    if (serviceName.equals(n.getNodeValue())) {
0354:                                        NodeList fromWSDLNodes = wsNode
0355:                                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0356:                                                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0357:                                                        WebServicesConstants.WEB_SERVICE_FROM_WSDL); //NOI18N
0358:                                        if (fromWSDLNodes.getLength() == 1) {
0359:                                            return true;
0360:                                        }
0361:                                    }
0362:                                }
0363:                            }
0364:                        }
0365:                    }
0366:                }
0367:                return false;
0368:            }
0370:            public void removeProjectEntries(String serviceName) {
0371:                boolean needsSave = false;
0373:                //Remove entries in the file
0374:                //FIX-ME:we should move this to websvc
0375:                EditableProperties ep = helper
0376:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
0377:                String configProperty = serviceName + CONFIG_PROP_SUFFIX;
0378:                String mappingProperty = serviceName + MAPPING_PROP_SUFFIX;
0379:                if (ep.getProperty(configProperty) != null) {
0380:                    ep.remove(configProperty);
0381:                    needsSave = true;
0382:                }
0383:                if (ep.getProperty(mappingProperty) != null) {
0384:                    ep.remove(mappingProperty);
0385:                    needsSave = true;
0386:                }
0387:                String featureProperty = "wscompile.service." + serviceName
0388:                        + ".features"; // NOI18N
0389:                if (ep.getProperty(featureProperty) != null) {
0390:                    ep.remove(featureProperty);
0391:                    needsSave = true;
0392:                }
0393:                if (needsSave) {
0394:                    helper.putProperties(
0395:                            AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH, ep);
0396:                }
0397:                //Remove entry in the project.xml file (we should move this to websvc)
0398:                Element data = helper.getPrimaryConfigurationData(true);
0399:                NodeList nodes = data.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0400:                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0401:                        WEB_SERVICES); //NOI18N
0402:                Element webservices = null;
0403:                Element wsNameNode = null;
0404:                if (nodes.getLength() == 1) {
0405:                    webservices = (Element) nodes.item(0);
0406:                    NodeList wsNodes = webservices.getElementsByTagNameNS(
0407:                            EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0408:                            WEB_SERVICE); //NOI18N
0409:                    for (int j = 0; j < wsNodes.getLength(); j++) {
0410:                        Element wsNode = (Element) wsNodes.item(j);
0411:                        NodeList wsNameNodes = wsNode
0412:                                .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0413:                                        EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0414:                                        WEB_SERVICE_NAME); //NOI18N
0415:                        if (wsNameNodes.getLength() == 1) {
0416:                            wsNameNode = (Element) wsNameNodes.item(0);
0417:                            NodeList nl = wsNameNode.getChildNodes();
0418:                            if (nl.getLength() == 1) {
0419:                                Node n = nl.item(0);
0420:                                if (n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
0421:                                    if (serviceName.equals(n.getNodeValue())) {
0422:                                        webservices.removeChild(wsNode);
0423:                                        //if there are no more children, remove the web-services node
0424:                                        NodeList children = webservices
0425:                                                .getChildNodes();
0426:                                        if (children.getLength() == 0) {
0427:                                            data.removeChild(webservices);
0428:                                        }
0429:                                        needsSave = true;
0430:                                        break;
0431:                                    }
0432:                                }
0433:                            }
0434:                        }
0435:                    }
0436:                }
0437:                if (needsSave) {
0438:                    helper.putPrimaryConfigurationData(data, true);
0439:                    try {
0440:                        ProjectManager.getDefault().saveProject(project);
0441:                    } catch ( ex) {
0442:                        String mes = NbBundle.getMessage(this .getClass(),
0443:                                "MSG_ErrorSavingOnWSRemove")
0444:                                + serviceName // NOI18N
0445:                                + "'\r\n" + ex.getMessage(); // NOI18N
0446:                        NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0447:                                mes, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0448:                        DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(desc);
0449:                    }
0450:                }
0451:            }
0453:            public void removeServiceEntry(String linkName) {
0454:                //remove ejb  entry in ejb-jar.xml
0455:                org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar ejbJarModule = org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar
0456:                        .getEjbJars(project)[0];
0457:                EjbJar ejbJar = getEjbJar();
0458:                EnterpriseBeans beans = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans();
0459:                Session[] sessionBeans = beans.getSession();
0460:                for (int i = 0; i < sessionBeans.length; i++) {
0461:                    Session sessionBean = sessionBeans[i];
0462:                    if (sessionBean.getEjbName().equals(linkName)) {
0463:                        EjbJarProvider pwm = project.getLookup().lookup(
0464:                                EjbJarProvider.class);
0465:                        pwm.getConfigSupport().ensureConfigurationReady();
0466:                        beans.removeSession(sessionBean);
0467:                        break;
0468:                    }
0469:                }
0470:                try {
0471:                    ejbJar.write(ejbJarModule.getDeploymentDescriptor());
0472:                } catch ( e) {
0473:                    NotifyDescriptor ndd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0474:                            NbBundle.getMessage(this .getClass(),
0475:                                    "MSG_Unable_WRITE_EJB_DD"), // NOI18N
0476:                            NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0477:                    DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(ndd);
0478:                }
0479:            }
0481:            public AntProjectHelper getAntProjectHelper() {
0482:                return helper;
0483:            }
0485:            public ReferenceHelper getReferenceHelper() {
0486:                return referenceHelper;
0487:            }
0489:            /** !PW This method is exposed in the service support API.  Though it's
0490:             *  implementation makes more sense here than anywhere else, perhaps this
0491:             *  and the other project.xml/ related methods in this
0492:             *  object should be refactored into another object that this one delegates
0493:             *  to.  That way, this method would be directly available within the web or
0494:             *  ejb module, as it is needed, and remain missing from the API (where it
0495:             *  probably does not belong at this time.
0496:             */
0497:            private static final String[] WSCOMPILE_SEI_SERVICE_FEATURES = {
0498:            //        "datahandleronly", // WSDL - portable
0499:                    "documentliteral", // SEI ONLY - portable
0500:                    "rpcliteral", // SEI ONLY - portable
0501:                    //        "explicitcontext", // WSDL - portable
0502:                    //        "infix:<name>", // difficult handle with current API
0503:                    //        "jaxbenumtype", // WSDL
0504:                    //        "nodatabinding", // WSDL - portable
0505:                    "noencodedtypes", "nomultirefs",
0506:                    //        "norpcstructures", // import only - portable
0507:                    //        "novalidation", // WSDL - portable
0508:                    //        "resolveidref", // WSDL
0509:                    //        "searchschema", // WSDL - portable
0510:                    "serializeinterfaces", "strict", // - portable
0511:                    "useonewayoperations", // SEI ONLY - portable
0512:                    //        "wsi", // WSDL - portable
0513:                    //        "unwrap", // WSDL - portable
0514:                    "donotoverride", // - portable
0515:            //        "donotunwrap", // WSDL - portable
0516:            };
0518:            private static final List allSeiServiceFeatures = Arrays
0519:                    .asList(WSCOMPILE_SEI_SERVICE_FEATURES);
0521:            private static final String[] WSCOMPILE_KEY_SEI_SERVICE_FEATURES = {
0522:                    "documentliteral", "rpcliteral", "strict",
0523:                    "useonewayoperations", "donotoverride" };
0525:            private static final List importantSeiServiceFeatures = Arrays
0526:                    .asList(WSCOMPILE_KEY_SEI_SERVICE_FEATURES);
0528:            private static final String[] WSCOMPILE_WSDL_SERVICE_FEATURES = {
0529:                    "datahandleronly", // WSDL - portable
0530:                    //        "documentliteral", // SEI ONLY - portable
0531:                    //        "rpcliteral", // SEI ONLY - portable
0532:                    "explicitcontext", // WSDL - portable
0533:                    //        "infix:<name>", // difficult handle with current API
0534:                    "jaxbenumtype", // WSDL
0535:                    "nodatabinding", // WSDL - portable
0536:                    "noencodedtypes", "nomultirefs", "norpcstructures", // import only - portable
0537:                    "novalidation", // WSDL - portable
0538:                    "resolveidref", // WSDL
0539:                    "searchschema", // WSDL - portable
0540:                    "serializeinterfaces", "strict", // - portable
0541:                    //        "useonewayoperations", // SEI ONLY - portable
0542:                    "wsi", // WSDL - portable
0543:                    "unwrap", // WSDL - portable
0544:                    "donotoverride", // - portable
0545:                    "donotunwrap", // WSDL - portable
0546:            };
0548:            private static final List allWsdlServiceFeatures = Arrays
0549:                    .asList(WSCOMPILE_WSDL_SERVICE_FEATURES);
0551:            private static final String[] WSCOMPILE_KEY_WSDL_SERVICE_FEATURES = {
0552:                    "datahandleronly", "explicitcontext", "nodatabinding",
0553:                    "novalidation", "searchschema", "strict", "wsi", "unwrap",
0554:                    "donotoverride", "donotunwrap" };
0556:            private static final List importantWsdlServiceFeatures = Arrays
0557:                    .asList(WSCOMPILE_KEY_WSDL_SERVICE_FEATURES);
0559:            public List/*WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings*/getServices() {
0560:                List<WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings> serviceList = new ArrayList<WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings>();
0562:                // Implementation from getServiceClients() -- FIXME
0563:                Element data = helper.getPrimaryConfigurationData(true);
0564:                NodeList nodes = data
0565:                        .getElementsByTagName(WebServicesConstants.WEB_SERVICES);
0566:                EditableProperties projectProperties = helper
0567:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
0569:                if (nodes.getLength() != 0) {
0570:                    Element serviceElements = (Element) nodes.item(0);
0571:                    NodeList serviceNameList = serviceElements
0572:                            .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0573:                                    EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0574:                                    WebServicesConstants.WEB_SERVICE_NAME);
0575:                    for (int i = 0; i < serviceNameList.getLength(); i++) {
0576:                        Element serviceNameElement = (Element) serviceNameList
0577:                                .item(i);
0578:                        NodeList nl = serviceNameElement.getChildNodes();
0579:                        if (nl.getLength() == 1) {
0580:                            org.w3c.dom.Node n = nl.item(0);
0581:                            if (n.getNodeType() == org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) {
0582:                                String serviceName = n.getNodeValue();
0583:                                String currentFeatures = projectProperties
0584:                                        .getProperty("wscompile.service."
0585:                                                + serviceName + ".features"); // NOI18N
0586:                                StubDescriptor stubType = getServiceStubDescriptor(serviceNameElement
0587:                                        .getParentNode());
0588:                                WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings settings;
0590:                                // !PW The logic for managing wscompile options needs refactoring badly.
0591:                                if (seiServiceStub == stubType) {
0592:                                    if (currentFeatures == null) {
0593:                                        // default for SEI generation
0594:                                        currentFeatures = seiServiceStub
0595:                                                .getDefaultFeaturesAsArgument();
0596:                                    }
0597:                                    settings = new WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings(
0598:                                            serviceName, stubType,
0599:                                            currentFeatures,
0600:                                            allSeiServiceFeatures,
0601:                                            importantSeiServiceFeatures);
0602:                                } else {
0603:                                    if (currentFeatures == null) {
0604:                                        // default for WSDL generation
0605:                                        currentFeatures = wsdlServiceStub
0606:                                                .getDefaultFeaturesAsArgument();
0607:                                    }
0608:                                    settings = new WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings(
0609:                                            serviceName, stubType,
0610:                                            currentFeatures,
0611:                                            allWsdlServiceFeatures,
0612:                                            importantWsdlServiceFeatures);
0613:                                }
0614:                                serviceList.add(settings);
0615:                            } else {
0616:                                // !PW FIXME node is wrong type?! - log message or trace?
0617:                            }
0618:                        } else {
0619:                            // !PW FIXME no name for this service entry - notify user
0620:                        }
0621:                    }
0622:                }
0624:                return serviceList;
0625:            }
0627:            private StubDescriptor getServiceStubDescriptor(
0628:                    org.w3c.dom.Node parentNode) {
0629:                StubDescriptor result = null;
0631:                if (parentNode instanceof  Element) {
0632:                    Element parentElement = (Element) parentNode;
0633:                    NodeList fromWsdlList = parentElement
0634:                            .getElementsByTagNameNS(
0635:                                    EjbJarProjectType.PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE,
0636:                                    WebServicesConstants.WEB_SERVICE_FROM_WSDL);
0637:                    if (fromWsdlList.getLength() == 1) {
0638:                        result = wsdlServiceStub;
0639:                    } else {
0640:                        result = seiServiceStub;
0641:                    }
0642:                }
0644:                return result;
0645:            }
0647:            private boolean updateWsCompileProperties(String serviceName) {
0648:                /** Ensure wscompile.classpath and are
0649:                 *  properly defined.
0650:                 *
0651:                 *  wscompile.classpath goes in project properties and includes
0652:                 *  jaxrpc and qname right now.
0653:                 *
0654:                 * is for tools.jar which is needed when
0655:                 *  running under the Sun JDK to invoke javac.  It is placed in
0656:                 * so that if we compute it incorrectly (say on a mac)
0657:                 *  the user can change it and we will not blow away the change.
0658:                 *  Hopefully we can do this better for release.
0659:                 */
0660:                boolean globalPropertiesChanged = false;
0662:                EditableProperties globalProperties = PropertyUtils
0663:                        .getGlobalProperties();
0664:                if (globalProperties.getProperty(WSCOMPILE_TOOLS_CLASSPATH) == null) {
0665:                    globalProperties.setProperty(WSCOMPILE_TOOLS_CLASSPATH,
0666:                            "${java.home}\\..\\lib\\tools.jar");
0668:                    try {
0669:                        PropertyUtils.putGlobalProperties(globalProperties);
0670:                    } catch ( ex) {
0671:                        String mes = "Error saving global properties when adding for service '"
0672:                                + serviceName + "'\r\n" + ex.getMessage();
0673:                        NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0674:                                mes, NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0675:                        DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(desc);
0676:                    }
0678:                    globalPropertiesChanged = true;
0679:                }
0681:                boolean projectPropertiesChanged = false;
0682:                EditableProperties projectProperties = helper
0683:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
0685:                { // Block that adjusts wscompile.client.classpath as necessary.
0686:                    HashSet<String> wscJars = new HashSet<String>();
0687:                    boolean newWscJars = false;
0688:                    String wscClientClasspath = projectProperties
0689:                            .getProperty(WSCOMPILE_CLASSPATH);
0690:                    if (wscClientClasspath != null) {
0691:                        String[] libs = PropertyUtils
0692:                                .tokenizePath(wscClientClasspath);
0693:                        for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
0694:                            wscJars.add(libs[i]);
0695:                        }
0696:                    }
0698:                    for (int i = 0; i < WSCOMPILE_JARS.length; i++) {
0699:                        if (!wscJars.contains(WSCOMPILE_JARS[i])) {
0700:                            wscJars.add(WSCOMPILE_JARS[i]);
0701:                            newWscJars = true;
0702:                        }
0703:                    }
0705:                    if (newWscJars) {
0706:                        StringBuffer newClasspathBuf = new StringBuffer(256);
0707:                        for (Iterator iter = wscJars.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0708:                            newClasspathBuf.append(;
0709:                            if (iter.hasNext()) {
0710:                                newClasspathBuf.append(":");
0711:                            }
0712:                        }
0713:                        projectProperties.put(WSCOMPILE_CLASSPATH,
0714:                                newClasspathBuf.toString());
0715:                        projectPropertiesChanged = true;
0716:                    }
0717:                }
0719:                // set tools.jar property if not set
0720:                if (projectProperties.getProperty(WSCOMPILE_TOOLS_CLASSPATH) == null) {
0721:                    projectProperties.setProperty(WSCOMPILE_TOOLS_CLASSPATH,
0722:                            "${java.home}\\..\\lib\\tools.jar"); // NOI18N
0723:                    projectPropertiesChanged = true;
0724:                }
0726:                if (projectPropertiesChanged) {
0727:                    helper.putProperties(
0728:                            AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH,
0729:                            projectProperties);
0730:                }
0731:                return globalPropertiesChanged || projectPropertiesChanged;
0732:            }
0734:            public void addInfrastructure(String implBeanClass, FileObject pkg) {
0735:                FileObject implClassFo = pkg.getFileObject(implBeanClass,
0736:                        "java");
0737:                if (implClassFo == null) {
0738:                    return;
0739:                }
0740:                JavaSource targetSource = JavaSource.forFileObject(implClassFo);
0741:                final CancellableTask<WorkingCopy> modificationTask = new CancellableTask<WorkingCopy>() {
0742:                    public void run(WorkingCopy workingCopy) throws IOException {
0743:                        workingCopy.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED);
0744:                        TreeMaker make = workingCopy.getTreeMaker();
0745:                        ClassTree javaClass = SourceUtils
0746:                                .getPublicTopLevelTree(workingCopy);
0747:                        IdentifierTree id = make
0748:                                .Identifier("javax.ejb.SessionBean");
0749:                        ClassTree modifiedClass = make
0750:                                .addClassImplementsClause(javaClass, id);
0752:                        List<? extends Tree> implClauses = javaClass
0753:                                .getImplementsClause();
0754:                        for (Tree implClause : implClauses) {
0755:                            if (implClause.getKind() == Kind.MEMBER_SELECT) {
0756:                                if (((MemberSelectTree) implClause)
0757:                                        .getIdentifier()
0758:                                        .contentEquals("Remote")) {
0759:                                    modifiedClass = make
0760:                                            .removeClassImplementsClause(
0761:                                                    modifiedClass, implClause);
0762:                                    break;
0763:                                }
0764:                            }
0765:                        }
0767:                        VariableTree var = make
0768:                                .Variable(
0769:                                        make
0770:                                                .Modifiers(
0771:                                                        Collections
0772:                                                                .<Modifier> singleton(Modifier.PRIVATE),
0773:                                                        Collections
0774:                                                                .<AnnotationTree> emptyList()),
0775:                                        "context",
0776:                                        make
0777:                                                .Identifier("javax.ejb.SessionContext"),
0778:                                        null);
0779:                        modifiedClass = make.insertClassMember(modifiedClass,
0780:                                0, var);
0782:                        ModifiersTree modifiersTree = make.Modifiers(
0783:                                Collections
0784:                                        .<Modifier> singleton(Modifier.PUBLIC),
0785:                                Collections.<AnnotationTree> emptyList());
0786:                        List<VariableTree> params = new ArrayList<VariableTree>();
0787:                        params.add(make.Variable(make.Modifiers(Collections
0788:                                .<Modifier> emptySet(), Collections
0789:                                .<AnnotationTree> emptyList()), "aContext",
0790:                                make.Identifier("javax.ejb.SessionContext"), // parameter type
0791:                                null // initializer - does not make sense in parameters.
0792:                                ));
0793:                        MethodTree infMethod = make.Method(modifiersTree,
0794:                                "setSessionContext", make.Identifier("void"),
0795:                                Collections.<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(),
0796:                                params, Collections
0797:                                        .<ExpressionTree> emptyList(),
0798:                                "{context = aContext;}", null);
0799:                        modifiedClass = make.addClassMember(modifiedClass,
0800:                                infMethod);
0802:                        params.clear();
0803:                        infMethod = make.Method(modifiersTree, "ejbActivate",
0804:                                make.Identifier("void"), Collections
0805:                                        .<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(),
0806:                                params, Collections
0807:                                        .<ExpressionTree> emptyList(), "{}",
0808:                                null);
0809:                        modifiedClass = make.addClassMember(modifiedClass,
0810:                                infMethod);
0812:                        infMethod = make.Method(modifiersTree, "ejbPassivate",
0813:                                make.Identifier("void"), Collections
0814:                                        .<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(),
0815:                                params, Collections
0816:                                        .<ExpressionTree> emptyList(), "{}",
0817:                                null);
0818:                        modifiedClass = make.addClassMember(modifiedClass,
0819:                                infMethod);
0821:                        infMethod = make.Method(modifiersTree, "ejbRemove",
0822:                                make.Identifier("void"), Collections
0823:                                        .<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(),
0824:                                params, Collections
0825:                                        .<ExpressionTree> emptyList(), "{}",
0826:                                null);
0827:                        modifiedClass = make.addClassMember(modifiedClass,
0828:                                infMethod);
0830:                        infMethod = make.Method(modifiersTree, "ejbCreate",
0831:                                make.Identifier("void"), Collections
0832:                                        .<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(),
0833:                                params, Collections
0834:                                        .<ExpressionTree> emptyList(), "{}",
0835:                                null);
0836:                        modifiedClass = make.addClassMember(modifiedClass,
0837:                                infMethod);
0838:                        workingCopy.rewrite(javaClass, modifiedClass);
0839:                    }
0841:                    public void cancel() {
0842:                    }
0843:                };
0845:                try {
0846:                    targetSource.runModificationTask(modificationTask).commit();
0847:                } catch (IOException e) {
0848:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
0849:                }
0850:                //TODO: RETOUCHE webservices
0851:                //        boolean rollbackFlag = true; // rollback the transaction by default
0852:                //        JavaModel.getJavaRepository().beginTrans(true);
0853:                //        try {
0854:                //            JavaModel.setClassPath(pkg);
0855:                //            JavaMetamodel.getManager().waitScanFinished();
0856:                //            JavaClass clazz = Utils.findClass(implBeanClass);
0857:                //
0858:                //            if (clazz == null) {
0859:                //                ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
0860:                //                        "EjbJarWSSupport.addInfrastructure: Class not found: " + implBeanClass + " for package: " + pkg); //NOI18N
0861:                //                return;
0862:                //            }
0863:                //
0864:                //            //remove java.rmi.Remote interface
0865:                //            List interfaces = clazz.getInterfaceNames();
0866:                //            for (Iterator it = interfaces.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
0867:                //               MultipartId interfaceId = (MultipartId);
0868:                //               if (interfaceId.getElement().getName().equals("java.rmi.Remote")) {
0869:                //                   interfaces.remove(interfaceId);
0870:                //                   break;
0871:                //               }
0872:                //            }
0873:                //
0874:                //            MultipartId id = JavaModelUtil.resolveImportsForClass(clazz, Utils.findClass("javax.ejb.SessionBean"));
0875:                //            if (id!=null) interfaces.add(id);
0876:                //
0877:                //            JavaModelPackage jmp = (JavaModelPackage) clazz.refImmediatePackage();
0878:                //
0879:                //            //add javax.ejb.SessionContext field
0880:                //            JavaClass sessionCtx = Utils.findClass("javax.ejb.SessionContext");
0881:                //            Field field = jmp.getField().createField();
0882:                //            field.setType(sessionCtx);
0883:                //            field.setName("context");
0884:                //            clazz.getContents().add(0,field);
0885:                //
0886:                //            //add setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext aContext) method
0887:                //            Method sessionCtxMethod = jmp.getMethod().createMethod();
0888:                //            sessionCtxMethod.setName("setSessionContext");
0889:                //            Parameter ctxParam = jmp.getParameter().createParameter(
0890:                //                    "aContext",
0891:                //                    Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
0892:                //                    false,
0893:                //                    jmp.getMultipartId().createMultipartId(sessionCtx.getName(), null, null), // type name
0894:                //                    0,
0895:                //                    false);
0896:                //            sessionCtxMethod.getParameters().add(ctxParam);
0897:                //            sessionCtxMethod.setType(Utils.resolveType("void"));
0898:                //            sessionCtxMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
0899:                //            sessionCtxMethod.setBodyText("context = aContext;");
0900:                //            sessionCtxMethod.setJavadocText("@see javax.ejb.SessionBean#setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext)");
0901:                //            clazz.getContents().add(sessionCtxMethod);
0902:                //
0903:                //            //add ejbActivate method
0904:                //            Method ejbActivateMethod = jmp.getMethod().createMethod();
0905:                //            ejbActivateMethod.setName("ejbActivate");
0906:                //            ejbActivateMethod.setType(Utils.resolveType("void"));
0907:                //            ejbActivateMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
0908:                //            ejbActivateMethod.setJavadocText("@see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbActivate()");
0909:                //            clazz.getContents().add(ejbActivateMethod);
0910:                //
0911:                //            //add ejbPassivate method
0912:                //            Method ejbPassivateMethod = jmp.getMethod().createMethod();
0913:                //            ejbPassivateMethod.setName("ejbPassivate");
0914:                //            ejbPassivateMethod.setType(Utils.resolveType("void"));
0915:                //            ejbPassivateMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
0916:                //            ejbPassivateMethod.setJavadocText("@see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbPassivate()");
0917:                //            clazz.getContents().add(ejbPassivateMethod);
0918:                //
0919:                //            //add ejbRemove method
0920:                //            Method ejbRemoveMethod = jmp.getMethod().createMethod();
0921:                //            ejbRemoveMethod.setName("ejbRemove");
0922:                //            ejbRemoveMethod.setType(Utils.resolveType("void"));
0923:                //            ejbRemoveMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
0924:                //            ejbRemoveMethod.setJavadocText("@see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbRemove()");
0925:                //            clazz.getContents().add(ejbRemoveMethod);
0926:                //
0927:                //            //add ejbCreate method
0928:                //            Method ejbCreateMethod = jmp.getMethod().createMethod();
0929:                //            ejbCreateMethod.setName("ejbCreate");
0930:                //            ejbCreateMethod.setType(Utils.resolveType("void"));
0931:                //            ejbCreateMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
0932:                //            ejbCreateMethod.setJavadocText("See section 7.10.3 of the EJB 2.0 specification\nSee section 7.11.3 of the EJB 2.1 specification");
0933:                //            clazz.getContents().add(ejbCreateMethod);
0934:                //
0935:                //            rollbackFlag=false;
0936:                //        } finally {
0937:                //            JavaModel.getJavaRepository().endTrans(rollbackFlag);
0938:                //        }
0939:            }
0941:            private EjbJar getEjbJar() {
0942:                try {
0943:                    // TODO: first one API EjbJar from project is taken... this should be fixed
0944:                    return DDProvider.getDefault().getDDRoot(
0945:                            org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.api.ejbjar.EjbJar
0946:                                    .getEjbJars(project)[0]
0947:                                    .getDeploymentDescriptor());
0948:                } catch ( e) {
0949:                    Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.INFO,
0950:                            e.getLocalizedMessage());
0951:                }
0952:                return null;
0953:            }
0955:            public FileObject getMetaInf() {
0956:                EjbJarProvider provider = project.getLookup().lookup(
0957:                        EjbJarProvider.class);
0958:                return provider.getMetaInf();
0959:            }
0961:            public FileObject getDeploymentDescriptor() {
0962:                FileObject metaInfFo = getMetaInf();
0963:                if (metaInfFo == null) {
0964:                    return null;
0965:                }
0966:                return metaInfFo.getFileObject(EjbJarProvider.FILE_DD);
0967:            }
0969:            private String getPackageName(FileObject file) {
0970:                FileObject parent = file.getParent();
0971:                Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project);
0972:                SourceGroup[] groups = sources
0973:                        .getSourceGroups(JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_TYPE_JAVA);
0974:                String packageName = null;
0975:                for (int i = 0; i < groups.length && packageName == null; i++) {
0976:                    packageName = FileUtil.getRelativePath(groups[i]
0977:                            .getRootFolder(), parent);
0978:                    if (packageName != null) {
0979:                        packageName = groups[i].getName() + "/" + packageName;
0980:                    }
0981:                }
0982:                return packageName + "";
0983:            }
0985:            private FileObject getFileObject(String propname) {
0986:                String prop = helper.getStandardPropertyEvaluator()
0987:                        .getProperty(propname);
0988:                if (prop != null) {
0989:                    return helper.resolveFileObject(prop);
0990:                }
0992:                return null;
0993:            }
0995:            public FileObject getWsdlFolder(boolean create) throws IOException {
0996:                FileObject wsdlFolder = null;
0997:                FileObject metaInf = getMetaInf();
0999:                if (metaInf != null) {
1000:                    wsdlFolder = metaInf.getFileObject(WSDL_FOLDER);
1001:                    if (wsdlFolder == null && create) {
1002:                        wsdlFolder = metaInf.createFolder(WSDL_FOLDER);
1003:                    }
1004:                } else if (create) {
1005:                    // Create was specified, but no META-INF was found, so how do we create it?
1006:                    // Expect an NPE if we return null for this case, but log it anyway.
1007:                    Logger.getLogger("global").log(
1008:                            Level.INFO,
1009:                            NbBundle.getMessage(EjbJarWebServicesSupport.class,
1010:                                    "MSG_MetaInfNotFoundForWsdlFolder"));
1011:                }
1013:                return wsdlFolder;
1014:            }
1016:            public ClassPath getClassPath() {
1017:                synchronized (this ) {
1018:                    if (projectSourcesClassPath == null) {
1019:                        ClassPathProviderImpl cpProvider = project
1020:                                .getClassPathProvider();
1021:                        projectSourcesClassPath = ClassPathSupport
1022:                                .createProxyClassPath(new ClassPath[] {
1023:                                        cpProvider
1024:                                                .getProjectSourcesClassPath(ClassPath.SOURCE),
1025:                                        cpProvider.getJ2eePlatformClassPath(), });
1026:                    }
1027:                    return projectSourcesClassPath;
1028:                }
1029:            }
1031:            // Service stub descriptors
1032:            private static final JAXRPCStubDescriptor seiServiceStub = new JAXRPCStubDescriptor(
1033:                    StubDescriptor.SEI_SERVICE_STUB, NbBundle.getMessage(
1034:                            EjbJarWebServicesSupport.class,
1035:                            "LBL_SEIServiceStub"), // NOI18N
1036:                    new String[] { "documentliteral", "strict",
1037:                            "useonewayoperations" });
1039:            private static final JAXRPCStubDescriptor wsdlServiceStub = new JAXRPCStubDescriptor(
1040:                    StubDescriptor.WSDL_SERVICE_STUB, NbBundle.getMessage(
1041:                            EjbJarWebServicesSupport.class,
1042:                            "LBL_WSDLServiceStub"), // NOI18N
1043:                    new String[] { "wsi", "strict" }); // NOI18N
1045:            /** Stub descriptor for services supported by this project type.
1046:             */
1047:            private static class JAXRPCStubDescriptor extends StubDescriptor {
1049:                private String[] defaultFeatures;
1051:                public JAXRPCStubDescriptor(String name, String displayName,
1052:                        String[] defaultFeatures) {
1053:                    super (name, displayName);
1055:                    this .defaultFeatures = defaultFeatures;
1056:                }
1058:                public String[] getDefaultFeatures() {
1059:                    return defaultFeatures;
1060:                }
1062:                public String getDefaultFeaturesAsArgument() {
1063:                    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(
1064:                            defaultFeatures.length * 32);
1065:                    for (int i = 0; i < defaultFeatures.length; i++) {
1066:                        if (i > 0) {
1067:                            buf.append(",");
1068:                        }
1070:                        buf.append(defaultFeatures[i]);
1071:                    }
1072:                    return buf.toString();
1073:                }
1074:            }
1075:        } | Contact Us
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